我正在为我的同事调试一个宏,我不是代码的原始编写者。话虽如此,问题是在excel更新时创建的,导致宏变得有缺陷 - 应用程序定义或对象定义错误(ERROR'1004')
'calculate aggregated results
For counter_res = 1 To 7
'insert variance of null distribution
Worksheets("results").Cells(22 + counter_res, 2).Value = _
Worksheets("L_S_2008").Cells(2 + counter_res, no_anchors).Value
'mean values of agreement index
Worksheets("results").Cells(22 + counter_res, 3).Value = _
WorksheetFunction.Average(Range(Cells(3, 18 + counter_res), _
Cells(5000, 18 + counter_res)))
'SD of agreement index
Worksheets("results").Cells(22 + counter_res, 4).Value = _
(WorksheetFunction.Var(Range(Cells(3, 18 + counter_res), _
Cells(5000, 18 + counter_res)))) ^ 0.5
'P25 of agreement index
Worksheets("results").Cells(22 + counter_res, 6).Value = _
WorksheetFunction.Percentile(Range(Cells(3, 18 + counter_res), _
Cells(5000, 18 + counter_res)), 0.25)
'Median (P50) of agreement index
Worksheets("results").Cells(22 + counter_res, 7).Value = _
WorksheetFunction.Percentile(Range(Cells(3, 18 + counter_res), _
Cells(5000, 18 + counter_res)), 0.5)
'P25 of agreement index
Worksheets("results").Cells(22 + counter_res, 8).Value = _
WorksheetFunction.Percentile(Range(Cells(3, 18 + counter_res), _
Cells(5000, 18 + counter_res)), 0.75)
[Worksheets("results").Cells(22 + counter_res, 2).Value = Worksheets("L_S_2008").Cells(2 + counter_res, no_anchors).Value]
答案 0 :(得分:1)
工作表的名称不正确,或者变量no_anchors没有列的有效值。调试时,no_anchors有什么价值......?如果为0,那就是问题所在。不能具有列值<1的单元格。 1。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
你可以通过删除所有重复来大量收紧这些代码 - 这可能有助于调试。
中的错误值,或者用于计算的输入表不是您期望的输入表(因为它未明确指定)< / p>
Dim rngCalc As Range, wsf As WorksheetFunction
Set wsf = Application.WorksheetFunction
'calculate aggregated results
For counter_res = 1 To 7
'What sheet is this intended to reference?
'By default it will be the ActiveSheet unless specified
Set rngCalc = Range(Cells(3, 18 + counter_res), _
Cells(5000, 18 + counter_res))
With Worksheets("results").Rows(22 + counter_res)
.Cells(2).Value = Worksheets("L_S_2008").Cells(2 + counter_res, _
no_anchors).Value 'variance
.Cells(3).Value = wsf.Average(rngCalc) 'Mean
.Cells(4).Value = wsf.Var(rngCalc) ^ 0.5 'SD
.Cells(6).Value = wsf.Percentile(rngCalc, 0.25) 'P25
.Cells(7).Value = wsf.Percentile(rngCalc, 0.5) 'Median(P50)
.Cells(8).Value = wsf.Percentile(rngCalc, 0.75) 'P75
End With
Next counter_res