
时间:2015-02-13 16:27:49

标签: php mysql wordpress


Tracking Number | Post Title    | Post Date  | Primary Author | Other Authors 
1153            | Title of Post | 2013/03/06 |  Tom Smith     | 213, 100, 600


SELECT results.ID as ID, results.post_title as post_title, results.post_date  
as post_date, results.post_content as post_content, u.display_name as 
primary_author, results.other_authors as other_authors
FROM (SELECT m.meta_value as ID,p.post_title as post_title, p.post_date as   
post_date,p.post_content as post_content,m2.meta_value as primary_author, 
m3.meta_value as other_authors
FROM wp_posts p
INNER JOIN wp_postmeta m ON (p.ID = m.post_id)
INNER JOIN wp_postmeta m2 ON (p.ID = m2.post_id)
INNER JOIN wp_postmeta m3 ON (p.ID = m3.post_id)
WHERE  p.post_type='post' AND p.post_status NOT IN ('trash') AND   
(m.meta_key='idea_tracking_num' AND m.meta_value != '')
AND m2.meta_key='primary_author' AND m3.meta_key='other_authors'
ORDER BY p.post_date
DESC) as results
INNER JOIN wp_users u on (u.ID = results.primary_author)
INNER JOIN wp_users u2 on (u2.ID = results.other_authors)


SELECT results.ID as ID, results.post_title as post_title, results.post_date    
as post_date, results.post_content as post_content, u.display_name as 
primary_author, u2.display_name as other_authors
FROM (SELECT m.meta_value as ID,p.post_title as post_title, p.post_date as 
post_date,p.post_content as post_content,m2.meta_value as primary_author, 
m3.meta_value as other_authors
FROM wp_posts p
INNER JOIN wp_postmeta m ON (p.ID = m.post_id)
INNER JOIN wp_postmeta m2 ON (p.ID = m2.post_id)
INNER JOIN wp_postmeta m3 ON (p.ID = m3.post_id)
WHERE  p.post_type='post' AND p.post_status NOT IN ('trash') AND 
(m.meta_key='idea_tracking_num' AND m.meta_value != '')
AND m2.meta_key='primary_author' AND m3.meta_key='other_authors'
ORDER BY p.post_date
DESC) as results
INNER JOIN wp_users u on (u.ID = results.primary_author)
INNER JOIN wp_users u2 on (u2.ID = results.other_authors)

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