我是第一次使用谷歌计算引擎。我想设置一个网络负载均衡器(使用静态IP),它可以侦听端口80,但转发到后端服务器,监听端口5555.我发现的所有示例都显示转发80到80,这不是&#39 ;对我而言很有帮助。
答案 0 :(得分:6)
# Setting up API port forwarding from external 80 to internal 5555
export INTERNAL_PORT=5555 #The port number that api is running on.
export EXTERNAL_PORT=80 #The port number that will be exposed externally by the proxy
export ZONE=us-central1-b
export NETWORK=mynetwork
export INSTANCE_GRP="api-us"
export HEALTH_CHECK="api-basic-check"
export BK_SRV_SERVICE="api-srv"
export PROXY_NAME="api-proxy"
export URLMAP_NAME="api-urlmap"
export HTTP_FW_NAME="api-http-fw-rule"
export ADDRESS_NAME="api-external-ip"
export BACKEND_SRV01="apiserver01"
gcloud preview instance-groups --zone $ZONE create $INSTANCE_GRP --network $NETWORK
gcloud preview instance-groups --zone $ZONE instances \
#The load balancing service by default looks for a service with a key of http.
gcloud preview instance-groups --zone $ZONE add-service $INSTANCE_GRP \
--port $INTERNAL_PORT --service http
gcloud compute http-health-checks create $HEALTH_CHECK \
--check-interval 5s --healthy-threshold 2 \
--port $INTERNAL_PORT --timeout 3s --unhealthy-threshold 4 \
gcloud compute backend-services create $BK_SRV_SERVICE \
--http-health-check $HEALTH_CHECK
gcloud compute backend-services add-backend $BK_SRV_SERVICE \
--group $INSTANCE_GRP --zone $ZONE
gcloud compute url-maps create $URLMAP_NAME --default-service $BK_SRV_SERVICE
gcloud compute target-http-proxies create $PROXY_NAME --url-map $URLMAP_NAME
#create a static address to expose externally so that we can keep it if we remove the proxy.
gcloud compute addresses create $ADDRESS_NAME --global
export IP=`gcloud compute addresses describe $ADDRESS_NAME --global --format json | jq --raw-output '.address'`
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create $HTTP_FW_NAME --global \
--target-http-proxy $PROXY_NAME --port-range $EXTERNAL_PORT --address $IP
echo $IP # This is the IP to use for DNS etc...
答案 1 :(得分:2)
目前,端口转发不是GCE负载均衡器(LB)功能:LB将新的传入请求转发到目标池(TP),后者在其实例之间分配。不执行IP或端口映射,因为仅转发传入请求。 LB会按原样暴露端口。因此,对于多个端口,您可以为每个端口定义端口范围或一个不同的LB.