
时间:2015-02-12 01:41:23

标签: python

下面是我的完整代码,其中包含描述每个部分应该运行的内容的注释。在图片中,我已经提供了它,它显示了如何验证每个条件,具体取决于用户输入'y'表示是和'n'表示没有相关症状。 我遇到的问题是我应该只询问最小的问题,以便在不必回答任何其他问题的情况下获得确切条件的诊断。


它应该打印:你是Hypochondriac,只需为发烧输入no,不输入Stuffy Nose。 我必须通过整个调查问卷来显示诊断,但不应该这样。 如何修改我的代码只询问所需的最小问题?

![#描述:Creata医疗诊断程序     #告诉用户他们是否发烧,皮疹,     #a鼻塞,如果他们的耳朵受伤了。

#Get user inputs on whether they have specific conditions
userFever = input("Do you have a fever (y/n): ")

userRash = input("Do you have a rash (y/n): ")

userEar = input("Does your ear hurt (y/n): ")

userNose = input("Do you have a stuffy nose (y/n): ")

#Conditional statements that determine the diagnosis of the user
if userFever == 'n' and userNose == 'n':
    print("Diagnosis: You are Hypchondriac")
elif userFever == 'n' and userNose == 'y':
    print("Diagnosis: You have a Head Cold")
elif userFever == 'y' and userRash == 'n' and userEar == 'y':
    print("Diagnosis: You have an ear infection")
elif userFever == 'y' and userRash == 'n' and userEar == 'n':
    print("Diagnosis: You have the flu")
elif userFever == 'y' and userRash == 'y':
    print("Diagnosis: You have the measles")][1]

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


userFever = input("Do you have a fever (y/n): ")

if userFever == 'n':
    userNose = input("Do you have a stuffy nose (y/n): ")
    if userNose == 'n':
    # The other questions


答案 1 :(得分:0)


from itertools import islice

class Diagnosis:
    diagnoses = ("You are Hypchondriac", "You have a Head Cold", 
        "You have an ear infection", "You have the flu", "You have the measles"
    def __init__(self):
        self.diagnosis = 0  # Consider using an enum for this
        self.queue = (self.check_fever, self.check_nose, self.check_rash, 
    def ask(self, question):
        answer = input(question + " [y/N] ").lower()
        return answer != "" and answer[0] == "y"
    def make(self):
        queue_iter = iter(self.queue)
        for func in queue_iter:
            skip = func()
            # return -1 if you want to break the queue
            if skip == -1:
            if skip > 0:
                next(islice(queue_iter, skip, skip + 1))
    def check_fever(self):
        return 1 if self.ask("Do you have a fever?") else 0
    def check_nose(self):
        if self.ask("Do you have a stuffy nose?"):
            self.diagnosis = 1
        return -1
    def check_rash(self):
        if self.ask("Do you have a rash?"):
            self.diagnosis = 4
            return -1
        return 0
    def check_ear(self):
        if self.ask("Does your ear hurt?"):
            self.diagnosis = 2
            self.diagnosis = 3
        return -1
    def get_result(self):
        return self.diagnoses[self.diagnosis]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    diagnosis = Diagnosis()
    print("Diagnosis: " + diagnosis.get_result()) 


答案 2 :(得分:0)

这是旧的'猜猜谁'游戏 - 也称为二元决策树。


                /                   \
               N                     Y
            blonde?                beard?
           /      \               /      \
          N        Y              N       Y
        Sam      Jane            hat?    Andy
                               /     \
                              N       Y
                             Bob     Fred


class Question(object):
  no = None
  yes = None

  def __init__(self, question):
    self.question = question

  def answer(self):
    r = raw_input("%s (y/N): " % self.question).lower()

    next = self.yes if r == 'y' else self.no

    # check if we need to descend to the next question
    if hasattr(next, 'answer'):
      return next.answer()

    # otherwise just return the answer
    return next 

# create a bunch of questions
male = Question("Are you male?")
blonde = Question("Are you blonde?")
beard = Question("Do you have a beard?")
hat = Question("Are you wearing a hat?")   

# hook up all the questions according to your diagram
male.no = blonde
male.yes = beard
blonde.no = "Sam"
blonde.yes = "Jane"
beard.no = hat
beard.yes = "Andy"
hat.no = "Bob"
hat.yes = "Fred"

# start the whole thing rolling
print "You are %s." % male.answer()