两个表中的SQL MIN值

时间:2015-02-10 18:32:49

标签: sql oracle oracle11g oracle-sqldeveloper


ID1     Timestamp_start_msg_recieved    date        jobid      message time in seconds
1234    5/14/2014 10:02:29              5/14/2014   abc        start 262
1234    5/14/2014 10:02:31              5/14/2014   abc        start 264
1234    5/14/2014 10:02:45              5/14/2014   abc        start 278
1234    5/14/2014 10:02:50              5/14/2014   abc        start 285
1234    5/14/2014 10:09:04              5/14/2014   abc        start 165
1234    5/14/2014 10:09:06              5/14/2014   abc        start 2167
1234    5/14/2014 10:09:16              5/14/2014   abc        start 2180
1234    5/14/2014 10:09:26              5/14/2014   abc        start 2190
1234    5/14/2014 11:45:11              5/14/2014   abc        start 8767
1234    5/14/2014 16:48:20              5/14/2014   abc        start 878
1234    5/14/2014 19:02:52              5/14/2014   abc        start 687
5678    5/14/2014 22:02:52              5/14/2014   pqr        start 501
5678    5/14/2014 23:10:40              5/14/2014   abcd        start 200
ID1     Timestamp_success_msg_recieved  date        jobid  message time in seconds
1234    5/14/2014 10:02:52              5/14/2014   abc    successful 290
1234    5/14/2014 10:09:32              5/14/2014   abc    successful 4280 
1234    5/14/2014 11:45:15              5/14/2014   abc    successful 8774
1234    5/14/2014 11:45:18              5/14/2014   abc    successful 8777
1234    5/14/2014 11:45:19              5/14/2014   abc    successful 8778
1234    5/14/2014 11:45:25              5/14/2014   abc    successful 8784
1234    5/14/2014 16:48:22              5/14/2014   abc    successful 880 
1234    5/14/2014 19:03:00              5/14/2014   abc    successful 699
5678    5/14/2014 22:03:00              5/14/2014   pqr    successful 250
5678    5/19/2014 14:00:16              5/19/2014   pqr    successful 400


ID1  IMESTAMP_for_start_message TIMESTAMP_for_success_message    Date       Jobid    msg  msg start_secs success_secs
1234 5/14/2014 10:02:29         5/14/2014 10:02:52           5/14/2014  abc start success 262 290 
1234 5/14/2014 10:09:04         5/14/2014 10:09:32           5/14/2014  abc start success 165 4280
1234 5/14/2014 11:45:11         5/14/2014 11:45:25           5/14/2014  abc start success 8767 8784
1234 5/14/2014 16:48:20         5/14/2014 16:48:22           5/14/2014  abc start success 878 880
1234 5/14/2014 19:02:52         5/14/2014 19:03:00           5/14/2014  abc start success 687 699
5678 5/14/2014 22:02:52         5/14/2014 22:03:00           5/14/2014  pqr start success 501 699
5678 5/14/2014 23:10:40         null                         5/14/2014  abcd start success 250 null
5678    null                   5/19/2014 14:00:16            5/19/2014  pqr null  success null 400



  (SELECT MIN(smt.column13) timestamp_for_success_message
  FROM success_table1 smt, start_table2 b
    (SMT.id1 = b.id1)
    AND (SMT.jobid = b.jobid)
    AND (SMT.timestamp_for_success_message_recieved >= b.timestamp_for_start_message_recieved)
SELECT distinct a.timestamp_for_success_message_recieved,
FROM data a,
  start_table2 b
order by b.timestamp_start_message_recieved, a.timestamp_for_success_message_recieved, b.jobid, b.id1;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



“开始消息的最小值和start_secs与成功的最小值配对   消息“

我在下面做了,它链接:“264与4280”,而不是“165与4280”,如你所示。由于262与290配对,这意味着264现在是与MIN成功匹配的MIN,4280。 如果您可以进一步澄清您的要求,我可以调整查询。

  with w_start as (
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:02:29','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 262 ') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:02:31','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 264 ') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:02:45','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 278 ') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:02:50','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 285 ') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:09:04','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 165 ') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:09:06','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 2167') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:09:16','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 2180') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:09:26','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 2190') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 11:45:11','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 8767') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 16:48:20','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 878 ') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 19:02:52','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 687 ') msg from dual union all
           select 5678 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 22:02:52','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'pqr' jobid, rtrim('start 501 ') msg from dual union all
           select 5678 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 23:10:40','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abcd' jobid, rtrim('start 200 ') msg from dual 
     w_success as (
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:02:52', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/14/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('successful 290  ') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:09:32', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/14/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('successful 4280 ') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 11:45:15', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/14/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('successful 8774 ') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 11:45:18', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/14/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('successful 8777 ') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 11:45:19', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/14/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('successful 8778 ') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 11:45:25', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/14/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('successful 8784 ') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 16:48:22', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/14/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('successful 880  ') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 19:03:00', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/14/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('successful 699  ') msg from dual union all
           select 5678 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 22:03:00', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/14/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'pqr' jobid, rtrim('successful 250  ') msg from dual union all
           select 5678 id1, to_date('05/19/2014 14:00:16', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/19/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'pqr' jobid, rtrim('successful 400  ') msg from dual 
     w_sub1 as (
           select id1, jobid, dt, t_start, msg,
                    row_number() over (partition by id1, jobid
                                      order by t_start ) l1
             from w_start
     w_sub2 as (
           select id1, jobid, dt, t_end, msg,
                    row_number() over (partition by id1, jobid
                                      order by t_end ) l2
             from w_success
  select nvl(a.id1,b.id1) id1, nvl(a.jobid, b.jobid) jobid, nvl(a.dt, b.dt) dt, 
           t_start, t_end, 
           a.msg, b.msg, l1, l2
    from w_sub1  a
        FULL OUTER JOIN w_sub2  b
           ON a.id1      = b.id1
          and a.jobid    = b.jobid
          and a.dt       = b.dt
          and a.l1       = b.l2
   order by 1, 4, 5, 2

         ID1 JOBI DT                   T_START              T_END                MSG        MSG                     L1         L2
  ---------- ---- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- --------------- ---------- ----------
        1234 abc  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 10:02:29 14-may-2014 10:02:52 start 262  successful 290           1          1
        1234 abc  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 10:02:31 14-may-2014 10:09:32 start 264  successful 4280          2          2
        1234 abc  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 10:02:45 14-may-2014 11:45:15 start 278  successful 8774          3          3
        1234 abc  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 10:02:50 14-may-2014 11:45:18 start 285  successful 8777          4          4
        1234 abc  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 10:09:04 14-may-2014 11:45:19 start 165  successful 8778          5          5
        1234 abc  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 10:09:06 14-may-2014 11:45:25 start 2167 successful 8784          6          6
        1234 abc  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 10:09:16 14-may-2014 16:48:22 start 2180 successful 880           7          7
        1234 abc  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 10:09:26 14-may-2014 19:03:00 start 2190 successful 699           8          8
        1234 abc  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 11:45:11                      start 8767                          9
        1234 abc  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 16:48:20                      start 878                          10
        1234 abc  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 19:02:52                      start 687                          11
        5678 pqr  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 22:02:52 14-may-2014 22:03:00 start 501  successful 250           1          1
        5678 abcd 14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 23:10:40                      start 200                           1
        5678 pqr  19-may-2014 00:00:00                      19-may-2014 14:00:16            successful 400                      2

  14 rows selected.

答案 1 :(得分:0)

试图了解您之后的情况,您似乎想要完全忽略所列时间的SECONDS组件?如果它们匹配,则将结果时间视为重复(即9:21 = 9:31 ..从9:00 = 9:00)。

如果是这样的话,那么这个查询会返回你的样本(除了你的错字#34; 11:45:15"显示为" 11:45:25" ;)

  with w_start as (
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:02:29','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 262 ') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:02:31','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 264 ') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:02:45','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 278 ') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:02:50','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 285 ') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:09:04','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 165 ') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:09:06','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 2167') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:09:16','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 2180') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:09:26','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 2190') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 11:45:11','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 8767') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 16:48:20','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 878 ') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 19:02:52','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 687 ') msg from dual union all
           select 5678 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 22:02:52','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'pqr' jobid, rtrim('start 501 ') msg from dual union all
           select 5678 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 23:10:40','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abcd' jobid, rtrim('start 200 ') msg from dual 
     w_success as (
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:02:52', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/14/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('successful 290  ') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:09:32', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/14/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('successful 4280 ') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 11:45:15', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/14/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('successful 8774 ') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 11:45:18', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/14/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('successful 8777 ') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 11:45:19', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/14/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('successful 8778 ') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 11:45:25', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/14/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('successful 8784 ') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 16:48:22', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/14/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('successful 880  ') msg from dual union all
           select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 19:03:00', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/14/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('successful 699  ') msg from dual union all
           select 5678 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 22:03:00', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/14/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'pqr' jobid, rtrim('successful 250  ') msg from dual union all
           select 5678 id1, to_date('05/19/2014 14:00:16', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/19/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'pqr' jobid, rtrim('successful 400  ') msg from dual 
     w_sub1 as ( select id1, jobid, dt, t_start, msg, 
                       row_number() over (partition by id1, jobid
                                      order by t_start ) l1
                   from (
                          select id1, jobid, dt, t_start, msg,
                                 row_number() over (partition by id1, jobid, trunc(t_start,'MI')
                                                     order by msg ) r1
                            from w_start
                  where r1 = 1
     w_sub2 as ( select id1, jobid, dt, t_end, msg,
                    row_number() over (partition by id1, jobid
                                      order by t_end ) l2
                   from (
                          select id1, jobid, dt, t_end, msg,
                                   row_number() over (partition by id1, jobid, trunc(t_end,'MI')
                                                     order by msg ) r2
                            from w_success
                  where r2 = 1
  select nvl(a.id1,b.id1) id1, nvl(a.jobid, b.jobid) jobid, nvl(a.dt, b.dt) dt, 
           t_start, t_end, 
           a.msg, b.msg, l1, l2
    from w_sub1  a
        FULL OUTER JOIN w_sub2  b
           ON a.id1      = b.id1
          and a.jobid    = b.jobid
          and a.dt       = b.dt
          and a.t_start  < b.t_end
          and a.l1       = b.l2
   order by 1, 4, 4, 2

         ID1 JOBI DT                   T_START              T_END                MSG        MSG                     L1         L2
  ---------- ---- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- --------------- ---------- ----------
        1234 abc  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 10:02:29 14-may-2014 10:02:52 start 262  successful 290           1          1
        1234 abc  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 10:09:04 14-may-2014 10:09:32 start 165  successful 4280          2          2
        1234 abc  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 11:45:11 14-may-2014 11:45:15 start 8767 successful 8774          3          3
        1234 abc  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 16:48:20 14-may-2014 16:48:22 start 878  successful 880           4          4
        1234 abc  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 19:02:52 14-may-2014 19:03:00 start 687  successful 699           5          5
        5678 pqr  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 22:02:52 14-may-2014 22:03:00 start 501  successful 250           1          1
        5678 abcd 14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 23:10:40                      start 200                           1
        5678 pqr  19-may-2014 00:00:00                      19-may-2014 14:00:16            successful 400                      2

  8 rows selected.