from flask import Flask, render_template, session, redirect, url_for, flash
from flask.ext.script import Manager
from flask.ext.bootstrap import Bootstrap
from flask.ext.moment import Moment
from flask.ext.wtf import Form
from wtforms import StringField, SubmitField
from wtforms.validators import Required
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'hard to guess string'
manager = Manager(app)
bootstrap = Bootstrap(app)
moment = Moment(app)
class NameForm(Form):
name = StringField('What is your name?', validators=[Required()])
submit = SubmitField('Submit')
def page_not_found(e):
return render_template('404.html'), 404
def internal_server_error(e):
return render_template('500.html'), 500
@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def index():
form = NameForm()
if form.validate_on_submit():
old_name = session.get('name')
if old_name is not None and old_name != form.name.data:
flash('Looks like you have changed your name!')
session['name'] = form.name.data
print session['name']
return redirect(url_for('index'))
return render_template('index.html', form=form, name=session.get('name'))
@app.route('/submitted_form/', methods=['GET, POST'])
def submitted_form():
name = session.get('name')
print name
return render_template('submitted_form.html', name=name)
if __name__ == '__main__':
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% import "bootstrap/wtf.html" as wtf %}
{% block title %}Flasky{% endblock %}
{% block page_content %}
<div class="page-header">
<h1>Hello, {% if name %}{{ name }}{% else %}Stranger{% endif %}!</h1>
{% endblock %}
答案 0 :(得分:1)
@app.route('/submitted_form/', methods=['GET, POST'])
@app.route('/submitted_form/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
进来时它会拒绝它,因此405 Method Not Allowed