Here's the codepen: http://codepen.io/ferret/pen/emeXpg
JS below, in which the only real DOM reference is to "polygon" and the SVG id of quilt:
var rC = randomColor({count:140}); //init random color generator
var quilt = Snap.select('#quilt'); //tell snap to look at the SVG called quilt.
var allPolys = new Array(); //set up empty array
var foundPolys = document.getElementsByTagName("polygon"); //get all the polygons in the DOM
allPolys.push(foundPolys); //push them into the empty array
console.log(allPolys); //make sure it went in (HTMLCollection w/ #)
var numPolys = allPolys.length; //get the array length
//allPolys is now an array of all the polygons woop woop!
function snow() {
for (i = 0; i <= numPolys; i++) { //iterate thru dem polys
return allPolys[i].id = 'tri-' + i; //give them unique ideas (tri-1, tri-2 etc)
var flakeId = flakes[i].id; //set their id as a variable
var flake = flakes.select(flakeId); // Select each individual flake from our list
var cx = flake.getBBox().cx; // Get its initial coordinates
var cy = flake.getBBox().cy;
animateFlake(flake, cx, cy); // Send it to be infinitely animated
} //eachPoly
function animateFlake(flake, cx, cy){
var $scroller = ($(window).scrollTop()/2).toFixed(1),
timing = $scroller * 140;// Random transition time between times we specify
var flakeint = flake.attr({ transform:'0 0'}); // Reset the flake's position to behind the cloud
var deg = getRandomArbitrary(-360,360); // Random rotation (allows it to go either direction)
// Animate the flake and do a new animation for it when it's done (repeat this function)
flake.stop().animate({transform: 't0 200 r'+deg+' '+cx+' '+cy}, timing, function(){ animateFlake(flake, cx, cy);});
if ($scroller <=0) {
var $percentageComplete = (($(window).scrollTop()/($("html").height()- $(window).height()))*100),
$scroller = $(window).scrollTop()*0.7,
$scrollsex = $scroller / 100,
$tileTop = $(".tiles").offset().top + 50,
$wH = $(window).height(),
if ($scroller <= $tileTop) { //if the amount you've scrolled is less than ~ the div height then keep animating this left.
$(".tileGo").css("-webkit-transform","rotate(" + $scroller + "deg)").animate({"left":$scroller}, $scrollsex);
// Lets us get random numbers from within a range we specify. From MDN docs.
function getRandomArbitrary(min, max) {
return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;