
时间:2015-02-09 10:57:33

标签: extjs

我想在其他网格的工具提示上添加此网格请帮帮我。 下面的代码是我的网格面板示例使用Extjs创建。 它检查网格是否已经创建,以便显示另一个网格。 function createAdminGridView(){     var myGrid = Ext.getCmp(' AdminReportGrid');

if (myGrid) {
var extAdminReportGrid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
    renderTo: CFM.Common.Common.GetExtID('divGridViewAdminDisplay', 'ReportAdminOption'),
    requires: [
    id: 'AdminReportGrid',
    singleSelect: false,
    columnLines: true,
    width: 700,
    height: 230,
    store: CFM.MySharedData.PayeeReport,
    emptyText: 'No record found.',
    autoCreate: false,
    loadMask: true,
    selModel: {
        selType: 'rowmodel',
        pruneRemoved: false
    multiSelect: true,
    viewConfig: {
        trackOver: false
    verticalScroller: {
        variableRowHeight: true
    plugins: [
                    Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {
                        ptype: 'cellediting',
                        clicksToEdit: 1,
                        listeners: {
    /* listeners: {
    beforeedit: function (editor, e, eOpts) {
    if ((e.record.get('PaidStatus') == 'True' ))
    alert('Cannot edit column');
    return false;
    else {
    return true;
    columns: [
                            hidden: true,
                            dataIndex: 'CompanyID'

                             hidden: true,
                             dataIndex: 'AccountantCommissionID'

                         header: 'Company Name',
                         dataIndex: 'CompanyName',
                         width: 190,
                         cls: 'report-grid-header'
                          header: 'Accoutant Name',
                          dataIndex: 'AccoutantName',
                          width: 190,
                          cls: 'report-grid-header'
                    header: 'Payment Date',
                    width: 100,
                    dataIndex: 'PaymentDate',    // the name of the field in the model
                    renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('d-m-Y'),    // the column type
                    cls: 'report-grid-header'
                    header: 'Commission Amount',
                    dataIndex: 'CommissionAmount',
                    width: 140,
                    cls: 'report-grid-header',
                    align: 'right',
                    renderer: Ext.util.Format.numberRenderer('000000000.00')

                    xtype: 'checkcolumn',
                    header: 'Paid Status',
                    id: 'PaidStatus',
                    /* header:ColumnHidden,*/
                    dataIndex: 'PaidStatus',
                    width: 80,
                    cls: 'report-grid-header',
                    /* baseCls: 'my-custom-grid-lightskyblue',*/
                    stopSelection: false,
                    listeners: {
                        beforecheckchange: function (column, row, checked, opts) {
                            if (Ext.getCmp('AdminReportGrid').getStore().data.items[row].dirty == false) {
                                var PaidStatus = Ext.getCmp('AdminReportGrid').getStore().data.items[row].data['PaidStatus'];
                                if (PaidStatus == true) {
                                    Ext.MessageBox.alert('Paid Status', 'Commission is Already paid...');
                                    return false;
                                else {
                                    return true;


                        xtype: 'checkboxfield'



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