
时间:2015-02-08 22:01:21

标签: php api twitter sentiment-analysis

我正在制作一个应用程序,它使用Twitter API接收用户的推文,其中一个组件是从推文文本中提取情绪。对于开发我正在使用xampp,当然使用Apache HTML Server作为我的工作区。我正在使用Eclipse for PHP作为IDE。

对于情绪提取我正在使用uClassify Sentiment Classifier。分类器使用API​​来接收大量请求,并且每个请求都会发回XML数据,从中可以解析情绪值。





function updateIndex($timeline, $connection, $user_handle, $json_index, $most_recent) {
    // URL arrays for uClassify API calls
    $urls = [ ];
    $urls_id = [ ];

    // halt if no more new tweets are found
    $halt = false;
    // set to 1 to skip first tweet after 1st batch
    $j = 0;
    // count number of new tweets indexed
    $count = 0;
    while ( (count ( $timeline ) != 1 || $j == 0) && $halt == false ) {
        $no_of_tweets_in_batch = 0;
        $n = $j;
        while ( ($n < count ( $timeline )) && $halt == false ) {
            $tweet_id = $timeline [$n]->id_str;
            if ($tweet_id > $most_recent) {
                $text = $timeline [$n]->text;
                $tokens = parseTweet ( $text );
                $coord = extractLocation ( $timeline, $n );
                addSentimentURL ( $text, $tweet_id, $urls, $urls_id );
                $keywords = makeEntry ( $tokens, $tweet_id, $coord, $text );
                foreach ( $keywords as $type ) {
                    $json_index [] = $type;
                $n ++;
                $no_of_tweets_in_batch ++;
            } else {
                $halt = true;
        if ($halt == false) {
            $tweet_id = $timeline [$n - 1]->id_str;

            $timeline = $connection->get ( 'statuses/user_timeline', array (
                    'screen_name' => $user_handle,
                    'count' => 200,
                    'max_id' => $tweet_id 
            ) );
            // skip 1st tweet after 1st batch
            $j = 1;
        $count += $no_of_tweets_in_batch;

    $json_index = extractSentiments ( $urls, $urls_id, $json_index );

    echo 'Number of tweets indexed: ' . ($count);
    return $json_index;


function extractSentiments($urls, $urls_id, &$json_index) {
    $responses = multiHandle ( $urls );
    // add sentiments to all index entries
    foreach ( $json_index as $i => $term ) {
        $tweet_id = $term ['tweet_id'];
        foreach ( $urls_id as $j => $id ) {
            if ($tweet_id == $id) {
                $sentiment = parseSentiment ( $responses [$j] );
                $json_index [$i] ['sentiment'] = $sentiment;
    return $json_index;


这是一次处理uClassify API调用的地方:

function multiHandle($urls) {

    // curl handles
    $curls = array ();

    // results returned in xml
    $xml = array ();

    // init multi handle
    $mh = curl_multi_init ();

    foreach ( $urls as $i => $d ) {
        // init curl handle
        $curls [$i] = curl_init ();

        $url = (is_array ( $d ) && ! empty ( $d ['url'] )) ? $d ['url'] : $d;

        // set url to curl handle
        curl_setopt ( $curls [$i], CURLOPT_URL, $url );

        // on success, return actual result rather than true
        curl_setopt ( $curls [$i], CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );

        // add curl handle to multi handle
        curl_multi_add_handle ( $mh, $curls [$i] );

    // execute the handles
    $active = null;
    do {
        curl_multi_exec ( $mh, $active );
    } while ( $active > 0 );

    // get xml and flush handles
    foreach ( $curls as $i => $ch ) {
        $xml [$i] = curl_multi_getcontent ( $ch );
        curl_multi_remove_handle ( $mh, $ch );

    // close multi handle
    curl_multi_close ( $mh );

    return $xml;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

问题在于一次性为curl提供过多的URL。我很惊讶你可以同时管理500个,因为我已经看到人们抱怨甚至200个问题。This guy has some clever code一次只有100个,但是每次完成后添加下一个,但是我注意他把它编辑成一次只做5次。


至于你为什么会崩溃,对这个问题的评论表明原因可能是达到操作系统文件句柄的最大数量:What is the maximum number of cURL connections set by?而其他建议只是使用了大量的带宽,CPU和内存。 (如果您在Windows上,打开任务管理器应该允许您查看是否是这种情况;在Linux上使用top