
时间:2015-02-08 18:41:07

标签: python caching geopy





from geopy import geocoders
def geocode( address ):
    # address ~= "175 5th Avenue NYC"
    g = geocoders.GoogleV3()
    cache = addressCached( address )

    if ( cache != False ): 
        # We have seen this exact address before,
        # return the saved location
        return cache

    # Otherwise, get a new location from geocoder
    location = g.geocode( address )

    saveToCache( address, location )
    return location

def addressCached( address ):
    # What does this look like?

def saveToCache( address, location ):
    # What does this look like?

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)



因此,在很多情况下,我选择sqlite3,这是一个优秀的,非常轻量级的SQL引擎,它是Python标准库的一部分。除非我喜欢,例如我需要运行的MySQL实例,但一个优点可能是这将允许在不同节点上运行的多个应用程序共享"缓存" - 其他DB(SQL和非DB)对后者都有好处,具体取决于您的约束和偏好。



已添加:由于评论提示sqlite3可能是可以接受的,并且代码中最好显示了一些重要的详细信息(例如,如何将geopy.location.Location的实例序列化和反序列化为sqlite3 blob - 其他底层数据库可能会出现类似的问题,并且解决方案类似),我决定在代码中最好地展示解决方案示例。所以,作为" geo cache"显然最好作为自己的模块实现,我写了以下简单的geocache.py ...:

import geopy
import pickle
import sqlite3

class Cache(object):
    def __init__(self, fn='cache.db'):
       self.conn = conn = sqlite3.connect(fn)
       cur = conn.cursor()
       cur.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '
                   'Geo ( '
                   'address STRING PRIMARY KEY, '
                   'location BLOB '

    def address_cached(self, address):
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
        cur.execute('SELECT location FROM Geo WHERE address=?', (address,))
        res = cur.fetchone()
        if res is None: return False
        return pickle.loads(res[0])

    def save_to_cache(self, address, location):
        cur = self.conn.cursor()
        cur.execute('INSERT INTO Geo(address, location) VALUES(?, ?)',
                    (address, sqlite3.Binary(pickle.dumps(location, -1))))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # run a small test in this case
    import pprint

    cache = Cache('test.db')
    address = '1 Murphy St, Sunnyvale, CA'
    location = cache.address_cached(address)
    if location:
        print('was cached: {}\n{}'.format(location, pprint.pformat(location.raw)))
        print('was not cached, looking up and caching now')
        g = geopy.geocoders.GoogleV3()
        location = g.geocode(address)
        print('found as: {}\n{}'.format(location, pprint.pformat(location.raw)))
        cache.save_to_cache(address, location)
        print('... and now cached.')

我希望这里所说的想法足够清晰 - 每种设计选择都有其他选择,但我试图保持简单(特别是,我使用一个简单的例子 - 暨迷你 - 直接运行此模块时测试,代替适当的单元测试套件......)。

关于序列化到/从blob的位置,我已选择pickle使用"最高协议" (-1)协议 - cPickle当然在Python 2中会更好(更快:-)但是这些天我尝试编写的代码与Python 2一样好或者3,除非我有具体的理由否则:-)。当然,我为测试中使用的sqlite数据库使用了不同的文件名test.db,因此您可以毫无疑问地将其擦除以测试某些变体,而默认文件名意味着在&中使用#34;生产"代码保持不变(非常可疑的设计选择,使用相对的文件名 - 意思是"在当前目录中#34; - 但是以适当的方式来决定放置这样一个文件的位置与平台有关,我不想在这里进入这样的exoterica: - )。


答案 1 :(得分:2)


if address in cached:

答案 2 :(得分:2)


from geopy import geocoders
cache = {}

def geocode( address ):
    # address ~= "175 5th Avenue NYC"
    g = geocoders.GoogleV3()
    cache = addressCached( address )

    if ( cache != False ): 
        # We have seen this exact address before,
        # return the saved location
        return cache

    # Otherwise, get a new location from geocoder
    location = g.geocode( address )

    saveToCache( address, location )
    return location

def addressCached( address ):
    global cache
    if address in cache:
        return cache[address]
    return None

def saveToCache( address, location ):
    global cache
    cache[address] = location

答案 3 :(得分:0)

这是使用python shelve包进行透明和持久缓存的简单实现:

import geopy
import shelve
import time

class CachedGeocoder:
    def __init__(self, source = "Nominatim", geocache = "geocache.db"):
        self.geocoder = getattr(geopy.geocoders, source)()
        self.db = shelve.open(geocache, writeback = True)
        self.ts = time.time()+1.1
    def geocode(self, address):
        if not address in self.db:
            time.sleep(max(1 -(time.time() - self.ts), 0))
            self.ts = time.time()
            self.db[address] = self.geocoder.geocode(address)
        return self.db[address]

geocoder = CachedGeocoder()
print geocoder.geocode("San Francisco, USA")
