
时间:2015-02-05 18:41:40

标签: cakephp cakephp-appmodel



    <?php echo $this->Form->create('User', array('type' => 'file')); ?>
        <legend><?php echo __('Add User'); ?></legend>
            echo $this->Form->file('User.user_image');
            echo $this->Form->input('', array( 'label' => 'Nombre'));
            echo $this->Form->input('User.last_name', array( 'label' => 'Apellidos' ));
            echo $this->Form->input('', array( 'label' => 'E-Mail' ));
            echo $this->Form->input('User.password', array( 'label' => 'Contraseña' ));
            echo $this->Form->input('', array( 'label' => 'Telefono' ));
            //echo $this->Form->input('created_ip_connection');
            //echo $this->Form->input('last_ip_connection'); 
            echo $this->Form->input('User.group_id', array('empty' => 'Elige un rol',  'label' => 'Rol de Usuario'));
        <div style="display: none;" id="companyAdd">
            <legend><?php echo __('Datos de Compañia'); ?></legend>
                echo $this->Form->input('Address.exterior_number', array( 'label' => 'Numero Exterior', 'required' => false ));
                echo $this->Form->input('Address.internal_number', array( 'label' => 'Numero Interior', 'required' => false ));
                echo $this->Form->input('Address.street', array( 'label' => 'Calle', 'required' => false ));
                echo $this->Form->input('Address.suburby', array( 'label' => 'Colonia', 'required' => false ));
                echo $this->Form->input('Address.country_id', array('empty' => 'Selecciona País', 'label' => 'Pais', 'required' => false));
                echo $this->Form->input('Address.state_id', array('empty' => 'Selecciona País', 'label' => 'Estado', 'required' => false));
                echo $this->Form->input('Address.city_id', array('empty' => 'Selecciona Estado', 'label' => 'Municipio', 'required' => false));
                echo $this->Form->input('', array( 'label' => 'Nombre de Compañia', 'required' => false ));
                echo $this->Form->input('Company.description', array( 'label' => 'Descripción de Compañia', 'required' => false ));
                echo $this->Form->input('Company.bank_acc', array( 'label' => 'Cuenta de Banco', 'required' => false ));
                echo $this->Form->input('Company.rfc', array( 'label' => 'RFC', 'required' => false ));
        <div style="display: none;" id="userAdd">
            <legend><?php echo __('Datos de Comprador/Proveedor'); ?></legend>
                echo $this->Form->input('Buyer.company_id', array('empty' => 'Elige Comapñia', 'label' => 'Compañia', 'required' => false));

<?php echo $this->Form->end(__('Registrar')); ?>


public function register(){
    $this->layout = 'generalLayout'; 
    if ($this->request->is('post')) {
        if($this->request->data['User']['group_id'] == 1){
                //Check if image has been uploaded
                    $file = $this->data['User']['user_image']; //put the data into a var for easy use

                    $ext = substr(strtolower(strrchr($file['name'], '.')), 1); //get the extension
                    $arr_ext = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif'); //set allowed extensions

                    //only process if the extension is valid
                    if(in_array($ext, $arr_ext))
                        //do the actual uploading of the file. First arg is the tmp name, second arg is
                        //where we are putting it
                        $destinationPath = 'images\users\\';
                        $randomCode = substr(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)), 5, 5);
                        $filename = $this->data['User']['name'].'_'.$randomCode."_".$file['name'];
                        move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], WWW_ROOT . $destinationPath . $filename);

                        //prepare the filename for database entry
                        $this->request->data['User']['user_image'] = $filename;
                $this->request->data['User']['created_ip_connection'] = $this->request->clientIp();
                $this->request->data['User']['last_ip_connection'] = $this->request->clientIp();
                if ($this->User->saveAll($this->request->data['User'])) {
                    $this->Session->setFlash(__('The user has been saved.'));
                    return $this->redirect(array('action' => 'register'));
                } else {
                    $this->Session->setFlash(__('The user could not be saved. Please, try again.'));
                //now do the save
                //$this->products->save($this->data) ;
        if($this->request->data['User']['group_id'] == 2){
                //Check if image has been uploaded
                    $file = $this->data['User']['user_image']; //put the data into a var for easy use

                    $ext = substr(strtolower(strrchr($file['name'], '.')), 1); //get the extension
                    $arr_ext = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif'); //set allowed extensions

                    //only process if the extension is valid
                    if(in_array($ext, $arr_ext))
                        //do the actual uploading of the file. First arg is the tmp name, second arg is
                        //where we are putting it
                        $destinationPath = 'images\users\\';
                        $randomCode = substr(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)), 5, 5);
                        $filename = $this->data['User']['name'].'_'.$randomCode."_".$file['name'];
                        move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], WWW_ROOT . $destinationPath . $filename);

                        //prepare the filename for database entry
                        $this->request->data['User']['user_image'] = $filename;
                $this->request->data['User']['created_ip_connection'] = $this->request->clientIp();
                $this->request->data['User']['last_ip_connection'] = $this->request->clientIp();
                if ($this->User->saveAll($this->request->data)) {
                    $this->Session->setFlash(__('The user has been saved.'));
                    return $this->redirect(array('action' => 'register'));
                } else {
                    $this->Session->setFlash(__('The user could not be saved. Please, try again.'));
                //now do the save
                //$this->products->save($this->data) ;
        if($this->request->data['User']['group_id'] == 3){
            $this->Session->setFlash(__('Group 3 Happened'));
            return $this->redirect(array('action' => 'register'));
        /*$this->Session->setFlash(__('Nothing Happened'));
        return $this->redirect(array('action' => 'register'));*/

    $groups = $this->User->Group->find('list');
    $companies = $this->User->Company->find('list');


public $hasOne = array(
    'Buyer' => array(
        'className' => 'Buyer',
        'foreignKey' => 'user_id',
        'conditions' => '',
        'fields' => '',
        'order' => ''
    'Company' => array(
        'className' => 'Company',
        'foreignKey' => 'user_id',
        'conditions' => '',
        'fields' => '',
        'order' => ''
    'Provider' => array(
        'className' => 'Provider',
        'foreignKey' => 'user_id',
        'conditions' => '',
        'fields' => '',
        'order' => ''

我想通过表单向控制器发送所需的信息(意味着模型取决于所选的组)。或者在控制器中仅使用发送的模型来保存我想要的模型。我怎么能做这个工作。 saveAll不起作用因为我也通过表单发送没有信息的其他模型。我怎么能做这个工作?


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

好的,我发现了怎么做。我使用了Saving Related Model Data方法。我只是根据所创建用户的类型,从表单发送的数据中使用我想要的信息。我离开了视野,模特没有动过。我只更改了group_id为2(普通用户)和3(半管理员用户)时的控制器。使用模型关系和发送的信息,我可以使用每个模型的save()方法,具体取决于我给出的信息。这是代码我希望它可以帮助某人:

$this->layout = 'generalLayout'; 
    if ($this->request->is('post')) {
        if($this->request->data['User']['group_id'] == 1){
                //Check if image has been uploaded
                    $file = $this->data['User']['user_image']; //put the data into a var for easy use

                    $ext = substr(strtolower(strrchr($file['name'], '.')), 1); //get the extension
                    $arr_ext = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif'); //set allowed extensions

                    //only process if the extension is valid
                    if(in_array($ext, $arr_ext))
                        //do the actual uploading of the file. First arg is the tmp name, second arg is
                        //where we are putting it
                        $destinationPath = 'images\users\\';
                        $randomCode = substr(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)), 5, 5);
                        $filename = $this->data['User']['name'].'_'.$randomCode."_".$file['name'];
                        move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], WWW_ROOT . $destinationPath . $filename);

                        //prepare the filename for database entry
                        $this->request->data['User']['user_image'] = $filename;
                $this->request->data['User']['created_ip_connection'] = $this->request->clientIp();
                $this->request->data['User']['last_ip_connection'] = $this->request->clientIp();
                if ($this->User->saveAll($this->request->data['User'])) {
                    $this->Session->setFlash(__('The user has been saved.'));
                    return $this->redirect(array('action' => 'register'));
                } else {
                    $this->Session->setFlash(__('The user could not be saved. Please, try again.'));
                //now do the save
                //$this->products->save($this->data) ;
        if($this->request->data['User']['group_id'] == 2){
                //Check if image has been uploaded
                    $file = $this->data['User']['user_image']; //put the data into a var for easy use

                    $ext = substr(strtolower(strrchr($file['name'], '.')), 1); //get the extension
                    $arr_ext = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif'); //set allowed extensions

                    //only process if the extension is valid
                    if(in_array($ext, $arr_ext))
                        //do the actual uploading of the file. First arg is the tmp name, second arg is
                        //where we are putting it
                        $destinationPath = 'images\users\\';
                        $randomCode = substr(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)), 5, 5);
                        $filename = $this->data['User']['name'].'_'.$randomCode."_".$file['name'];
                        move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], WWW_ROOT . $destinationPath . $filename);

                        //prepare the filename for database entry
                        $this->request->data['User']['user_image'] = $filename;
                $this->request->data['User']['created_ip_connection'] = $this->request->clientIp();
                $this->request->data['User']['last_ip_connection'] = $this->request->clientIp();
                if ($this->User->save($this->request->data['User'])) {
                    //Obtener el Id de user guardado
                    $userId = $this->User->id;
                    $this->request->data['Buyer']['user_id'] = $userId;
                    $this->request->data['Provider'] = $this->request->data['Buyer'];
                    if ($this->User->Buyer->save($this->request->data['Buyer']) && $this->User->Provider->save($this->request->data['Provider'])){
                        $this->Session->setFlash(__('The user has been saved.'));
                        return $this->redirect(array('action' => 'register'));
                    } else {
                        $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Buyer or Provider could not be saved. Please, try again.'));

                } else {
                    $this->Session->setFlash(__('The user could not be saved. Please, try again.'));
                //now do the save
                //$this->products->save($this->data) ;
        if($this->request->data['User']['group_id'] == 3){
            /*echo print_r($this->request->data);
            return false;*/
                //Check if image has been uploaded
                    $file = $this->data['User']['user_image']; //put the data into a var for easy use

                    $ext = substr(strtolower(strrchr($file['name'], '.')), 1); //get the extension
                    $arr_ext = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif'); //set allowed extensions

                    //only process if the extension is valid
                    if(in_array($ext, $arr_ext))
                        //do the actual uploading of the file. First arg is the tmp name, second arg is
                        //where we are putting it
                        $destinationPath = 'images\users\\';
                        $randomCode = substr(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)), 5, 5);
                        $filename = $this->data['User']['name'].'_'.$randomCode."_".$file['name'];
                        move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], WWW_ROOT . $destinationPath . $filename);

                        //prepare the filename for database entry
                        $this->request->data['User']['user_image'] = $filename;
                //Save the user 
                $this->request->data['User']['created_ip_connection'] = $this->request->clientIp();
                $this->request->data['User']['last_ip_connection'] = $this->request->clientIp();
                if ($this->User->save($this->request->data['User'])) {
                    //Get the id of the user I just saved
                    $userId = $this->User->id;
                    if ($this->User->Company->Address->save($this->request->data["Address"])) {
                        $addressId = $this->User->Company->Address->id;
                        $this->request->data['Company']['user_id'] = $userId;
                        $this->request->data['Company']['address_id'] = $addressId;
                        $this->request->data['Company']['permision'] = true;
                        if ($this->User->Company->save($this->request->data["Company"])) {
                            $companyId = $this->User->Company->id;
                            $this->request->data['Buyer']['user_id'] = $userId;
                            $this->request->data['Buyer']['company_id'] = $companyId;
                            $this->request->data['Provider'] = $this->request->data['Buyer'];
                            if ($this->User->Buyer->save($this->request->data['Buyer']) && $this->User->Provider->save($this->request->data['Provider'])){
                                $this->Session->setFlash(__('The user has been saved.'));
                                return $this->redirect(array('action' => 'register'));
                            } else {
                                $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Buyer or Provider could not be saved. Please, try again.'));
                        } else {
                            $this->Session->setFlash(__('The company could not be saved. Please, try again.'));
                    } else {
                        $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Address could not be saved. Please, try again.'));
                } else {
                    $this->Session->setFlash(__('The user could not be saved. Please, try again.'));

                //now do the save
                //$this->products->save($this->data) ;
        /*$this->Session->setFlash(__('Nothing Happened'));
        return $this->redirect(array('action' => 'register'));*/

    $groups = $this->User->Group->find('list');
    $companies = $this->User->Company->find('list');