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public class NearMeView : ContentPage
private ListView _listView;
private MyViewModel _viewModel;
public NearMeView ()
_viewModel = new MyViewModel ();
BindingContext = _viewModel;
_listView = new ListView (){
ItemTemplate = CreateItemTemplate ()//Here you will set th data templates for each row and in each label nameLabel.SetBinding<Item> (Label.TextProperty, x => x.Name);
_listView.SetBinding<MyViewModel> (ListView.ItemsSourceProperty, x => x.Rows);
public class MyViewModel : ViewModel
List<Item>Rows;//will be populated from your DB each item will represent a Row, so you just need to remove from this list the item and automatically from the View should be removed the row.
// Method that you need to remove filter etc.
private DataTemplate CreateItemTemplate ()
{//this metod create the layout that you want to apply for each row in this example there are 3 columns, in each column there is a label, each label is binded to an element of the ItemSourceProperty of the ListView
return new DataTemplate (() => {
var nameLabel = new Label ();
var typeLabel = new Label ();
var distanceLabel = new Label (){ HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.EndAndExpand,VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center };
nameLabel.SetBinding<BranchModel> (Label.TextProperty, x => x.Name);
typeLabel.SetBinding<BranchModel> (Label.TextProperty, x => x.Type);
distanceLabel.SetBinding<BranchModel> (Label.TextProperty,x=> x.Distance);
var leftStack = new StackLayout (){
Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
Children = { nameLabel, typeLabel },
Padding = new Thickness (8,0,0,0)
return new ViewCell () {
View = new StackLayout () {
Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
Spacing = 5,
Children = { leftStack, distanceLabel },
Padding = new Thickness (0,0,0,8)