function playVideo(video_number) {
//remove all previous event listeners for the video element node
var el = document.getElementById('video'),
elClone = el.cloneNode(true);
el.parentNode.replaceChild(elClone, el);
//define the array that has information about our videos.
//array defines the following:
//[0]=path to video, [1]=video title, [2]=color code for visual,
//[3]=next video to play in list
var video_array = [
['./video1.mp4', 'VIDEO 1 TITLE', 'red', 1], //
['./video2.mp4', 'VIDEO 2 TITLE', 'green', 2], //
['./video3.mp4', 'VIDEO 3 TITLE', 'blue', 3], //
['./video4.mp4', 'VIDEO 4 TITLE', 'orange', 0], //
//get all the elements we're going to be using
var t = document.getElementById('title');
var v = document.getElementById('video');
var s = document.getElementById('source');
var p = document.getElementById('progress');
t.innerHTML = video_array[video_number][1]; //set the title of the video
t.style.color = video_array[video_number][2];
p.className = 'progress-bar ' + 'btn' + (video_number + 1);
v.src = video_array[video_number][0];
//add event listener for the progress bar update
v.addEventListener('timeupdate', function() {
p.style.width = ( (v.currentTime / v.duration) * 100 ).toFixed(4) + '%';
}, false);
//do some stuff when the video ends
v.addEventListener('ended', function() {
//remove the listener for the progress bar
v.removeEventListener('timeupdate', function() {
console.log('removed the progress bar listener')
}, false);
console.log('video ' + video_number + ' ended');
//play the next video in the list ...
}, false);
} //end function playVideo()