如何在地图循环Leaflet JS上复制标记位置

时间:2015-02-04 12:04:17

标签: javascript maps leaflet markers

我使用Leaflet JS构建自定义地图(使用自定义图块),它从东向西循环。我添加了几层标记和多边形(用于指示地图中的路线),每个标记都有弹出日期。我想在原始图层左右两侧的克隆地图循环中看似相同的位置复制标记/多边形图层。

  var mapMinZoom = 2;
  var mapMaxZoom = 6;

  var tiles = L.tileLayer('../bigger_map/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
    unloadInvisibleTiles : false,
    reuseTiles : true,
    updateWhenIdle : false,
    continousWorld : true,
    noWrap: false          

  var marker = L.marker([-110.25, 120.6875]).bindPopup("<iframe src='http://player.vimeo.com/video/114950712'>Vimeo</iframe>"),
      markerSecond = L.marker([ -85.71875, 111.8125]).bindPopup("<a href='#vid' class='fancybox-media'>  click me </a>"),
      markerThird = L.marker([ -71, 100]).bindPopup("<a href='#vid' class='fancybox-media'>  click me </a>"),
      markerFourth = L.marker([ -62.75, 82.75]).bindPopup("<iframe src='http://player.vimeo.com/video/114950712'>Vimeo</iframe>"),
      markerFifth = L.marker([ -52.5, 48]).bindPopup("<a href='#vid' class='fancybox-media'>  click me </a>"),
      markerSixth = L.marker([ -75.75, 57]).bindPopup("<a href='#vid' class='fancybox-media'>  click me </a>");

  var polygon = L.polygon([ [-110.25, 120.6875], [ -85.71875, 111.8125] ]),
      polygonSecond = L.polyline([ [-85.71875, 111.8125], [ -71, 100] ]), 
      polygonThird = L.polyline([[ -71, 100], [ -62.75, 82.75] ]),
      polygonFourth = L.polyline([[ -62.75, 82.75], [ -52.5, 48] ]),
      polygonFifth = L.polyline([ [ -52.5, 48],  [-75.75, 57] ]);   

  var americaTour = L.layerGroup([marker, markerSecond, markerThird, markerFourth, markerFifth, markerSixth]); 
  var americaPolys = L.layerGroup([ polygon, polygonSecond, polygonThird, polygonThird, polygonFourth, polygonFifth]);   

  var map = L.map('map', {
    maxZoom: mapMaxZoom,
    minZoom: mapMinZoom,
    layers: [tiles, americaTour, americaPolys],
    //inertia options
    //where the map builds momentum while dragging and continues moving in the same direction for some time.
    inertiaDecelartion : 3000,
    inertiaMaxSpeed    : 1500,
    inertiaThershold   : 32,
    crs: L.CRS.Simple

  var mapBounds = new L.LatLngBounds(
      map.unproject([0, 14295], mapMaxZoom),
      map.unproject([15816, 0], mapMaxZoom));


 map.panTo(new L.LatLng(-110.25, 120.6875));


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:10)

在地图选项中使用'worldCopyJump': true



