sub Main_Menu{
# --------------------
# Create GUI interface
# --------------------
my $mw = MainWindow->new();
$mw->resizable (0,0); # No resize
# --------------------------------------
# Create a frame for user authentication
# --------------------------------------
my $sub_frm = $mw->LabFrame(-bd => 2,
-label => "Input File",
)->place(-x => 10, -y => 10);
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Create a Button and Text for inputing File in multiple
# -------------------------------------------------------
foreach ("Add File 1","Add File 2","Add File 3","Add File 4","Add File 5","Add File 6","Add File 7","Add File 8","Add File 9","Add File 10"){
$sub_frm_insert = $sub_frm->Frame(-bd => 2)
->pack(-side => 'top',
-fill => 'x');
$input_btn_1 = $sub_frm_insert->Button(-text => "$_",
-font => $Normal_Font,
-command =>\&sub_insert,
-width => '15')-> pack(
-side => 'left');
#text area definition
$input_text_1 = $sub_frm_insert->Text(-foreground => "black",
-background => "grey",
-width => "37",
-height => "2" )->pack(
-side => 'right');
# -----------
# Subroutines
# -----------
sub sub_insert{
$insert_fl = $sub_frm_insert->getOpenFile(
-title=>"Open File",
-filetypes=>\@types) or return unless(defined($insert_fl));
my $check_insert = &check_insert_fl($insert_fl);
if ($check_insert){
push (@Files, $insert_fl);
$input_text_1->insert("end", $insert_fl."\n");
# Only allowed one file
if (@Files eq 0){
$input_btn_1->configure(-state =>'normal');
$input_btn_1->configure(-state =>'disabled');
$insert_fl = (); #reset value
$input_text_1 = ();
$input_btn_1 = ();
$message_box_warning = $sub_frm_insert->messageBox(
-title => "File Error"
-message => "The extention should be .txt",
-type => "OK",
-icon => "error");
# $insert_fl = (); #Reset Value
当我尝试运行并获取10个文件中的2个时,突然停止并且无法插入更多文件。 有人可以帮我解决这个问题吗?