[编辑 - >这是我的简洁问题:为什么printList()在main()中识别Person * head = NULL而在使用它来设置当前指针等于head时不是全局指针?]
int main(){
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
//Person *head = NULL;
printf("\nmain head:%p \n", head);
head = (Person *)malloc(sizeof(Person));
printf("\nmain head:%p \n", head);
head->name[0] = '\0';
head->next = NULL;
head->previous = NULL;
main head:0000000000000000
main head:00000000003F1390
Enter add, insert or delete for Person functions: print
printList head:00000000003F1390 Person:1 Total People:1
Enter add, insert or delete for Person functions:
在main()中声明Person * head并将其初始化为NULL,我得到了所需的结果。 为什么会这样?为什么我不能初始化全局指针并获得相同的期望结果?
int main(){
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
Person *head = NULL;
printf("\nmain head:%p \n", head);
head = (Person *)malloc(sizeof(Person));
printf("\nmain head:%p \n", head);
head->name[0] = '\0';
head->next = NULL;
head->previous = NULL;
main head:0000000000000000
main head:00000000005E1390
Enter add, insert or delete for Person functions: print
printList head:0000000000000000 Total People:0
Enter add, insert or delete for Person functions:
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
typedef struct S_PersonInLine{
char name[16];
struct S_PersonInLine *next;
struct S_PersonInLine *previous;
//pointer to head of the list
//This isn't a global head pointer(wrong). It doesn't go into main (wrong). False it does go into main but it doesn't give the intended result from the printList
Person *head = NULL; //this allows the functions to access the head pointer
Person *makePerson();
void *addPerson();
void *insert();
void *delete();
void printList();
void cleanUp();
int main(){
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); //Figure out what this thing does again and why its necessary
Person *head = NULL;
printf("\nmain head:%p \n", head);
head = (Person *)malloc(sizeof(Person));
printf("\nmain head:%p \n", head);
head->name[0] = '\0';
head->next = NULL;
head->previous = NULL;
char input[16];
char command[16];
printf("Enter add, insert or delete for Person functions: ");
while( fgets(input , 15 , stdin) ){
sscanf(input, "%s", command);
if ( strcmp(command, "quit") == 0 ){
} else if ( strcmp(command, "print") == 0 ){
printf("Enter add, insert or delete for Person functions: ");
return 0;
void printList(){
Person *current = head;
printf("\nprintList head:%p ", head);
int count = 0;
while(current != NULL){
printf("Person:%d %s", count, current->name);
current = current->next;
printf("Total People:%d\n", count);
答案 0 :(得分:2)
函数未使用全局实例。当您在Person *head = NULL;
时,它会声明一个局部变量(即,您没有修改全局实例)。相反,您只需键入head = NULL;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
建议从main()中删除以下行(完全) 像他们 1)掩盖全局变量'head' 2)将第一个条目放入链表 这就是计数等的原因 什么都没有特别插入链表
Person *head = NULL;
printf("\nmain head:%p \n", head);
head = (Person *)malloc(sizeof(Person));
printf("\nmain head:%p \n", head);
head->name[0] = '\0';
head->next = NULL;
head->previous = NULL;
注意:在打印功能中,检查'head'的内容 在进入任何引用某个偏移量的循环之前不是NULL 从'head'开始检查,代码将尝试 取消引用内存地址0,导致 未定义的行为,可以/将导致seg故障事件