PLY - 返回多个令牌

时间:2015-02-01 04:10:14

标签: python compiler-construction lexical-analysis ply

AFAIK lexing Python源代码的技术是:

  • 当前行的缩进级别小于前一行时,生成DEDENT。如果关闭多个INDENT,则生成多个DEDENT。
  • 当达到输入结束时,如果有未关闭的INDENT,则生成DEDENT。


  • 如何从t_definition返回多个令牌?
  • 如何在达到EOF时调用t_definition?简单的\Z不起作用 - PLY抱怨它与空字符串匹配。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


最小词法分析器实现需要实现token()方法,该方法返回具有typevalue属性的对象。 (如果您的解析器使用它,您也需要它,但我不会在此担心。)

现在,让我们假设底层(PLY生成的)词法分析器生成NEWLINE个标记,其值是换行符后面的前导空格的长度。如果某些行不参与INDENT / DEDENT算法,则应该为这些行抑制NEWLINE;我们在这里不考虑这种情况。一个简单的示例词法分析器函数(仅适用于空格而非制表符)可能是:

# This function doesn't handle tabs. Beware!
def t_NEWLINE(self, t):
  t.value = len(t.value) - 1 - t.value.rfind('\n')
  return t


# This code hasn't been tested much and it also may be inefficient
# and/or inexact. It doesn't do python-style tab handling. Etc. etc.

from collections import namedtuple, deque

# These are the tokens. We only generate one of each here. If
# we used lineno or didn't trust the parser to not mess with the
# token, we could generate a new one each time.
IndentToken = namedtuple('Token', 'type value')
dedent = IndentToken('DEDENT', None)
indent = IndentToken('INDENT', None)
newline= IndentToken('NEWLINE', None)

class IndentWrapper(object):

  def __init__(self, lexer):
    """Create a new wrapper given the lexer which is being wrapped"""
    self.lexer = lexer
    self.indent_stack = [0]
    # A queue is overkill for this case, but it's simple.
    self.token_queue = deque()
    # This is just in case the ply-generated lexer cannot be called again
    # after it returns None.
    self.eof_reached = False

  def token(self):
    """Return the next token, or None if end of input has been reached"""
    # Do we have any queued tokens?
    if self.token_queue:
      return self.token_queue.popleft()
    # Are we done?
    if self.eof_reached:
      return None
    # Get a token
    t = self.lexer.token()
    if t is None:
      # At end of input, we might need to send some dedents
      self.eof_reached = True
      if len(self.indent_stack) > 1:
        t = dedent
        for i in range(len(self.indent_stack) - 1):
        self.indent_stack = [0]
    elif t.type == "NEWLINE":
      # The NEWLINE token includes the amount of leading whitespace.
      # Fabricate indent or dedents as/if necessary and queue them.
      if t.value > self.indent_stack[-1]:
        while t.value < self.indent_stack[-1]:
        if t.value != self.indent_stack[-1]:
          raise IndentError # Or however you indicate errors
    return t