private void dataGridView1_BindingContextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (dataGridView1.DataSource == null) return;
foreach (DataGridViewColumn col in dataGridView1.Columns)
col.HeaderCell = new DataGridViewAutoFilterColumnHeaderCell(col.HeaderCell);
dataGridView1.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells;
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private void SetDropDownListBoxBounds()
Debug.Assert(filters.Count > 0, "filters.Count <= 0");
// Declare variables that will be used in the calculation,
// initializing dropDownListBoxHeight to account for the
// ListBox borders.
Int32 dropDownListBoxHeight = 6; // You must change!!!!!
Int32 currentWidth = 0;
Int32 dropDownListBoxWidth = 0;
Int32 dropDownListBoxLeft = 0;
// For each formatted value in the filters dictionary Keys collection,
// add its height to dropDownListBoxHeight and, if it is wider than
// all previous values, set dropDownListBoxWidth to its width.
using (Graphics graphics = dropDownListBox.CreateGraphics())
foreach (String filter in filters.Keys)
SizeF stringSizeF = graphics.MeasureString(
filter, dropDownListBox.Font);
dropDownListBoxHeight += (Int32)stringSizeF.Height;
currentWidth = (Int32)stringSizeF.Width;
if (dropDownListBoxWidth < currentWidth)
dropDownListBoxWidth = currentWidth;
// Increase the width to allow for horizontal margins and borders.
dropDownListBoxWidth += 40; //You must change !!!
// Constrain the dropDownListBox height to the
// DropDownListBoxMaxHeightInternal value, which is based on
// the DropDownListBoxMaxLines property value but constrained by
// the maximum height available in the DataGridView control.
if (dropDownListBoxHeight > DropDownListBoxMaxHeightInternal)
dropDownListBoxHeight = DropDownListBoxMaxHeightInternal;
// If the preferred height is greater than the available height,
// adjust the width to accommodate the vertical scroll bar.
dropDownListBoxWidth += SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth;
// Calculate the ideal location of the left edge of dropDownListBox
// based on the location of the drop-down button and taking the
// RightToLeft property value into consideration.
if (this.DataGridView.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.No)
dropDownListBoxLeft = DropDownButtonBounds.Right -
dropDownListBoxWidth + 1;
dropDownListBoxLeft = DropDownButtonBounds.Left - 1;
// Determine the left and right edges of the available horizontal
// width of the DataGridView control.
Int32 clientLeft = 1;
Int32 clientRight = this.DataGridView.ClientRectangle.Right;
if (this.DataGridView.DisplayedRowCount(false) <
if (this.DataGridView.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes)
clientLeft += SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth;
clientRight -= SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth;
// Adjust the dropDownListBox location and/or width if it would
// otherwise overlap the left or right edge of the DataGridView.
if (dropDownListBoxLeft < clientLeft)
dropDownListBoxLeft = clientLeft;
Int32 dropDownListBoxRight =
dropDownListBoxLeft + dropDownListBoxWidth + 1;
if (dropDownListBoxRight > clientRight)
if (dropDownListBoxLeft == clientLeft)
dropDownListBoxWidth -=
dropDownListBoxRight - clientRight;
dropDownListBoxLeft -=
dropDownListBoxRight - clientRight;
if (dropDownListBoxLeft < clientLeft)
dropDownListBoxWidth -= clientLeft - dropDownListBoxLeft;
dropDownListBoxLeft = clientLeft;
// Set the ListBox.Bounds property using the calculated values.
dropDownListBox.Bounds = new Rectangle(dropDownListBoxLeft,
DropDownButtonBounds.Bottom, // top of drop-down list box
dropDownListBoxWidth, dropDownListBoxHeight);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the actual maximum height of the drop-down list, in pixels.
/// The maximum height is calculated from the DropDownListBoxMaxLines
/// property value, but is limited to the available height of the
/// DataGridView c`enter code here`ontrol.