连接MS Access数据库。当我在SQL Server中执行它同样工作但它不适用于MS Access DataBase。任何人都可以帮忙解决这个问题。
select [EmpName],EmpMaster.EmpCodeDisplay,Transactions.CardNo,
case when CONTROLLERS.ControllerName = 'Level0Entry' then 'Reception' when CONTROLLERS.ControllerName = 'LevelBCiscoNSNRx' then 'Basement'
else CONTROLLERS.ControllerName end as ControllerName,aDateTime from Transactions
inner join CONTROLLERS on Transactions.ControllerNo = CONTROLLERS.ControllerNo
inner join EmpMaster on Transactions.EmpCode = EmpMaster.EmpCode
where transactions.ControllerNo in ('7','9') and aDateTime between '1/28/2015 05:45:00.000' and '1/28/2015 23:59:00.000'
and transactions.EmpCode <> '0' and Transactions.CardNo in (select CardNo from Transactions
where transactions.ControllerNo in ('7','9') and transactions.EmpCode <> '0' and aDateTime between '1/28/2015 05:45:00.000' and '1/28/2015 23:59:00.000'
group by Transactions.CardNo having COUNT(Transactions.CardNo) < 2 ) order by aDateTime asc