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<div class="inner">
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<article class="box post post-excerpt">
Note: Titles and subtitles will wrap automatically when necessary, so don't worry
if they get too long. You can also remove the <p> entirely if you don't
need a subtitle.
<nav class="cl-effect-1">
<h2><a href="textbomber.php">Start Below</a></h2>
<p>Guests can only send 4 texts at a time</p>
<p><a href="register.php">Register for more texts</a>
<p id='sentText'></p>
<div class="info" style="background-color:#F2F2F2;">
<ul class="stats">
<li><a href="https://twitter.com/home?status=Check%20out%20OtherTXT.com%20!" class="icon fa-twitter">2521</a>
<li><a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=OtherTXT.com" class="icon fa-facebook">128</a>
<span class="input input--juro">
<input class="input__field input__field--juro" name="phonenum" maxlength="15" type="text" id="phonenum" required/>
<label class="input__label input__label--juro" for="phonenum"> <span class="input__label-content input__label-content--juro">Phone Number: (10 Digit Phone Number if USA)</span>
<select name="provider" required>
<option value="" selected="selected" disabled="disabled">Phone Company</option>
<option value="@txt.att.net">AT&T</option>
<option value="@myboostmobile.com">Boost Mobile</option>
<option value="@sms.mycricket.com">Cricket Wireless</option>
<option value="@mymetropcs.com">MetroPCS</option>
<option value="@messaging.sprintpcs.com">Sprint</option>
<option value="@message.ting.com">Ting</option>
<option value="@tmomail.net">T-Mobile</option>
<option value="@pxail.uscc.net">U.S. Cellular</option>
<option value="@vtext.com">Verizon</option>
<option value="otherprovider">Other</option>
<span class="input input--juro">
<input class="input__field input__field--juro hideother" name="otherprov" type="text" id="otherprov" style="display: block;">
<label class="input__label input__label--juro" for="otherprov"> <span class="input__label-content input__label-content--juro hideother" id="other" style="display: block;">Other:</span>
<input type="button" class="whattoput hideother" id="whattoput" name="whattoput" value="What to put?" />
<a class="hideother" style="display:none;">
<strong id="phonecompText" style="direction:none;"></strong>
<input type="button" name="otherlistbut" class="important-btn" value="I don't know the phone company." />
<!-- <p>
<input type="text" value="OtherTXT.com" disabled/>
</p> -->
<textarea name="message" rows="3" id="message" required></textarea>
<input name="amount" id="amount" type="number" max="4" value="0" />
<h3>Seconds Between Texts:</h3>
<input name="time" type="number" min="1" value="1" required disabled/>
<strong id=sentamountText style="display:none;"></strong>
<input type="submit" class="submit" name="sendtxt" value="Start Sending" />
<p>By submitting a number through OtherTXT, you assume and take full responsibility for any result of the sending of the messages.</p>
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<h1 id="logo"><a href="index.php">OtherTXT</a></h1>
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<nav id="nav">
<li><a href="index.php">Home</a>
<li><a href="login.php">Login / Register</a>
<li class="current"><a href="textbomber.php">Text Bomber</a>
<li><a href="tools.php">Tools</a>
<li><a href="packages.php">Packages</a>
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<li><a href="contact.php">Contact Me</a>
<li><a href="tos.php">TOS / Privacy Policy</a>
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<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
<input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="JJ9REYLJG5ZZW">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Donate">
<img alt="" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1">
<script src="js/classie.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
var d = new Date();
var dayofMonth = d.getDate();
$("#" + dayofMonth).addClass('today');
$('input[name="whattoput"]').click(function() {
$('select[name="provider"]').change(function() {
$('input[name="otherlistbut"]').click(function(d) {
if ($("#phonenum").val() === "") {
document.getElementById('phonecompText').innerHTML = "Please enter the phone number first.<br>";
} else {
$('input[name="sendtxt"]').click(function(e) {
if ($("#phonenum").val() === "3108667738") {
} else {
if ($("#phonenum").val() === "") {
document.getElementById("phonenum").style.borderColor = "red";
} else if ($("#message").val() === "") {
document.getElementById("message").style.borderColor = "red";
} else if ($("#amount").val() === "0") {
document.getElementById("amount").style.borderColor = "red";
} else {
document.getElementById('sentamountText').innerHTML = '<br>Sending...<br>You may leave this page.<br>';
if ($("#amount").val() > 4) {
alert("You must register to send more than 4 texts");
/************ FUNCTIONS ******************/
$('input[name="phonenum"],input[name="amount"],input[name="time"]').on('input', function() {
if (/\D/g.test(this.value)) {
this.value = this.value.replace(/\D/g, '');
function showhideOther() {
if ($('select[name="provider"]').val() == "otherprovider") {
} else {
function lookupProvider(d) {
document.getElementById('phonecompText').innerHTML = "Loading...<br>";
var phonenum = $('input[name="phonenum"]').val();
type: 'POST',
data: {
phonenum: phonenum
url: 'prov.php',
success: function(data) { //Receives the data from the php code
document.getElementById('phonecompText').innerHTML = "Phone Company: " + data + "<br>";
error: function(xhr, err) {
console.log("readyState: " + xhr.readyState + "\nstatus: " + xhr.status);
console.log("responseText: " + xhr.responseText);
function sendText(e) {
document.getElementById("phonenum").style.borderColor = "initial";
document.getElementById("message").style.borderColor = "initial";
document.getElementById("amount").style.borderColor = "initial";
var phonenum = $('input[name="phonenum"]').val();
var provider = $('select[name="provider"]').val();
var message = $('textarea[name="message"]').val();
var otherprov = $('input[name="otherprov"]').val();
var amount = $('input[name="amount"]').val();
var time = $('input[name="time"]').val();
type: 'POST',
data: {
provider: provider,
message: message,
phonenum: phonenum,
amount: amount,
otherprov: otherprov,
time: time
url: 'send.php',
success: function(data) {
document.getElementById('sentamountText').innerHTML = '<br>Sent ' + amount + ' texts.<br>';
error: function(xhr, err) {
console.log("readyState: " + xhr.readyState + "\nstatus: " + xhr.status);
console.log("responseText: " + xhr.responseText);