
时间:2015-01-26 09:10:19

标签: vbscript enterprise-architect

您好我正在从Sparx"企业架构师生成一个Kinetic JavaScript代码" VB脚本中的工具。我面临的问题是 1)我能够在这里从模型中生成代码我没有问题。但是我想从模型左侧到右下角按顺序生成输出。 现在我的输出是如何生成的,当我添加一个新组件时,首先生成组件输出,然后是其他组件。enter image description here

这是我的模型,我生成输出为: 1)Birt 2)igpk ..... 但我想按顺序排序 1)GS-IS 2)Promics 3)FMEA 4)iGPK ... enter image description here

option explicit

!INC Local Scripts.EAConstants-VBScript

sub main
    if (Repository.GetTreeSelectedItemType() = otDiagram) then

        ' Show the script output window
        Repository.EnsureOutputVisible "Script"

        dim theDiagram as EA.Diagram
        set theDiagram = Repository.GetTreeSelectedObject()

        dim doOffsetLeft, doOffsetRight, doOffsetTop, doOffsetBottom 'As Integer
        dim scaleX, scaleY 'As Integer

        dim inputpicSizeX, inputpicSizeY, newpicSizeX1, newpicSizeY2 'As Integer

        dim decreasex, newdecreasex, decreasey, newdecreasey  ' as Integer
        dim connectLink 'As String

         scalex = theDiagram.cx 
         scaley = theDiagram.cy
        'doOffsetLeft = 35
        'doOffsetTop = 9

        Session.Output("scaleX: " + CStr(scaleX) + "scaleY: " + CStr(scaleY)) 'this have the whole pick size'

        connectLink=InputBox("Connect URL for tool list?", "Input required", connectLink)

        ' next have to take input box and have to calculate % '

        newpicSizeX1 = CInt(InputBox("Exported image width (in pixels)?", "Input required", inputpicSizeX))
        newpicSizeY2 = CInt(InputBox("Exported image height (in pixels)?", "Input required", inputpicSizeY))

        Session.Output("NewscaleX: " + CStr(newpicSizeX1) + "NewscaleY: " + CStr(newpicSizeY2)) 'new scale stored here given by user'

        'calculation of % x'

        decreasex = scalex - newpicSizex1
        newdecreasex = ( decreasex / scalex ) * 100

        'calculation of % y'

        decreasey = scaley - newpicSizeY2
        newdecreasey = ( decreasey/ scaley ) * 100

        Session.Output("%decreasex:  " + CStr(newdecreasex) + " %decreasey: " + CStr(newdecreasey) )'new % output'

        dim diagramObjects as EA.Collection     
        Set diagramObjects = theDiagram.DiagramObjects

        dim diagramObject As EA.DiagramObject

        dim x1
    dim y1
    dim x2
    dim y2

    dim width
        dim height

        dim seqCnt
        dim found
        dim findIdx

        seqCnt = 0

        found = true
        while (found) 
            seqCnt = seqCnt + 1

            findIdx = 0
            found = false           
            while ((Not found) and (findIdx < diagramObjects.Count))                

                Set diagramObject = diagramObjects.GetAt(findIdx)

                if (diagramObject.Sequence = seqCnt) Then                   

                    dim doLeft, doRight, doTop, doBottom 'As Integer
                    dim element AS EA.Element

                    set element = Repository.GetElementByID(diagramObject.ElementID)

                                x1 =  CInt(diagramObject.left * (( 100 - newdecreasex )/100) ) - 28

                                y1 = CInt(-1 * diagramObject.top  * (( 100 - newdecreasey )/100)) - 42

                                x2 = 1 * CInt(diagramObject.right * (( 100 - newdecreasex )/100) ) - 28

                                y2 = CInt(-1 * diagramObject.bottom * (( 100 - newdecreasey )/100)) -45

                                width = x2 - x1
                                height = -1 * (y1 - y2)

                    if (element.Type = "ActivityPartition") Then

                            dim ElementName
                            ElementName =  Replace(element.Name, " ", "")

                        'for drawing rectangle  outer boundry

                            Session.Output("var " & ElementName & " = new Kinetic.Rect({")
                        'Session.Output("X:" & X1 & "," "Y:" & y1 & "," "Width:" & width &  "," "Height:" & height & "," "Stroke Width:2})")
                            Session.Output("x : " & X1 & ",")
                            Session.Output("y : " & y1 & ",")
                            Session.Output("width : " & width & ",")
                            Session.Output("height : " & height & ",")

                            Session.Output("strokeWidth : 2 " & "," )
                            Session.Output("stroke : 'Black'" & "," & "});")
                            Session.Output("layer.add(" & ElementName & ");")

                        'for drawing outer boundry line

                            dim ElementLine
                            dim linewidth
                            dim ywidth
                            'ElementLine = join(ElementName,"line")
                            ElementLine = ( Elementname & "line" )
                            'Session.Output (ElementLine)
                            ywidth = (y1+20)  'line should come down so adding 20
                            linewidth= (width+X1)  ' till where the line has to end so width + x1 value

                        'for drawing line
                            Session.Output("var " & ElementLine & " = new Kinetic.Line({")
                        'Session.Output("X:" & X1 & "," "Y:" & y1 & "," "Width:" & width &  "," "Height:" & height & "," "Stroke Width:2})")
                            Session.Output("points : " & "[" & X1 & "," & ywidth & "," & linewidth & "," & ywidth & "]," )
                            Session.Output("stroke : 'black' " & "," )
                            Session.Output("strokeWidth : 2 " & "," )
                            Session.Output("tension : 0 " & "," )
                            Session.Output("linecap : 'round'" & "," & "});")
                            Session.Output("layer.add(" & ElementLine & ");")

                        'for drawing message text 

                            dim Elementtext 
                            Elementtext = (Elementname & "text")
                            dim ActivityName 
                            ActivityName = element.Name

                            'Session.Output( Elementtext)
                            Session.Output("var " & Elementtext & " = new Kinetic.Text({")
                        'Session.Output("X:" & X1 & "," "Y:" & y1 & "," "Width:" & width &  "," "Height:" & height & "," "Stroke Width:2})")
                            Session.Output("x : " & X1 & ",")
                            Session.Output("y : " & y1 & ",")
                            Session.Output("width : " & width & ",")
                            Session.Output("height : " & height & ",")

                            Session.Output("text :  " &  "'" & ActivityName & "'" & "," )
                            Session.Output("fontSize : 17 "  & "," )
                            Session.Output("fontFamily : 'Calibri' "  & "," )
                            Session.Output("fill : 'black' "  & "," )
                            Session.Output("align : 'center'" & "," & "});")
                            Session.Output("layer.add(" & Elementtext & ");")

                    end if                  

'                   diagramObjects.DeleteAt findIdx,true                    
                    found = true
                end if

                findIdx = findIdx + 1

        ' Error message
        Session.Prompt "This script does not support items of this type.", promptOK     
    end if

end sub

function TVGetElementTaggedValue( theElement, taggedValueName, defaultValueMissing, defaultValueEmpty )

    if not theElement is nothing and Len(taggedValueName) > 0 then      
        dim taggedValue as EA.TaggedValue
        set taggedValue = theElement.TaggedValues.GetByName( taggedValueName )

        if taggedValue is nothing then
            TVGetElementTaggedValue = defaultValueMissing
' Dump warning          
'Session.Output(theElement.Name & " " & taggedValueName & " TAG Missing")           
            if taggedValue.Value = "" then
                TVGetElementTaggedValue = defaultValueEmpty     
' Dump warning          
'Session.Output(theElement.Name & " " & taggedValueName & " Value Missing")         
                TVGetElementTaggedValue = taggedValue.Value
            end if
        end if
    end if

end function


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


答案 1 :(得分:0)

EA在生成代码时会忽略图表。 (否则,如果您在另一个图表中以不同的顺序放置相同的元素会发生什么?)



答案 2 :(得分:0)



答案 3 :(得分:0)
