vb.net datagridview在CellEndEdit之后设置选定的单元格

时间:2015-01-26 05:59:05

标签: vb.net datagridview

我的dgview中有一个列只能包含double值,我将代码放在 CellEndEdit 事件中。如果输入的值不是双精度,则将选择单元格并开始编辑

 Dim flag_cell_edited As Boolean
 Dim currentRow As Integer
 Dim currentColumn As Integer

 flag_cell_edited = True
 currentColumn = e.ColumnIndex
 currentRow = e.RowIndex

 If e.ColumnIndex = 2 Then
        If Double.TryParse(dgView.CurrentCell.Value, Nothing) Then

            MsgBox("Invalid Value")
            'dgView.CurrentCell = dgItems(currentColumn, currentRow)  'Does not select the cell
            'This next 3 lines of code works for selecting the cell and beginning
            'Edit but when I type, it appears on the cell the was focused after editing

            'dgView.Rows(currentRow).Cells(currentColumn).Selected = True
            'dgView.Rows(currentRow).Cells(currentColumn).Value = vbNullString

        End If
 End If


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