
时间:2015-01-26 02:21:57

标签: javascript html css z-index polymer



1 个答案:

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我们的想法是通过将core-drawer-panel属性设置为隐藏 core-scaffold抽屉narrow内)在前进动画开始之前true,然后在后动画开始之前恢复该值。



    var isBackAnimation = false;
    var pages = document.querySelector("#mainPages");
    var fab = document.querySelector("#fullscreen-button");

    var switchPages = function () {
        isBackAnimation = pages.selected == 0;
        pages.selected = pages.selected == 0 ? 1 : 0;
        fab.icon = pages.selected == 1 ? "unfold-less" : "unfold-more";

    window.addEventListener('polymer-ready', function () {
        // locate the core-drawer-panel inside the core-scaffold
        var drawerPanel = document.querySelector('core-scaffold::shadow #drawerPanel');

        // on loaded, listen to this event only when it's not in narrow mode
        if (!drawerPanel.narrow) {
            pages.addEventListener('core-animated-pages-transition-prepare', beforeAnimation);

        drawerPanel.addEventListener('core-responsive-change', function (event) {
            // in narrow mode, the animations work fine, so we remove the handlers
            if (event.detail.narrow) {
                pages.removeEventListener('core-animated-pages-transition-prepare', beforeAnimation);
            // otherwise we add the handlers
            else {
                pages.addEventListener('core-animated-pages-transition-prepare', beforeAnimation);

                // when the page was initially in narrow mode and then got resized up, we 
                // need to manually reset the narrow attribute at the end of the animation
                if (isBackAnimation) {
                    pages.addEventListener('core-animated-pages-transition-end', afterAnimation);

        function beforeAnimation() {
            drawerPanel.narrow = !drawerPanel.narrow;

        function afterAnimation() {
            drawerPanel.narrow = !drawerPanel.narrow;

            // this is a once off thing, so unsubscribe it here
            pages.removeEventListener('core-animated-pages-transition-end', afterAnimation);