我试图实现文本间隙文本编辑器,乍一看似乎一切正常。但是,在看似随机的点上,垃圾数据将进入混合状态。我已经删除了所有GUI和图形shennanigans的代码,只是文本gap类和它的伙伴在一个简单的main中实现,当使用g ++ main.cpp -o main运行时附加了控制台输出的日志。
P.S。文本间隙意味着将内存中的文本划分为至少两个数据结构,但将它们作为不间断的流呈现给用户,从而允许简单的插入/删除/游标语义。 Essentiall stringA + stringB = whatusersees。因此插入是前半部分的简单推回,而删除键是后半部分的弹出前端。向任一方向移动光标意味着只需从一个方向弹出并推入另一个方向。
PPPPS。在concatTextBlockRange的前半部分之前没有垃圾数据,但只要dataIter指向“污染的”字符位置(包含字符(h或g或其他))以及一堆难以理解的垃圾数据,它就会出现。 。下半场似乎没有产生这个。虽然如果你继续输入密钥就会出现这一代。
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <list>
struct TextBlock{
std::list<char> data;
void assign( std::string inStr ) {
std::string::iterator myIter = inStr.begin();
std::string::iterator end = inStr.end();
while( myIter != end ) {
data.push_back( (*myIter) );
char pop_front( ) {
if( data.empty() == true ) { std::cout << "ERROR" << std::endl; return '#'; }
char toret = data.front();
return toret;
char pop_back( ) {
if( data.empty() == true ) { std::cout << "ERROR" << std::endl; return '?'; }
char toret = data.back();
return toret;
void push_front( char inChar ) { data.push_front( inChar ); }
void push_back( char inChar ) { data.push_back( inChar ); }
void backspace_key( ) { data.pop_back(); }
void delete_key( ) { data.pop_front(); }
int size( ) { return data.size(); }
bool empty( ) { return data.empty(); }
void PrintString( ) {
std::cout << ".:::PRINTING:::." << std::endl;
std::list<char>::iterator myIter = data.begin();
std::list<char>::iterator end = data.end();
while( myIter != end ) {
std::cout << (*myIter);
std::cout << std::endl;
std::string concatTextBlockRange( const TextBlock * const in1, const TextBlock * const in2, int backrange, int frontrange ) {
std::string toret;
std::list<char>::const_iterator dataIter1 = in1->data.end();
for( int i=0; i<backrange; i++ ) { --dataIter1; }
for( int i=0; i<backrange; i++ ) {
toret.append( &(*dataIter1) );
std::list<char>::const_iterator dataIter2 = in2->data.begin();
for( int i=0; i<frontrange; i++ ) {
toret.append( &(*dataIter2) );
return toret;
class Text{
Text( std::string inFirst, std::string inSecond ) {
void incGap( ) {
if( Second.empty() == false ) { First.push_back( Second.pop_front() ); }
void decGap( ) {
if( First.empty() == false ) { Second.push_front( First.pop_back() ); }
void incGap( int reps ) {
for( int i=0; i<reps; i++ ) { First.push_back( Second.pop_front() ); }
void decGap( int reps ) {
for( int i=0; i<reps; i++ ) { Second.push_front( First.pop_back() ); }
void insert( char inKey ) {
First.push_back( inKey );
void delete_key( ) {
void backspace_key( ) {
void space_key( ) {
insert(' ');
std::string retString( int backrange, int frontrange ) {
if( frontrange >= Second.size() ) { frontrange = Second.size(); }
if( backrange >= First.size() ) { backrange = First.size(); }
return concatTextBlockRange( &First, &Second, backrange, frontrange );
TextBlock First, Second;
int main(){
Text myText( "The cat " , " because " );
char in;
bool tripped;
while( in != '`' ) {
std::cout << myText.retString(1000,1000) << std::endl;
tripped = false;
std::cin >> in;
if( in == ']' ) { myText.incGap(); tripped = true; }
if( in == '[' ) { myText.decGap(); tripped = true; }
if( in == '\\' ) { myText.backspace_key(); tripped = true; }
if( in == '-' ) { myText.delete_key(); tripped = true; }
if( in == '_' ) { myText.space_key(); tripped = true; }
if( tripped == false ) { myText.insert( in ); }
return 0;
The cat because
The cat q because
The cat qw because
The cat qwe because
The cat qwer because
The cat qwerq because
The cat qwerqw because
The cat qwerqwe because
The cat qwerqwer because
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The cat qwerqwerttyyuyuiopsdfghjertasfjdsrtjgfdftjdghsfgk���j���fghj1s���`d���f���`g��� because
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答案 0 :(得分:2)
的错误重载,即append(const char *)
- 终止,所谓的&#34; C&#34;字符串与std::list<char>::const_iterator
修复此错误的最短方法是通过编写append(size_t, char)
等来调用另一个重载toret.append(1, *dataiter1)