
时间:2015-01-23 13:13:55

标签: plot gnuplot



Overlapping <code>tics</code> at joining of the axes of multiplots.




# Generic gnuPlot script for plotting multiple plots in a single figure

# Resetting all variables. Standard for all plots.

# Setting (terminal) options. 
set terminal pdfcairo color font ",8"
set output 'JointAxes.pdf'

# Option to plot multiple graphs in one picture, note the number of figs here is 4 (2 by 2). 
set multiplot layout 2,2 rowsfirst

# Macro's needed to produce a figure with all plots 'touching'.
set macros
# Small plot labels
LABEL = "at graph 0.9,0.9"
# Axes adjustment
set format x "%.1f"

XAXE = 'set xlabel "Extent"; set xtics -2*pi,pi/3 # N.B. tics should be changed due to conjoined axes.
YAXE = 'set ylabel "Amplitude"; set ytics -1,0.25

NOX = "unset xtics;\
    unset xlabel"
NOY =  "unset ytics;\
    unset ylabel"

# Locking the graphs at fixed points in the figure
# Margins for each row resp. column
TMARGIN = "set tmargin at screen 0.90; set bmargin at screen 0.55"
BMARGIN = "set tmargin at screen 0.55; set bmargin at screen 0.20"
LMARGIN = "set lmargin at screen 0.10; set rmargin at screen 0.50"
RMARGIN = "set lmargin at screen 0.50; set rmargin at screen 0.90"

# General plot markup
unset key
# Legend/key adjustment
# set key samplen 3 # length of legend colour-bar
# set key spacing 1 # spacing between samples

# Optional: Adjusting range
set yrange [-1:1]
set xrange [-pi:pi]

# Plotting the first of the 'sub'-plot
set label 1 'a' @LABEL
plot sin(x)

# Plotting the second 'sub'-plot, i.e. a new plot command.
set label 1 'b' @LABEL
plot cos(x)

# Plotting 3rd
set label 1 'c' @LABEL
plot sin(x + 1.57)

#And Fourth
set label 1 'd' @LABEL
plot cos(x + 1.57)

unset multiplot
set terminal wxt
set output


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