用于功能语言的Ocaml Interpreter

时间:2015-01-23 12:38:14

标签: ocaml interpreter

嗨,所有社区, 对于学校项目,我必须实现一个以这种方式定义的Ocaml解释器:


type generic = A | B | C | D | … | Z

type typ = 
  | Tbool
  | Tchar
  | Tlist of typ
  | Tfun of typ list * typ
  | Tgen of generic


type exp = 
    Eint of int 
  | Ebool of bool 
  | Echar of char
  | Empty
  | Cons of exp * exp
  | Den of ide
  | Prod of exp * exp
  | Sum of exp * exp
  | Diff of exp * exp
  | Mod of exp * exp
  | Div of exp * exp
  | Lessint of exp * exp
  | Eqint of exp * exp
  | Iszero of exp
  | Lesschar of exp * exp
  | Eqchar of exp * exp
  | Or of exp * exp
  | And of exp * exp
  | Not of exp
  | Ifthenelse of exp * exp * exp
  | Let of (ide * exp) list * exp      
  | Fun of ide list * exp
  | Apply of exp * exp list

作为基本类型,语言具有整数,布尔,字符,函数和功能对象旁边的任何类型的列表。函数具有作为标识符的参数列表,并且表达式Den of ide给出与标识符相关联的可表达值,并且标识符的类型是类型ide = string。本地声明是标识符和表达式的列表(Let of(ide * exp)list * exp)。




我已经实现了类型,环境,类型检查器和sem_eager,但是对于懒惰的那些有一些问题,并且不知道我的sem_eager是否正确。 有人可以看看吗? 非常感谢,我发布了我现在已经做过的代码:

type generic = A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ;;

type ide = string;;

type exp =  
  | Eint of int  
  | Ebool of bool  
  | Echar of char
  | Empty
  | Cons of exp * exp
  | Den of ide
  | Prod of exp * exp 
  | Sum of exp * exp 
  | Diff of exp * exp 
  | Mod of exp * exp 
  | Div of exp * exp 
  | Lessint of exp * exp 
  | Eqint of exp * exp 
  | Iszero of exp 
  | Lesschar of exp * exp 
  | Eqchar of exp * exp 
  | Or of exp * exp 
  | And of exp * exp 
  | Not of exp 
  | Ifthenelse of exp * exp * exp
  | Let of (ide * exp) list * exp      
  | Fun of ide list * exp
  | Apply of exp * exp list

type typ =  
  | Tint  
  | Tbool 
  | Tchar 
  | Tlist of typ 
  | Tfun of typ list * typ
  | Tgen of generic;;

let rec type_leg x = match x with
      | Eint (v) -> true
      | Ebool (v) -> true
      | Echar (v) -> true
      | Empty -> true
      | _ -> false;;

let rev list =
    let rec aux acc = function
      | [] -> acc
      | h::t -> aux (h::acc) t in
    aux [] list;;


type env = (ide*exp) list;;
let rho:env = [];;

let insert_value ((id:ide), el) (r:env) = if type_leg(el) then (id,el)::r     else r;;

let rec insert letlist (rho:env) = match letlist with
  |[] -> rho
  |hd::tl -> insert tl (insert_value hd rho);; 

let rec getExp (id:ide) (rho:env) = match rho with
  | [] -> (Empty)
  | hd::tl -> if fst(hd) = id then snd(hd) else getExp id tl

exception TypeError of string;;


let rec type_inf (e:exp) (rho:env) = match e with
  |Eint (n)  -> Tint
  |Ebool (n) -> Tbool
  |Echar (n) -> Tchar
  |Empty -> type_inf (Echar ('E')) rho
  |Cons (v, l) -> 
    (match (type_inf v rho, l) with
    |(t,Empty) -> if type_inf (Empty) rho = type_inf (Echar ('E')) rho then Tlist (t) else raise (TypeError "error")
    |(t,l) -> let temp = (type_inf l rho) in if temp = Tlist (t) then type_inf l rho else raise (TypeError "Different type"))
  |Den (id) -> type_inf (getExp id rho) rho
  |Prod (e1, e2) -> (match (type_inf e1 rho, type_inf e2 rho) with
    |(Tint, Tint) -> Tint
    |_ -> raise (TypeError "Not a Tint"))
  |Sum (e1, e2) -> (match (type_inf e1 rho, type_inf e2 rho) with
    |(Tint, Tint) -> Tint
    |_ -> raise (TypeError "Not a Tint"))
  |Diff (e1, e2) -> (match (type_inf e1 rho, type_inf e2 rho) with
    |(Tint, Tint) -> Tint
    |_ -> raise (TypeError "Not a Tint"))
  |Mod (e1, e2) -> (match (type_inf e1 rho, type_inf e2 rho) with
    |(Tint, Tint) -> Tint
    |_ -> raise (TypeError "Not a Tint"))
  |Div (e1, e2) -> (match (type_inf e1 rho, type_inf e2 rho) with
    |(Tint, Tint) -> Tint
    |_ -> raise (TypeError "Not a Tint"))
  |Lessint (e1, e2) -> (match (type_inf e1 rho, type_inf e2 rho) with
    | (Tint, Tint) -> Tbool
    | _ -> raise (TypeError "TODO"))
  |Eqint (e1, e2) -> (match (type_inf e1 rho, type_inf e2 rho) with
    | (Tint, Tint) -> Tbool
    | _ -> raise (TypeError "TODO"))
  |Iszero e1 -> (match (type_inf e1 rho) with
    | Tint -> Tbool
    | _ -> raise (TypeError " "))
  |Lesschar (e1, e2) -> (match (type_inf e1 rho, type_inf e2 rho) with
    | (Tchar, Tchar) -> Tbool
    | _ -> raise (TypeError " "))
  |Eqchar (e1, e2) -> (match (type_inf e1 rho, type_inf e2 rho) with
    | (Tchar, Tchar)-> Tbool
    | _ -> raise (TypeError " "))
  |Or (e1, e2) -> (match (type_inf e1 rho, type_inf e2 rho) with
    | (Tbool , Tbool) -> Tbool
    | _ -> raise (TypeError " "))
  |And (e1, e2) -> (match (type_inf e1 rho, type_inf e2 rho) with
    | (Tbool , Tbool) -> Tbool
    | _ -> raise (TypeError " "))
  |Not e1 -> (match (type_inf e1 rho) with
    | Tbool -> Tbool
    | _ -> raise (TypeError "cis"))
  |Ifthenelse (g, e1, e2) -> (match (type_inf g rho, type_inf e1 rho, type_inf e2 rho) with
    |(b, exp1, exp2) when exp1 = exp2 && b = Tbool -> exp1
    |_ -> raise (TypeError "error"))
  |Let (l , ex) -> type_inf ex (insert l rho)
  |Fun (l, ex) -> Tfun (getTypeFun l [], type_inf ex rho)
  |Apply (ex, l) -> type_inf ex rho

and getTypeFun l temp = match l with
    [] -> rev temp
   |hd::tl -> if type_leg (Den (hd)) then getTypeFun tl ( (type_inf (Den (hd)) rho)::temp)
    else getTypeFun tl ((Tgen (A))::temp);;

let rec sem_eager (e:exp) (rho:env)  = match e with
  |Eint (n) ->  (Eint  (n), type_inf (Eint  (n)) rho)
  |Echar (c) -> (Echar (c), type_inf (Echar (c)) rho)
  |Ebool (b) -> (Ebool (b), type_inf (Ebool (b)) rho)
  |Empty -> (Echar ('E'), type_inf (Echar ('E')) rho)
  |Cons (v, l) -> (Cons (v,l), type_inf (Cons(v,l)) rho)
  |Den (id) -> (getExp id rho, type_inf (getExp id rho) rho)
  |Prod (e1, e2) -> (match (sem_eager e1 rho, sem_eager e2 rho) with
    |((Eint e1, Tint), (Eint e2, Tint)) -> (Eint (e1 * e2), type_inf (Eint (e1 * e2)) rho)
    |_ -> failwith "errore prodotto")
  |Sum (e1, e2) -> (match (sem_eager e1 rho, sem_eager e2 rho) with
    |((Eint e1, Tint), (Eint e2, Tint)) -> (Eint (e1 + e2), type_inf (Eint (e1 + e2)) rho)
    |_ -> failwith "errore somma")
  |Diff (e1, e2) -> (match (sem_eager e1 rho, sem_eager e2 rho) with
    |((Eint e1, Tint), (Eint e2, Tint)) -> (Eint (e1 - e2), type_inf (Eint (e1 -  e2)) rho)
    |_ -> failwith "errore differenza") 
  |Mod (e1, e2) -> (match (sem_eager e1 rho, sem_eager e2 rho) with
    |((Eint e1, Tint), (Eint e2, Tint)) -> if (not (e2 = 0)) then (Eint (e1 mod e2), type_inf (Eint (e1 mod e2)) rho) else failwith "Division for 0"
    |_ -> failwith "errore modulo") 
  |Div (e1, e2) -> (match (sem_eager e1 rho, sem_eager e2 rho) with
    |((Eint e1, Tint), (Eint e2, Tint)) -> (Eint (e1 / e2), type_inf (Eint (e1 / e2)) rho)
    |_ -> failwith "errore divisione")
  |Lessint (e1, e2) -> (match (sem_eager e1 rho, sem_eager e2 rho) with
    |((Eint e1, Tint), (Eint e2, Tint)) -> (Ebool (e1 < e2), type_inf (Ebool (e1 < e2)) rho)
    |_ -> failwith "errore lessInt")
  |Eqint (e1, e2) -> (match (sem_eager e1 rho, sem_eager e2 rho) with
    |((Eint e1, Tint), (Eint e2, Tint)) -> (Ebool (e1 = e2), type_inf (Ebool (e1 = e2)) rho)
    |_ -> failwith "errore eqInt")
  |Iszero (e1) ->  (match (sem_eager e1 rho) with
    |(Eint e1, Tint) -> (Ebool (e1 = 0), type_inf (Ebool (e1 = 0)) rho)
    |_ -> failwith "errore iszero")
  |Lesschar (e1, e2) -> (match (sem_eager e1 rho, sem_eager e2 rho) with
    |((Echar e1, Tchar), (Echar e2, Tchar)) -> (Ebool (e1 < e2), type_inf (Ebool (e1 < e2)) rho)
    |_ -> failwith "errore lesschar")
  |Eqchar (e1, e2) -> (match (sem_eager e1 rho, sem_eager e2 rho) with
    |((Echar e1, Tchar), (Echar e2, Tchar)) -> (Ebool (e1 = e2), type_inf (Ebool (e1 = e2)) rho)
    |_ -> failwith "errore eqchar") 
  |Or (e1, e2) -> (match (sem_eager e1 rho, sem_eager e2 rho) with
    |((Ebool e1, Tbool), (Ebool e2, Tbool)) -> (Ebool (e1 || e2), type_inf (Ebool (e1 || e2)) rho)
    |_ -> failwith "errore divisione")
  |And (e1, e2) -> (match (sem_eager e1 rho, sem_eager e2 rho) with
    |((Ebool e1, Tbool), (Ebool e2, Tbool)) -> (Ebool (e1 && e2), type_inf (Ebool (e1 && e2)) rho)
    |_ -> failwith "errore divisione") 
  |Not (e1) -> (match (sem_eager e1 rho) with
    |(Ebool e1, Tbool) -> (Ebool (not e1), type_inf (Ebool (not e1)) rho)
    |_ -> failwith "errore divisione")
  |Ifthenelse (g, e1, e2) -> 
  if ((type_inf (e1) rho) = (type_inf (e2) rho)) then
(match (sem_eager g rho) with
    |(Ebool g1, Tbool) -> if g1 then sem_eager e1 rho else sem_eager e2 rho
    |_-> failwith "not a bool")
  else failwith "different type"
  |Let (l, ex) -> sem_eager ex (insert l rho)
  |Fun (l, ex) -> (Fun (l, ex), type_inf (Fun (l, ex)) rho)
  |Apply (foo, l2) ->let rho':env = [] in match foo with
    |Fun (l1, ex) -> sem_eager ex (concatenv (insert (combine l1 l2 []) rho') rho [])
    |_-> failwith "non è una fun"

and combine (l1:ide list) (l2:exp list) (temp:env) = match (l1,l2) with
    ([],[]) -> temp
      |((hd1::tl1),(hd2::tl2)) -> combine tl1 tl2 ((hd1, hd2)::temp)
      |(_,_) -> failwith "lenght fun list doesent match"

    and concatenv (envfun:env) (envgen:env) (envres:env) = match (envfun, envgen) with
        ([],[]) -> envres
      |(hd::tl, []) -> concatenv tl [] (hd::envres)
      |(_,hd::tl) -> concatenv envfun tl (hd::envres)



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您的类型推断是完全错误的。 在Fun(["x"], Den "x")上进行测试。


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