name|2ndname|price|stock|serial|False/True|number(starting from 1 and appending by 1
print("\n-- Brisanje lekova -- \n")
print("| Br. | Naziv | Gen. Naziv | Serijski br. | Kolicina| Cena |")
n = 1
lista_lekova = open("lekovi.txt",'r').readlines()
redovi = []
for i in lista_lekova:
deo = i.strip().split("|")
print("| ", n , " | {:13} | {:12} | {:12} | {:7} | {:6}.00 din | ".format(deo[0],deo[1],deo[2],deo[3],deo[4]))
n = n + 1
lek[0] = deo[0]
lek[1]= deo[1]
lek[2]= deo[2]
lek[3]= deo[3]
lek[4]= deo[4]
lek[5]= deo[5]
lek[6]= deo[6]
izbrisanilek = input("Lek pod kojim brojem zelite da izmenite: ")
izbrisaniLek = int(izbrisanilek)
izbrisaniLek = izbrisaniLek - 1
for lek in lista_lekova:
print (lek.deo[6])
k = "23"
if k == izbrisaniLek:
ceoLek = deo[0] + "|" + deo[1] + "|" + deo[2] + "|" + deo[3] + "|" + deo[4] + "|" + "True" + "|" + deo[6] + "\n"
lekovistr = open("lekovi.txt" , "w")
答案 0 :(得分:1)
name|2ndname|price|stock|serial|False|number(starting from 1 and appending by 1
name|2ndname|price|stock|serial|False|number(starting from 1 and appending by 1
name|2ndname|price|stock|serial|False|number(starting from 1 and appending by 1
name|2ndname|price|stock|serial|False|number(starting from 1 and appending by 1
name|2ndname|price|stock|serial|False|number(starting from 1 and appending by 1
name|2ndname|price|stock|serial|False|number(starting from 1 and appending by 1
可以在第3行更改False to True,如下所示:
# read a file
with open("test.txt",'r') as f:
lista_lekova = open("test.txt",'r').readlines()
# get a line number to change
izbrisanilek = input("Lek pod kojim brojem zelite da izmenite: ")
izbrisaniLek = int(izbrisanilek)
izbrisaniLek = izbrisaniLek - 1
# here will be stored output lines
out_lines = []
#iterate for each line and change izbrisaniLek line
for k,lek in enumerate(lista_lekova):
# the spliting can also be avoided, just to change False to True.
# But you seem to do some reformatting of other values.
deo = list(map(lambda v: v.strip(), lek.split('|')))
# change False to True for the selected line.
# it always makes it true. Not sure if you want to toggle the values, or just always have True there.
if k == izbrisaniLek:
deo[5] = 'True'
ceoLek = "|".join(deo)
# save output files to a file
with open("lekovi_out.txt" , "w") as f:
name|2ndname|price|stock|serial|False|number(starting from 1 and appending by 1
name|2ndname|price|stock|serial|False|number(starting from 1 and appending by 1
name|2ndname|price|stock|serial|True|number(starting from 1 and appending by 1
name|2ndname|price|stock|serial|False|number(starting from 1 and appending by 1
name|2ndname|price|stock|serial|False|number(starting from 1 and appending by 1
name|2ndname|price|stock|serial|False|number(starting from 1 and appending by 1