它的SMTP和TLS。端口和服务器名称是正确的。服务器允许匿名电子邮件,但不验证。我使用的是Swiftmailer库,因此我不需要编写ELHO / HELO脚本。电子邮件中唯一未定义/硬编码的属性是邮件正文。这是我的控制器的代码(index.php)。
// Initialize Swiftmailer Library
// Class that contains the information of the email that will be sent (from, to, etc.)
// The class that "breaks" the data sent with the HTML form to a more "usable" format.
// =====================
// Main Configuration
// =====================
define("EMAIL_SUBJECT", "Safety Concerns");
define("EMAIL_TO", "safetydepartment@company.com");
define("EMAIL_FROM", "safetydepartment@company.com");
// SMTP Configuration
define("SMTP_SERVER", 'exchange.company.local');
define("SMTP_PORT", 25);
function main($contactForm) {
// Checks if something was sent to the contact form, if not, do nothing
if (!$contactForm->isDataSent()) {
// Validates the contact form and checks for errors
$errors = array();
// If the contact form is not valid:
if (!$contactForm->isValid()) {
// gets the error in the array $errors
$errors = $contactForm->getErrors();
} else {
// If the contact form is valid:
try {
// send the email created with the contact form
$result = sendEmail($contactForm);
// after the email is sent, redirect and "die".
// We redirect to prevent refreshing the page which would resend the form
header("Location: ./success.php");
} catch (Exception $e) {
// an error occured while sending the email.
// Log the error and add an error message to display to the user.
error_log('An error happened while sending email contact form: ' . $e->getMessage());
$errors['oops'] = 'Ooops! an error occured while sending your email! Please try again later!';
return $errors;
// Sends the email based on the information contained in the contact form
function sendEmail($contactForm) {
// Email part will create the email information needed to send an email based on
// what was inserted inside the contact form
$emailParts = new EmailParts($contactForm);
// This is the part where we initialize Swiftmailer with
// all the info initialized by the EmailParts class
$emailMessage = Swift_Message::newInstance()
// Another Swiftmailer configuration..
$transport = Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance(SMTP_SERVER, SMTP_PORT, 'tls');
$mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport);
$result = $mailer->send($emailMessage);
return $result;
// Initialize the ContactForm with the information of the form and the possible uploaded file.
$contactForm = new ContactForm($_POST, $_FILES);
// Call the "main" method. It will return a list of errors.
$errors = main($contactForm);
// Call the "contactForm" view to display the HTML contact form.