验证Java Textfield的最佳方法

时间:2015-01-22 05:08:07

标签: java validation



 * loginValidator method
 * The objective of this method is to return the integer value 
 * If the return value is 0 that means the password field is wrong from the database
 * If the return value is 1 that means the email field are not met
 * If the return value is 2 that means the password field are not met
 * If the return value is 3 that means the password and email are met and is correct from the database
public static int loginValidator(String email, String password) {

    // Checks the email
    Pattern emailField = Pattern.compile(".+@.+\\.[a-z]+");
    Matcher m = emailField.matcher(email);
    boolean legitEmail = m.matches();

    // Checks the password
    Pattern passwordField = Pattern.compile(".*[A-Z].*[0-9]");
    m = passwordField.matcher(password);
    boolean legitPassword = m.matches();
    boolean legitPassword = true;

    // This code will validate the credentials user have keyed in
    // If the email code is correct
    if (legitEmail) { 
        // If the password code is correct
        if (legitPassword) {

            // If the password belongs to the email
            if (MemberDA.retrievePasswordBooleanByEmail(email, password) == true)
                return 3;           
                return 0;

        // If the password code is wrong
        else {
            return 2;

        // If the email code is wrong
    }else {
        return 1;



int tempNumber = validator.loginValidator(txtLoginEmail.getText(),txtLoginPassword.getText());

            if(tempNumber == 1) {
                pnLogin.setBounds(511, 200, 270, 320);
                System.out.println("Please enter an email.");
                lblError.setText("Please enter an email.");
            else if(tempNumber == 2) {
                pnLogin.setBounds(511, 200, 270, 320);
                System.out.println("The password should have at least a capital letter and a numerical digit.");
                lblError.setText("<html>The password must have at least a <br />capital letter and a numerical digit.</html>");
            else if(tempNumber == 0){   
                pnLogin.setBounds(511, 200, 270, 310);
                System.out.println("Wrong email or password.");
                lblError.setText("Wrong email or password.");
            else if (tempNumber == 3) {
                AdminAccountListAllPanel contentPane = new AdminAccountListAllPanel(myFrame);



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