Ctrl + A or Home
Moves the cursor to the start of a line.
Ctrl+ E or End
Moves the cursor to the end of a line.
Esc + B
Moves to the beginning of the previous or current word.
Ctrl + K
Deletes from the current cursor position to the end of the line.
Ctrl + U
Deletes from the start of the line to the current cursor position.
Ctrl + W
Deletes the word before the cursor.
Alt + B
Goes back one word at a time.
Alt + F
Moves forward one word at a time.
Alt + C
Capitalizes letter where cursor is and moves to end of word.
这些快捷方式在Linux用户中非常普遍。不幸的是,我没有办法让他们在Putty工作。例如,每当我在putty中按CTRL + A时,它会输出^ A而不是跳到行首。