在支持Collection的原型中是否存在延迟加载的getter模式(在JavaScript / Meteor中构建反应式ORM关系)

时间:2015-01-20 12:50:53

标签: javascript meteor meteor-collections



Book = function(document) {
  this._title = document.title;
  this._author = document.author;
  // ...
Books.prototype = {
  get id() {
    // Read-only
    return this._id;
  get title() {
    return this._title;
  set title(value) {
    this._title = value;
  // ...
Books = new Meteor.Collections('books', {
  transform: function(doc) {
    return new Book(doc);


Shelf = function(document) {
  this._location = document.location;
  this._floor = document.floor;
  // ...
  this._book_ids = document.book_ids;
Shelf.prototype = {
  get id() {
    // Read-only
    return this._id;
  get location() {
    return this._location;
  set location(value) {
    this._location = location;
  // ...
  get book_ids() {
    // This returns an array of just the book's _ids
    return this._book_ids;
  set book_ids(values) {
    this._book_ids = values;
    // Set _books to "undefined" so the next call gets lazy-loaded
    this._books = undefined;
  get books() {
    if(!this._books) {
      // This is what "lazy-loads" the books
      this._books = Books.find({_id: {$in: this._book_ids}}).fetch();
    return this._books;
Shelves = new Meteor.Collections('shelves', {
  transform: function(doc) {
    return new Shelf(doc);

所以,现在我有一个Self,我现在可以调用Shelf.books并获取所有Books,但在我调用之前它们不会被加载。此外,设置book_ids的调用会导致数据无效,因此下一次调用books会产生与该Books相关联的新Shelf。< / p>


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