
时间:2015-01-20 00:31:25

标签: android geolocation

我创建了以下代码,只需获取最新的纬度和经度,无需用户打开GPS,只需依靠wifi或网络进行定位。在运行应用程序时,它只返回Toast“The Lat is 0.0 and Long is 0.0”。我知道这应该有用,因为我在这里下载了示例代码:,并且适合在我的代码中工作。


public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity implements GoogleApiClient.ConnectionCallbacks, OnConnectionFailedListener  {

    public static double lat;
    public static double lng;

    ViewPager viewPager = null;

     * Provides the entry point to Google Play services.
    protected GoogleApiClient mGoogleApiClient;

     * Represents a geographical location.
    protected Location mLastLocation;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


        String text = "The Lat is " + lat
                + " and Long is " + lng;

        Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), text, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


        // Assign list to actionbar
        actionBar.setListNavigationCallbacks(aAdpt, null); // DEPRACATED


     * Builds a GoogleApiClient. Uses the addApi() method to request the LocationServices API.
    protected synchronized void buildGoogleApiClient() {
        mGoogleApiClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this)

    protected void onStart() {

    protected void onStop() {
        if (mGoogleApiClient.isConnected()) {

     * Runs when a GoogleApiClient object successfully connects.
    public void onConnected(Bundle connectionHint) {
        // Provides a simple way of getting a device's location and is well suited for
        // applications that do not require a fine-grained location and that do not need location
        // updates. Gets the best and most recent location currently available, which may be null
        // in rare cases when a location is not available.
        mLastLocation = LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.getLastLocation(mGoogleApiClient);
        if (mLastLocation != null) {
            lat = mLastLocation.getLatitude();
            lng = mLastLocation.getLongitude();
        } else {
            Toast.makeText(this,"No location detected", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

    public void onConnectionFailed(ConnectionResult result) {
        // Refer to the javadoc for ConnectionResult to see what error codes might be returned in
        // onConnectionFailed.


    public void onConnectionSuspended(int cause) {
        // The connection to Google Play services was lost for some reason. We call connect() to
        // attempt to re-establish the connection.



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" lat"," lng"," mLastLocation"在执行onConnected()之前,设置或有效。您需要了解此操作是异步 - 也就是说,该位置不会立即返回,但稍后会提供。如果您测试了是否" mLastLocation"这将是显而易见的。当你做吐司时,它是否为空。