下面的代码会间歇性地抛出“无法访问已丢弃的对象”错误 - 通常在一个更新序列成功完成后。
Private Sub Reports_BalanceSheet_DoWork(sender As Object, e As DoWorkEventArgs)
Dim vUpdate As New UpdateDelegate(AddressOf Reports_BalanceSheet_UpdateDB_Delegate)
Dim vName As String = ReportName
vService = New Service1Client
Dim vID As Integer = 0
If NewRecord = True Then
Dim vRows As Integer = vService.ReturnScalarInteger("SELECT COUNT(Form_ID) From Balance_Sheet_Templates", Current_HOA_ID)
If vRows > 0 Then
vID = NullInteger(vService.ReturnScalarInteger("SELECT MAX(Form_ID) FROM Balance_Sheet_Templates", Current_HOA_ID))
End If
vID += 1
'Save the form name
strSQL = "INSERT INTO Balance_Sheet_Templates(Form_ID, Category_Type, Category_ID, Form_Name) VALUES ("
strSQL += "'" & vID & "', "
strSQL += "'1', "
strSQL += "'1', "
strSQL += "'" & vName & "')"
If vService.InsertDataHOA(strSQL, "Reports_BalanceSheet_Page 2466 " & Current_HOA_Name, Current_HOA_ID) = False Then
IsError = True
Dim Error1() As Object = {"There was an error updating the record"}
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(vUpdate, New Object() {Error1})
Exit Sub
End If
vID = FormID
strSQL = "DELETE Balance_Sheet_Templates WHERE Form_ID = " & vID
If vService.InsertDataHOA(strSQL, "Reports_BalanceSheet_Page 2455 " & Current_HOA_Name, Current_HOA_ID) = False Then
IsError = True
Dim Error1() As Object = {"There was an error updating the record"}
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(vUpdate, New Object() {Error1})
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Dim Update1() As Object = {"Saving the report defaults... Please wait..."}
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(vUpdate, New Object() {Update1})
For Each Row As DataRow In ReportDT.Rows
strSQL = "INSERT INTO Balance_Sheet_Templates (Form_ID, Category_Type, Category_ID, Form_Name) VALUES ("
strSQL += "'" & vID & "', "
strSQL += "'1', "
strSQL += "'" & Row("ID") & "', "
strSQL += "'" & vName & "')"
If vService.InsertDataHOA(strSQL, "Reports_BalanceSheet_Page 2417 " & Current_HOA_Name, Current_HOA_ID) = False Then
IsError = True
Dim Error1() As Object = {"There was an error updating the record"}
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(vUpdate, New Object() {Error1})
Exit Sub
End If
Dim Update2() As Object = {"Saving the revenue categories... Please wait..."}
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(vUpdate, New Object() {Update2})
For Each Row As DataRow In RevenueDT.Rows
strSQL = "INSERT INTO Balance_Sheet_Templates (Form_ID, Category_Type, Category_ID, Position, Key_String) VALUES ("
strSQL += "'" & vID & "', "
strSQL += "'3', "
strSQL += "'" & Row("ID") & "', "
strSQL += "'" & Row("Position") & "', "
strSQL += "'" & SubmitText(Row("Name")) & "')"
If vService.InsertDataHOA(strSQL, "Reports_BalanceSheet_Page 2434 " & Current_HOA_Name, Current_HOA_ID) = False Then
IsError = True
Dim Error1() As Object = {"There was an error updating the record"}
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(vUpdate, New Object() {Error1})
Exit Sub
End If
Dim Update3() As Object = {"Saving the revenue data... Please wait..."}
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(vUpdate, New Object() {Update3})
For Each Row As DataRow In RevenueNomDT.Rows
strSQL = "INSERT INTO Balance_Sheet_Templates (Form_ID, Category_Type, Category_ID, Position, Cat_Name_ID, Nom_Code, Nom_Name) VALUES ("
strSQL += "'" & vID & "', "
strSQL += "'4', "
strSQL += "'" & Row("ID") & "', "
strSQL += "'" & Row("Position") & "', "
strSQL += "'" & Row("CatID") & "', "
strSQL += "'" & Row("NomCode") & "', "
strSQL += "'" & SubmitText(Row("NomName")) & "')"
If vService.InsertDataHOA(strSQL, "Reports_BalanceSheet_Page 2453 " & Current_HOA_Name, Current_HOA_ID) = False Then
IsError = True
Dim Error1() As Object = {"There was an error updating the record"}
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(vUpdate, New Object() {Error1})
Exit Sub
End If
Dim Update4() As Object = {"Saving the expenses categories... Please wait..."}
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(vUpdate, New Object() {Update4})
For Each Row As DataRow In ExpensesDT.Rows
strSQL = "INSERT INTO Balance_Sheet_Templates (Form_ID, Category_Type, Category_ID, Position, Key_String) VALUES ("
strSQL += "'" & vID & "', "
strSQL += "'5', "
strSQL += "'" & Row("ID") & "', "
strSQL += "'" & Row("Position") & "', "
strSQL += "'" & SubmitText(Row("Name")) & "')"
If vService.InsertDataHOA(strSQL, "Reports_BalanceSheet_Page 2472 " & Current_HOA_Name, Current_HOA_ID) = False Then
IsError = True
Dim Error1() As Object = {"There was an error updating the record"}
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(vUpdate, New Object() {Error1})
Exit Sub
End If
Dim Update5() As Object = {"Saving the expenses data... Please wait..."}
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(vUpdate, New Object() {Update5})
For Each Row As DataRow In ExpensesNomDT.Rows
strSQL = "INSERT INTO Balance_Sheet_Templates (Form_ID, Category_Type, Category_ID, Position, Cat_Name_ID, Nom_Code, Nom_Name) VALUES ("
strSQL += "'" & vID & "', "
strSQL += "'6', "
strSQL += "'" & Row("ID") & "', "
strSQL += "'" & Row("Position") & "', "
strSQL += "'" & Row("CatID") & "', "
strSQL += "'" & Row("NomCode") & "', "
strSQL += "'" & SubmitText(Row("NomName")) & "') "
If vService.InsertDataHOA(strSQL, "Reports_BalanceSheet_Page 2491 " & Current_HOA_Name, Current_HOA_ID) = False Then
IsError = True
Dim Error1() As Object = {"There was an error updating the record"}
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(vUpdate, New Object() {Error1})
Exit Sub
End If
Dim Update6() As Object = {"Saving the assets categories... Please wait..."}
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(vUpdate, New Object() {Update6})
For Each Row As DataRow In ResIncomeDT.Rows
strSQL = "INSERT INTO Balance_Sheet_Templates (Form_ID, Category_Type, Category_ID, Position, Key_String) VALUES ("
strSQL += "'" & vID & "', "
strSQL += "'7', "
strSQL += "'" & Row("ID") & "', "
strSQL += "'" & Row("Position") & "', "
strSQL += "'" & SubmitText(Row("Name")) & "')"
If vService.InsertDataHOA(strSQL, "Reports_BalanceSheet_Page 2509 " & Current_HOA_Name, Current_HOA_ID) = False Then
IsError = True
Dim Error1() As Object = {"There was an error updating the record"}
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(vUpdate, New Object() {Error1})
Exit Sub
End If
Dim Update7() As Object = {"Saving the assets data... Please wait..."}
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(vUpdate, New Object() {Update7})
For Each Row As DataRow In ResIncNomDT.Rows
strSQL = "INSERT INTO Balance_Sheet_Templates (Form_ID, Category_Type, Category_ID, Position, Cat_Name_ID, Nom_Code, Nom_Name) VALUES ("
strSQL += "'" & vID & "', "
strSQL += "'8', "
strSQL += "'" & Row("ID") & "', "
strSQL += "'" & Row("Position") & "', "
strSQL += "'" & Row("CatID") & "', "
strSQL += "'" & Row("NomCode") & "', "
strSQL += "'" & Row("NomName") & "') "
If vService.InsertDataHOA(strSQL, "Reports_BalanceSheet_Page 2529 " & Current_HOA_Name, Current_HOA_ID) = False Then
IsError = True
Dim Error1() As Object = {"There was an error updating the record"}
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(vUpdate, New Object() {Error1})
Exit Sub
End If
Dim Update8() As Object = {"Saving the liability categories... Please wait..."}
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(vUpdate, New Object() {Update8})
For Each Row As DataRow In ResExpensesDT.Rows
strSQL = "INSERT INTO Balance_Sheet_Templates (Form_ID, Category_Type, Category_ID, Position, Key_String) VALUES ("
strSQL += "'" & vID & "', "
strSQL += "'9', "
strSQL += "'" & Row("ID") & "', "
strSQL += "'" & Row("Position") & "', "
strSQL += "'" & SubmitText(Row("Name")) & "')"
If vService.InsertDataHOA(strSQL, "Reports_BalanceSheet_Page 2548 " & Current_HOA_Name, Current_HOA_ID) = False Then
IsError = True
Dim Error1() As Object = {"There was an error updating the record"}
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(vUpdate, New Object() {Error1})
Exit Sub
End If
Dim Update9() As Object = {"Saving the liability data... Please wait..."}
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(vUpdate, New Object() {Update9})
For Each Row As DataRow In ResExpNomDT.Rows
strSQL = "INSERT INTO Balance_Sheet_Templates (Form_ID, Category_Type, Category_ID, Position, Cat_Name_ID, Nom_Code, Nom_Name) VALUES ("
strSQL += "'" & vID & "', "
strSQL += "'10', "
strSQL += "'" & Row("ID") & "', "
strSQL += "'" & Row("Position") & "', "
strSQL += "'" & Row("CatID") & "', "
strSQL += "'" & Row("NomCode") & "', "
strSQL += "'" & Row("NomName") & "') "
If vService.InsertDataHOA(strSQL, "Reports_BalanceSheet_Page 2566 " & Current_HOA_Name, Current_HOA_ID) = False Then
IsError = True
Dim Error1() As Object = {"There was an error updating the record"}
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(vUpdate, New Object() {Error1})
Exit Sub
End If
Catch ex As Exception
EmailError(ex, False)
IsError = True
If Not vService Is Nothing Then
vService = Nothing
End If
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub Reports_BalanceSheet_WorkCompleted(sender As Object, e As RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs)
If IsError = True Then
AppBoxError("There was an error updating the record!")
Exit Sub
End If
PageStatusBarLoaded(Reports_BalanceSheet_Grid, "Template was successfully saved...")
PageStatusBarRightChangeText(Reports_BalanceSheet_Grid, "Template updated...")
Dim SaveUpdateButton As Button = Reports_BalanceSheet_Grid.FindName("BalanceSheet_SaveUpdateButton")
If NewRecord = True Then
SaveUpdateButton.IsEnabled = False
SaveUpdateButton.Content = ReturnToolBarImageGrey("Record_Insert.png")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub Reports_BalanceSheet_UpdateDB_Delegate(ByVal x() As Object)
PageStatusBarRightChangeText(Reports_BalanceSheet_Grid, x(0).ToString)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Cannot access a disposed object.
对象名称:'System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpsChannelFactory`1 + HttpsRequestChannel [System.ServiceModel.Channels.IRequestChannel]'。
服务器堆栈跟踪: 在System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject.ThrowIfDisposedOrNotOpen() 在System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpChannelFactory`1.HttpRequestChannel.HttpChannelRequest.SendRequest(消息消息,TimeSpan超时) 在System.ServiceModel.Channels.RequestChannel.Request(消息消息,TimeSpan超时) 在System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.RequestChannelBinder.Request(消息消息,TimeSpan超时) 在System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.Call(String action,Boolean oneway,ProxyOperationRuntime operation,Object [] ins,Object [] outs,TimeSpan timeout) 在System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.InvokeService(IMethodCallMessage methodCall,ProxyOperationRuntime操作) 在System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.Invoke(IMessage message)
在[0]处重新抛出异常: 在System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg,IMessage retMsg) 在System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData,Int32 type) at HOA_Manager_Client_04.ServiceReference1.IService1.InsertDataHOA(String strSQL,String LineNo,String HOAID) at HOA_Manager_Client_04.ServiceReference1.Service1Client.InsertDataHOA(String strSQL,String LineNo,String HOAID) at HOA_Manager_Client_04.Reports_BalanceSheet_Page.Reports_BalanceSheet_DoWork(Object sender,DoWorkEventArgs e)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Private strSQL As String
Private vService As Service1Client
Private Sub Reports_BalanceSheet_DoWork(sender As Object, e As DoWorkEventArgs)
Dim vService1 As New Service1Client
Dim vUpdate As New UpdateDelegate(AddressOf Reports_BalanceSheet_UpdateDB_Delegate)
Dim vName As String = ReportName
' vService = New Service1Client
并将每个更新实例更改为 - 并且到目前为止似乎正在运行。奇怪,这是整个应用程序中唯一一个抛出此错误的地方