使用Reflection将Mongo DBObject转换为Entity POJO

时间:2015-01-17 23:35:11

标签: java entity-framework mongodb orm

首先,我想说是 - 我知道有像Morphia和Spring Data for MongoDB这样的ORM。我不是想重新发明 - 只是为了学习。因此,我的AbstractRepository背后的基本思想是封装在所有存储库之间共享的逻辑。子类(特定实体的存储库)将Entity类传递给。

使用Reflection将实体bean(POJO)转换为DBObject非常简单。将DBObject转换为实体bean会出现问题。原因?我需要将DBObject中的任何字段类型转换为实体bean属性类型。这就是我被困的地方。我无法在AbstractRepository方法T getEntityFromDBObject(DBObject object)


我可以将实体类传递给这个方法,但这会破坏多态的目的。另一种方法是声明private T type属性,然后使用Field读取类型。定义附加属性只是为了让我能读得不对。

所以问题是 - 如何使用反射使用较少的参数将DBObject映射到POJO。这又是一个想法:

public  abstract class AbstractRepository<T> {
   T getEntityFromDBObject(DBObject object) {


public class EntityRepository extends AbstractRepository<T> {



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


public abstract class AbstractRepository<T> {

    protected final Class<T> entityClass;

    protected AbstractRepository() {
        // Don't remember if this reflection stuff throws any exception
        // If it does, try-catch and throw RuntimeException 
        // (or assign null to entityClass)
        // Anyways, it's impossible that such exception occurs here
        Type t = this.getClass().getGenericSuperclass();
        this.entityClass = ((Class<T>)((ParameterizedType)t).getActualTypeArguments()[0]);

    T getEntityFromDBObject(DBObject object) {
        // Use reflection to create an entity instance
        // Let's suppose all entities have a public no-args constructor (they should!)
        T entity = (T) this.entityClass.getConstructor().newInstance();

        // Now fill entity with DBObject's data
        // This is the place to fill common fields only, i.e. an ID
        // So maybe T could extend some abstract BaseEntity that provides setters for these common fields
        // Again, all this reflection stuff needs to be done within a try-catch block because of checked exceptions
        // Wrap the original exception in a RuntimeException and throw this one instead
        // (or maybe your own specific runtime exception for this case)

        // Now let specialized repositories fill specific fields
        this.fillSpecificFields(entity, object);

        return entity;

    protected abstract void fillSpecificFields(T entity, DBObject object);


如果您不想在每个实体的存储库中实现方法.fillSpecificFields(),那么您需要使用反射来设置每个字段(包括ID等常用字段,因此不要手动设置它们) )。

如果是这种情况,您已将实体类作为受保护属性,因此它可供每个实体的存储库使用。您需要遍历 ALL 其字段,包括在超类中声明的字段(我相信您必须使用方法.getFields()而不是.getDeclaredFields())并通过反射设置值。

作为旁注,我真的不知道DBObject实例中的数据是什么,以及采用何种格式,所以如果从中提取字段的值是非常重要的,请告诉我。< / p>

答案 1 :(得分:1)


public abstract class AbstractRepository<T> {

private MongoConnectionProvider provider;

// Keeps current repository collection name
protected String collectionName;

public abstract void initialize();

public String getCollectionName() {
    return this.collectionName;

protected void setCollectionName(String collectionName) {
    this.collectionName = collectionName;

protected DBCollection getConnection() {
    DB conn = this.provider.getConnection();
    DBCollection collection = conn.getCollection(this.collectionName);
    return collection;

private void putFieldToDbObject(T source, DBObject target, Field field) {
    // TODO: Think more elegant solution for this
    try {
        // Should we cast String to ObjectId
        if (field.getName() == "id" && field.get(source) != null
                || field.isAnnotationPresent(DBRef.class)) {
            String key = field.getName().equals("id") ? "_id" : field.getName();
            target.put(key, new ObjectId(field.get(source).toString()));
        } else {
            if(!field.getName().equals("id")) {
                target.put(field.getName(), field.get(source));
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException exception) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } finally {


protected DBObject getDbObject(T entity) {
    DBObject result = new BasicDBObject();
    // Get entity class
    Class entityClass = entity.getClass();
    Field[] fields = entityClass.getDeclaredFields();
    // Update DBobject with entity data
    for (Field field : fields) {
        this.putFieldToDbObject(entity, result, field);
    return result;

@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public T getEntityFromDBObject(DBObject object) throws MappingException {
        Type superclass = this.getClass().getGenericSuperclass();
        Type entityClass = ((ParameterizedType) superclass).getActualTypeArguments()[0];
        T entity;
    try {
        entity = ((Class<T>) entityClass).newInstance();
        // Map fields to entity properties
        Set<String> keySet = object.keySet();
        for(String key : keySet) {
            String fieldName = key.equals("_id") ? "id" : key;
            Field field = ((Class<T>) entityClass).getDeclaredField(fieldName);
            if(object.get(key).getClass().getSimpleName().equals("ObjectId")) {
                field.set(entity, object.get(key).toString());
            } else {
                // Get field type
                Type fieldType = field.getType();
                Object fieldValue = object.get(key);
                Class objectType = object.get(key).getClass();
                if(!fieldType.equals(objectType)) {
                    // Let's try to convert source type to destination type
                    try {
                        fieldValue = (((Class) fieldType).getConstructor(objectType)).newInstance(object.get(key));
                    } catch (NoSuchMethodException exception) {
                        // Let's try to use String as "man-in-the-middle"
                        String objectValue = object.get(key).toString();
                        // Get constructor for destination type that take String as parameter
                        Constructor constructor = ((Class) fieldType).getConstructor(String.class);
                        fieldValue = constructor.newInstance(objectValue);
                field.set(entity, fieldValue);

    } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException e) {
        throw new MappingException(e.getMessage(), MappingExceptionCode.UNKNOWN_ERROR);

    return entity;

public List<T> getAll() {
    DBCollection conn = this.getConnection();
    DBCursor cursor = conn.find();
    List<T> result = new LinkedList<T>();
    while (cursor.hasNext()) {
        DBObject obj = cursor.next();
        try {
        } catch (MappingException e) {

    return result;

public T getOneById(String id) {
    DBObject idRef = new BasicDBObject().append("_id", new ObjectId(id));
    DBCollection conn = this.getConnection();
    DBObject resultObj = conn.findOne(idRef);
    T result = null;
    try {
        result = this.getEntityFromDBObject(resultObj);
    } catch (MappingException e) {


    return result;


public void save(T entity) {
    DBObject object = this.getDbObject(entity);
    DBCollection collection = this.getConnection();


答案 2 :(得分:0)
