
时间:2015-01-16 21:24:33

标签: powershell csv active-directory account ps1

我正在尝试制作一个脚本来放置一堆信息Active Directory。它从csv文件导入信息。脚本在城市,州,传真,移动设备上出错。该剧本非常深入。我使用了几组不同的代码来实现这一点。它很长但不确定为什么我会收到此错误。


    ############################Function for Ad attribute overwrite#########################################

    Function Adattribute ($userid,$attribute,$adatt)

        $userobject = get-aduser -identity $userid -Properties givenName,sn,displayname,Description,physicalDeliveryOfficeName,Telephonenumber,Emailaddress,HomePage,StreetAddress,City,State,postalcode,Homephone,fax,title,department,Company,Manager 

        $givenName = $userobject.givenName
        $sn = $userobject.sn
        $DisplayName = $userobject.DisplayName
        $Description = $userobject.Description
        $physicalDeliveryOfficeName = $userobject.physicalDeliveryOfficeName
        $telephoneNumber = $userobject.telephoneNumber
        $Emailaddress = $userobject.Emailaddress
        $homepage = $userobject.HomePage
        $StreetAddress = $userobject.StreetAddress
        $City = $userobject.City
        $state = $userobject.State
        $PostalCode = $userobject.PostalCode
        $HomePhone = $userobject.HomePhone
        $Pager = $userobject.Pager
        $mobile = $userobject.mobile
        $fax = $userobject.fax
        $Title = $userobject.Title
        $Department = $userobject.Department
        $Company = $userobject.Company
        $Manager = $userobject.Manager

        # adding log to if attribute is blank

        $attrib = "$" + $attribute

        if ($attrib -like $null)
                Write-host $userobject has blank $attribute
                $Log1 = ".\logs\" + "Blank" + $attribute + $now + “.log”
                Add-content  $Log1 “$userobject has blank $attribute”

                # If address is Blank than populate the $attribute from the csv file

                get-aduser -identity $userid | Set-ADUser @{$attribute = $adatt.Trim()}
                $userobject = get-aduser -identity $i.userid -Properties givenName,sn,displayname,Description,physicalDeliveryOfficeName,Telephonenumber,Emailaddress,HomePage,StreetAddress,city,state,postalcode,Homephone,fax,title,department,Company,Manager  
                $attrib = $userobject.$attribute

                Write-host $userobject has $attribute as $attrib
                $Log3 = ".\logs\" + "Set" + $attribute + $now + “.log”
                Add-content  $Log3 “For $userobject $attribute as $attrib has been set”
               # adding log to check current $attribute is not blank , than $attribute will be overwritten.
                $Log2 = ".\logs\" + "Current" + $attribute + $now + “.log”
                get-aduser -identity $i.userid | Set-ADUser -replace @{$attribute = $adatt.Trim()}
                $userobject = get-aduser -identity $i.userid -Properties givenName,sn,displayname,Description,physicalDeliveryOfficeName,Telephonenumber,Emailaddress,HomePage,StreetAddress,city,state,postalcode,Homephone,fax,title,department,Company,Manager  
                $attrib = $userobject.$attribute
                Write-host $userobject has been overwritten with $attribute as Current $attrib
                Add-content  $Log2 “$userobject has been overwritten with $attribute as $attrib”

    ###############################################Function Completed####################################

    ############################Function for Ad attribute No overwrite###################################

    Function AdattributeNoOV ($userid,$attribute,$adatt)

        $userobject = get-aduser -identity $userid -Properties givenName,sn,displayname,Description,physicalDeliveryOfficeName,Telephonenumber,Emailaddress,HomePage,StreetAddress,city,state,postalcode,Homephone,fax,title,department,Company,Manager 

        $givenName = $userobject.givenName
        $sn = $userobject.sn
        $DisplayName = $userobject.DisplayName
        $Description = $userobject.Description
        $physicalDeliveryOfficeName = $userobject.physicalDeliveryOfficeName
        $telephoneNumber = $userobject.telephoneNumber
        $Emailaddress = $userobject.Emailaddress
        $homepage = $userobject.HomePage
        $StreetAddress = $userobject.StreetAddress
        $City = $userobject.city
        $state = $userobject.state
        $PostalCode = $userobject.PostalCode
        $HomePhone = $userobject.HomePhone
        $Pager = $userobject.Pager
        $mobile = $userobject.mobile
        $fax = $userobject.fax
        $Title = $userobject.Title
        $Department = $userobject.Department
        $Company = $userobject.Company
        $Manager = $userobject.Manager

        # adding log to if attribute is blank

        $attrib = "$" + $attribute

        if ($attrib -like $null)
                Write-host $userobject has blank $attribute
                $Log1 = ".\logs\" + "Blank" + $attribute + $now + “.log”
                Add-content  $Log1 “$userobject has blank $attribute”

                # If address is Blank than populate the $attribute from the csv file

                get-aduser -identity $userid | Set-ADUser -replace @{$attribute = $adatt.Trim()}
                $userobject = get-aduser -identity $i.userid -Properties givenName,sn,displayname,Description,physicalDeliveryOfficeName,Telephonenumber,Emailaddress,HomePage,StreetAddress,city,state,postalcode,Homephone,fax,title,department,Company,Manager  
                $attrib = $userobject.$attribute

                Write-host $userobject has $attribute as $attrib
                $Log3 = ".\logs\" + "Set" + $attribute + $now + “.log”
                Add-content  $Log3 “For $userobject $attribute as $attrib has been set”
               # adding log to check current $attribute is not blank , than $attribute will be not be overwritten.
                $Log2 = ".\logs\" + "Current" + $attribute + $now + “.log”
                $userobject = get-aduser -identity $i.userid -Properties givenName,sn,displayname,Description,physicalDeliveryOfficeName,Telephonenumber,Emailaddress,HomePage,StreetAddress,city,state,postalcode,Homephone,fax,title,department,Company,Manager   
                $attrib = $userobject.$attribute
                Write-host $userobject already has $attribute as $attrib
                Add-content  $Log2 “$userobject already has $attribute as $attrib”

    ###############################################Function Completed####################################

    ############################Function for Ad attribute Manager overwrite#########################################

    Function AdattributeMN ($userid,$attribute,$adatt)

        $userobject = get-aduser -identity $userid -Properties givenName,sn,displayname,Description,physicalDeliveryOfficeName,Telephonenumber,Emailaddress,HomePage,StreetAddress,city,state,postalcode,Homephone,fax,title,department,Company,Manager    
        $Manager = $userobject.Manager

        # adding log to if attribute is blank

        $attrib = "$" + $attribute

        if ($attrib -like $null)
                Write-host $userobject has blank $attribute
                $Log1 = ".\logs\" + "Blank" + $attribute + $now + “.log”
                Add-content  $Log1 “$userobject has blank $attribute”

                # If address is Blank than populate the $attribute from the csv file

                get-aduser -identity $userid | Set-ADUser -replace @{$attribute = (get-aduser -identity $adatt.Trim()).DN}
                $userobject = get-aduser -identity $i.userid -Properties givenName,sn,displayname,Description,physicalDeliveryOfficeName,Telephonenumber,Emailaddress,HomePage,StreetAddress,city,state,postalcode,Homephone,fax,title,department,Company,Manager   
                $attrib = $userobject.$attribute

                Write-host $userobject has $attribute as $attrib
                $Log3 = ".\logs\" + "Set" + $attribute + $now + “.log”
                Add-content  $Log3 “For $userobject $attribute as $attrib has been set”
               # adding log to check current $attribute is not blank , than $attribute will be overwritten.
                $Log2 = ".\logs\" + "Current" + $attribute + $now + “.log”
                get-aduser -identity $userid | Set-ADUser -replace @{$attribute = (get-aduser -identity $adatt.Trim()).DN}
                $userobject = get-aduser -identity $i.userid -Properties givenName,sn,displayname,Description,physicalDeliveryOfficeName,Telephonenumber,Emailaddress,HomePage,StreetAddress,city,state,postalcode,Homephone,fax,title,department,Company,Manager   
                $attrib = $userobject.$attribute
                Write-host $userobject has been overwritten with $attribute as Current $attrib
                Add-content  $Log2 “$userobject has been overwritten with $attribute as $attrib”

    ###############################################Function Completed####################################

    ############################Function for Ad attribute No overwrite Manager###################################

    Function AdattributeNoOVMN ($userid,$attribute,$adatt)

        $userobject = get-aduser -identity $userid --Properties givenName,sn,displayname,Description,physicalDeliveryOfficeName,Telephonenumber,Emailaddress,HomePage,StreetAddress,city,state,postalcode,Homephone,fax,title,department,Company,Manager    

        $Manager = $userobject.Manager

        # adding log to if attribute is blank

        $attrib = "$" + $attribute

        if ($attrib -like $null)
                Write-host $userobject has blank $attribute
                $Log1 = ".\logs\" + "Blank" + $attribute + $now + “.log”
                Add-content  $Log1 “$userobject has blank $attribute”

                # If address is Blank than populate the $attribute from the csv file

                get-aduser -identity $userid | Set-ADUser -replace @{$attribute = (get-aduser -identity $adatt.Trim()).DN}
                $userobject = get-aduser -identity $i.userid -Properties givenName,sn,displayname,Description,physicalDeliveryOfficeName,Telephonenumber,Emailaddress,HomePage,StreetAddress,city,state,postalcode,Homephone,fax,title,department,Company,Manager    
                $attrib = $userobject.$attribute

                Write-host $userobject has $attribute as $attrib
                $Log3 = ".\logs\" + "Set" + $attribute + $now + “.log”
                Add-content  $Log3 “For $userobject $attribute as $attrib has been set”
               # adding log to check current $attribute is not blank , than $attribute will be not be overwritten.
                $Log2 = ".\logs\" + "Current" + $attribute + $now + “.log”
                $userobject = get-aduser -identity $i.userid -Properties givenName,sn,displayname,Description,physicalDeliveryOfficeName,Telephonenumber,Emailaddress,HomePage,StreetAddress,city,state,postalcode,Homephone,fax,title,department,Company,Manager   
                $attrib = $userobject.$attribute
                Write-host $userobject already has $attribute as $attrib
                Add-content  $Log2 “$userobject already has $attribute as $attrib”

    ###############################################Function Completed####################################

    # Import CSV file that is populated with checked input Attributes

    $now=Get-Date -format “dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm”

    # replace : by -

    $now = $now.ToString().Replace(“:”, “-”)

    $data = import-csv .\Users.csv

    $overwrite = new-object -comobject wscript.shell 
    $Answer = $overwrite.popup("Do you want to Overwrite AD Attributes?",0,"Overwrite Attributes",4)

    If ($Answer -eq 6) {

    # Loop thru the data from CSV

    foreach ($i in $data)


    $userid = $i.userid
    $givenName = $i.givenName
    $sn = $i.sn
    $DisplayName = $i.DisplayName
    $Description = $i.Description
    $physicalDeliveryOfficeName = $i.physicalDeliveryOfficeName
    $telephoneNumber = $i.telephoneNumber
    $Emailaddress = $i.EmailAddress
    $homepage = $i.HomePage
    $StreetAddress = $i.StreetAddress
    $city = $i.city
    $state = $i.state
    $PostalCode = $i.PostalCode
    $HomePhone = $i.HomePhone
    $Pager = $i.Pager
    $mobile = $i.mobile
    $fax = $i.fax
    $Title = $i.Title
    $Department = $i.Department
    $Company = $i.Company
    $Manager = $i.Manager

    if($result -contains "FirstName"){ Adattribute $userid givenName $givenName }
    if($result -contains "LastName"){ Adattribute $userid sn $sn }
    if($result -contains "DisplayName"){ Adattribute $userid DisplayName $DisplayName }
    if($result -contains "Description"){ Adattribute $userid Description $Description }
    if($result -contains "PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName"){ Adattribute $userid physicalDeliveryOfficeName $physicalDeliveryOfficeName }
    if($result -contains "TelephoneNumber"){ Adattribute $userid telephoneNumber $telephoneNumber }
    if($result -contains "Email"){ Adattribute $userid mail $Emailaddress }
    if($result -contains "HomePage"){ Adattribute $userid HomePage $homepage }
    if($result -contains "StreetAddress"){ Adattribute $userid StreetAddress $StreetAddress }
    if($result -contains "City"){ Adattribute $userid City $City }
    if($result -contains "State"){ Adattribute $userid state $state }
    if($result -contains "PostalCode"){ Adattribute $userid PostalCode $PostalCode }
    if($result -contains "HomePhone"){ Adattribute $userid HomePhone $HomePhone }
    if($result -contains "Pager"){ Adattribute $userid Pager $Pager }
    if($result -contains "Mobile"){ Adattribute $userid mobile $mobile }
    if($result -contains "Fax"){ Adattribute $userid Fax $fax }
    if($result -contains "Title"){ Adattribute $userid Title $Title }
    if($result -contains "Department"){ Adattribute $userid Department $Department }
    if($result -contains "Company"){ Adattribute $userid Company $Company }
    if($result -contains "Manager"){ AdattributeMN $userid Manager $Manager }




    # Loop thru the data from CSV

    foreach ($i in $data)


    $userid = $i.userid
    $givenName = $i.givenName
    $sn = $i.sn
    $DisplayName = $i.DisplayName
    $Description = $i.Description
    $physicalDeliveryOfficeName = $i.physicalDeliveryOfficeName
    $telephoneNumber = $i.telephoneNumber
    $Emailaddress = $i.Emailaddress
    $homepage = $i.HomePage
    $StreetAddress = $i.StreetAddress
    $PostOfficeBox = $i.PostOfficeBox
    $city = $i.city
    $state = $i.state
    $PostalCode = $i.PostalCode
    $HomePhone = $i.HomePhone
    $Pager = $i.Pager
    $mobile = $i.mobile
    $fax = $i.fax
    $Title = $i.Title
    $Department = $i.Department
    $Company = $i.Company
    $Manager = $i.Manager

    if($result -contains "FirstName"){ AdattributeNoOV $userid givenName $givenName }
    if($result -contains "LastName"){ AdattributeNoOV $userid sn $sn }
    if($result -contains "DisplayName"){ AdattributeNoOV $userid DisplayName $DisplayName }
    if($result -contains "Description"){ AdattributeNoOV $userid Description $Description }
    if($result -contains "physicalDeliveryOfficeName"){ AdattributeNoOV $userid physicalDeliveryOfficeName $physicalDeliveryOfficeName }
    if($result -contains "telephoneNumber"){ AdattributeNoOV $userid telephoneNumber $telephoneNumber }
    if($result -contains "Email"){ AdattributeNoOV $userid mail $Emailaddress }
    if($result -contains "HomePage"){ AdattributeNoOV $userid HomePage $homepage }
    if($result -contains "StreetAddress"){ AdattributeNoOV $userid StreetAddress $StreetAddress }
    if($result -contains "PostOfficeBox"){ AdattributeNoOV $userid PostOfficeBox $PostOfficeBox }
    if($result -contains "City"){ AdattributeNoOV $userid City $City }
    if($result -contains "State"){ AdattributeNoOV $userid state $state }
    if($result -contains "PostalCode"){ AdattributeNoOV $userid PostalCode $PostalCode }
    if($result -contains "HomePhone"){ AdattributeNoOV $userid HomePhone $HomePhone }
    if($result -contains "Pager"){ AdattributeNoOV $userid Pager $Pager }
    if($result -contains "mobile"){ AdattributeNoOV $userid mobile $mobile }
    if($result -contains "fax"){ AdattributeNoOV $userid fax $fax }
    if($result -contains "Title"){ AdattributeNoOV $userid Title $Title }
    if($result -contains "Department"){ AdattributeNoOV $userid Department $Department }
    if($result -contains "Company"){ AdattributeNoOV $userid Company $Company }
    if($result -contains "Manager"){ AdattributeNoOVMN $userid Manager $Manager }





$data = import-csv .\Users.csv

foreach ($i in $data)


$userid = $i.userid
$givenName = $i.givenName
$sn = $i.sn
$DisplayName = $i.DisplayName
$Description = $i.Description
$Office= $i.Office
$OfficePhone = $i.Officephone
$Emailaddress = $i.EmailAddress
$homepage = $i.HomePage
$StreetAddress = $i.StreetAddress
$city = $i.city
$state = $i.state
$PostalCode = $i.PostalCode
$HomePhone = $i.HomePhone
$mobilephone = $i.mobilephone
$fax = $i.fax
$Title = $i.Title
$StreetAddress = $i.StreetAddress
$Company = $i.Company
$Manager = $i.Manager
$oldfile =(".\logs\" + $userId + "_old.csv")
$NewFile =(".\logs\" + $userId + "_new.txt")

get-aduser $userid -Properties Givenname,Sn,Displayname,Description,Office,OfficePhone,EmailAddress,HomePage,StreetAddress,City,State,PostalCode,HomePhone,Mobilephone,Fax,Title,Department,Company,Manager > $OldFile
Write-host ___________________________________________________________________________________
get-aduser $userid -Properties Givenname,Sn,Displayname,Description,Office,OfficePhone,EmailAddress,HomePage,StreetAddress,City,State,PostalCode,HomePhone,Mobilephone,Fax,Title,Department,Company,Manager 
WriTe-host ____________________________________________________________________________________

######## GivenName No Overwrite ########

$GivenNameTest = get-aduser $userid -Properties GivenName | Select-Object -ExpandProperty GivenName

if ( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($GivenNametest))
{ set-aduser $userid -GivenName $GivenName}
{ Write-host GivenName has $GivenNameTest alread "in" this field. Field was not update "for" $userId}

######## sn No Overwrite ########

$snTest = get-aduser $userid -Properties sn | Select-Object -ExpandProperty sn

if ( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Sntest))
{ set-aduser $userid -sn $sn}
{ Write-host sn has $Sntest alread "in" this field. Field was not update "for" $userId}

######## DisplayName No Overwrite ########

$DisplayNameTest = get-aduser $userid -Properties DisplayName | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DisplayName

if ( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($DisplayNameTest))
{ set-aduser $userid -DisplayName $DisplayName}
{ Write-host DisplayName has $DisplayNameTest alread "in" this field. Field was not update "for" $userId}

######## Description No Overwrite ########

$DescriptionTest = get-aduser $userid -Properties Description | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Description

if ( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Descriptiontest))
{ set-aduser $userid -Description $Description
Write-host The field of Description has been updated to $Description "for" $UserId}
{ Write-host Description has $DescriptionTest alread "in" this field. Field was not update "for" $userId}

######## Office No Overwrite ########

$OfficeTest = get-aduser $userid -Properties Office | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Office

if ( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Officetest))
{ set-aduser $userid -Office $Office
Write-host The field of Office has been updated to $Office "for" $UserId}
{ Write-host Office has $Officetest alread "in" this field. Field was not update "for" $userId}

######## OfficePhone No Overwrite ########

$OfficePhoneTest = get-aduser $userid -Properties OfficePhone | Select-Object -ExpandProperty OfficePhone

if ( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($OfficePhonetest))
{ set-aduser $userid -OfficePhone $OfficePhone
Write-host The field of Office Phone has been updated to $Officephone "for" $UserId}
{ Write-host OfficePhone has $OfficePhoneTest alread "in" this field. Field was not update "for" $userId

######## EmailAddress No Overwrite ########

$EmailAddressTest = get-aduser $userid -Properties EmailAddress | Select-Object -ExpandProperty email

if ( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($EmailAddresstest))
{ set-aduser $userid -EmailAddress $EmailAddress}
{ Write-host EmailAddress has $EmailAddressTest alread "in" this field. Field was not update "for" $userId}

######## Homepage No Overwrite ########

$HomepageTest = get-aduser $userid -Properties Homepage | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Homepage

if ( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($HomePagetest))
{ set-aduser $userid -Homepage $Homepage
Write-host The field of HomePage has been updated to $HomePage "for" $UserId}
{ Write-host Homepage has $HomePagetest alread "in" this field. Field was not update "for" $userId}

######## StreetAddress No Overwrite ########

$StreetAddressTest = get-aduser $userid -Properties StreetAddress | Select-Object -ExpandProperty StreetAddress

if ( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($StreetAddressTest))
{ set-aduser $userid -StreetAddress $StreetAddress
Write-host The field of Street Address has been updated to $StreetAddress "for" $UserId}
{ Write-host StreetAddress has $StreetAddressTest alread "in" this field. Field was not update "for" $userId}

######## City No Overwrite ########

$CityTest = get-aduser ahawkins -Properties City | Select-Object -ExpandProperty city

if ( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($citytest))
{ set-aduser $userid -City $City
Write-host The field of City has been updated to $City "for" $UserId}
{ Write-host City has $CityTest alread "in" this field. Field was not update "for" $userId}

######## State No Overwrite ########

$StateTest = get-aduser $userid -Properties State | Select-Object -ExpandProperty state

if ( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($statetest))
{ set-aduser $userid -State $State
Write-host The field of State has been updated to $State "for" $UserId}
{ Write-host State has $StateTest alread "in" this field. Field was not update "for" $userId}

######## PostalCode No Overwrite ########

$PostalCodeTest = get-aduser $userid -Properties PostalCode | Select-Object -ExpandProperty PostalCode

if ( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($PostalCodetest))
{ set-aduser $userid -PostalCode $PostalCode
Write-host The field of Postal Code has been updated to $PostalCode "for" $UserId}
{ Write-host PostalCode has $PostalCodeTest alread "in" this field. Field was not update "for" $userId}

######## homephone No Overwrite ########

$homephoneTest = get-aduser $userid -Properties homephone | Select-Object -ExpandProperty homephone

if ( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($homephoneTest))
{ set-aduser $userid -homephone $homephone
Write-host The field of Home Phone has been updated to $Homephone "for" $UserId}
{ Write-host homephone has $homephoneTest alread "in" this field. Field was not update "for" $userId}

######## MobilePhone No Overwrite ########

$MobilePhoneTest = get-aduser $userid -Properties MobilePhone | Select-Object -ExpandProperty MobilePhone

if ( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($MobilePhoneTest))
{ set-aduser $userid -MobilePhone $MobilePhone
Write-host The field of Mobile Phone has been updated to $Mobile "for" $UserId}
{ Write-host MobilePhone has $MobilePhoneTest alread "in" this field. Field was not update "for" $userId}

######## fax No Overwrite ########

$faxTest = get-aduser $userid -Properties fax | Select-Object -ExpandProperty fax

if ( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($faxtest))
{ set-aduser $userid -fax $fax
Write-host The field of Fax Number has been updated to $fax "for" $UserId}
{ Write-host fax has $faxTest alread "in" this field. Field was not update "for" $userId}

######## Title No Overwrite ########

$TitleTest = get-aduser $userid -Properties Title | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Title

if ( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Titletest))
{ set-aduser $userid -Title $Title
Write-host The field of Title has been updated to $Title "for" $UserId}
{ Write-host Title has $TitleTest alread "in" this field. Field was not update "for" $userId}

####### Company NO Overwrite #########

$CompanyTest = get-aduser $userid -Properties Company | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Company

if ( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Companytest))
{ set-aduser $userid -Company $Company
Write-host The field of Company has been updated to $Company "for" $UserId}
{ Write-host Company has $CompanyTest alread "in" this field. Field was not update "for" $userId}

######### Manager No Overwrite ########

$Managertest = get-aduser $userid -Properties Manager | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Manager

if ( [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Mangertest))
{ set-aduser $userid -Manager $Manager
Write-host The field of Manager has been updated to $Manager "for" $UserId}
{ Write-host Manager has $Managertest alread "in" this field. Field was not update "for" $userId}

###### Writing Log of New Info ########

get-aduser $userid -Properties Givenname,Sn,Displayname,Description,Office,OfficePhone,EmailAddress,HomePage,StreetAddress,City,State,PostalCode,HomePhone,Mobilephone,Fax,Title,Department,Company,Manager > $NewFile

Write-host ____________________________________________________________________________________
WriTe-host ____________________________________________________________________________________
Write-host ####################################################################################
get-aduser $userid -Properties Givenname,Sn,Displayname,Description,Office,OfficePhone,EmailAddress,HomePage,StreetAddress,City,State,PostalCode,HomePhone,Mobilephone,Fax,Title,Department,Company,Manager 
Write-host ####################################################################################
WriTe-host ____________________________________________________________________________________
WriTe-host ____________________________________________________________________________________


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


  1. You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
  2. 这很可能是由于复制和粘贴错误造成的。正确的调试应该会解决这个问题。错误引用此部分代码:get-aduser -identity $i.userid。该代码在您的函数中显示几个次,但是在您的main for循环中的索引对象中$i。它不存在于任何函数的范围内。我怀疑你是在复制和粘贴代码来创建这个错误。在函数中使用适当的变量将解决这个问题。

    1. get-aduser : Cannot find an object with identity: 'state'
    2. 对于“州”,“城市”等,您还有几种错误。我查看了在该上下文中调用Get-Aduser的代码,但没有看到任何问题。因此,我的结论是,你得到的错误与你的代码不符(回到早先的一点,我无法得到与错误匹配的行。)。对于上面的错误,它说找不到对象“State”意味着某种方式$userid成为字符串“State”,根据你的函数声明是第二个参数。这很可能是另一个错字


      使用get-aduser -identity $i.userid修复行以使用正确的变量,并考虑保存脚本并打开新的PowerShell会话进行测试。然后看看您的代码会发生什么。



答案 1 :(得分:0)

您指的是不存在的LDAP属性,而Set-ADUser正在传递LDAP服务器抱怨它。您正在传递Set-ADUser LDAP命令,因此您需要在LDAP属性中与LDAP服务器通信,而不是Set-ADUser允许您使用cmdlet参数的友好名称。这意味着您必须使用LDAP显示名称。

您没有收到Get-ADUser的错误,因为我记得Get-ADUser并不关心您是否致电$User = Get-ADUser ... -Properties franksAndBeans。它只会将$User.franksAndBeans设置为null,因为LDAP读取查询不会验证您要求的属性对于要返回的对象是否有效。但是,Set-ADUser确实这样做,因为它必须这样做。


$objuserclass = [adsi]"LDAP://schema/user";


或者您可以查看Active Directory的online documentation以获取可能的属性列表。


你也可以运行Get-ADUser ... -Properties *,但是,这并不全面,因为并非所有用户都拥有所有可能的属性。





  1. 您正在尝试“替换”未设置的参数。替换操作可能要求首先存在该属性。
  2. 您的数据不好。
  3. 查询失败的其他原因。
  4. 总的来说,我会说你的代码方法太复杂了。你有四个表面上做同样事情的函数,但你必须在不同情况下调用它们,并且通过查看代码并且这些函数的命名并不真正有助于记录它们的作用,这些情况并不明显。我宁愿只传递一个哈希表,其中包含用户的所有属性,并让函数在有完整的数据集时理清该做什么。函数本身应该能够从传入的哈希表中确定用户是否是管理员,如果我有时需要覆盖,我只需要为该函数创建一个-Force参数。老实说,看起来你正试图在PowerShell中编写VBScript。