
时间:2015-01-16 18:57:30

标签: haskell higher-kinded-types type-kinds polykinds


当我们enable PolyKinds时,我们是否知道f a ~ g b暗示f ~ ga ~ b


trying to answer another question时,我将问题缩小到仅在启用PolyKinds时才收到以下错误。

Could not deduce (c1 ~ c)
from the context ((a, c z) ~ (c1 a1, c1 b))

如果polykinded类型应用是单射的,我们可以推导c1 ~ c如下。

(a,   c z) ~ (c1 a1,   c1 b)
(a,) (c z) ~ (c1 a1,) (c1 b) {- switch to prefix notation -}
      c z  ~           c1 b  {- f a ~ g b implies a ~ b -}
      c    ~           c1    {- f a ~ g b implies f ~ g -}
      c1   ~           c     {- ~ is reflexive -}


在Haskell中,类型应用是单射的。如果是f a ~ g b,那么f ~ ga ~ b。我们可以通过编译以下来证明这一点


import Control.Applicative

second :: a -> a -> a
second _ = id

typeApplicationIsInjective :: (Applicative f, f a ~ g b) => f a -> g b -> f b
typeApplicationIsInjective fa gb = second <$> fa <*> gb


类型应用程序的类型不是单射的。如果我们考虑以下内容,其类型为(* -> *) -> *

newtype HoldingInt f = HoldingInt (f Int)

我们可以问ghci在应用于某种(* -> *) -> *时是什么样的* -> *种类,*

> :k HoldingInt
HoldingInt :: (* -> *) -> *
> :k Maybe
Maybe :: * -> *
> :k HoldingInt Maybe
HoldingInt Maybe :: *

这类似* -> *应用于某种类型的*

> :k Maybe
Maybe :: * -> *
> :k Int
Int :: *
> :k Maybe Int
Maybe Int :: *

因此,借用syntax from KindSignatures并不是真的,第一组签名意味着第二套签名。

f :: kf, g :: kg, a :: ka, b :: kb, f a :: k, g b :: k
g :: kf, f :: kg, b :: ka, a :: kb

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)


“来自外部的”injective“我的意思是,只要Refl类型为f a :~: g b,就必须是f等于g的情况并且a等于b,并且因为我们知道不同类型的类型永远不相等,所以种类也必须相同。


{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds, GADTs, TypeOperators #-}

data HEq (a :: i) (b :: k) :: * where
  HRefl :: HEq a a
-- ERROR: Data constructor ‘HRefl’ cannot be GADT-like in its *kind* arguments 


sym1 :: forall f g a b. f a :~: g b -> g b :~: f a
sym1 Refl = Refl
-- ERROR: could not deduce (g ~ f), could not deduce (b ~ a)


This paper讨论了上述限制以及如何在GHC中消除它们(它们描述了具有统一类型/类型强制和异构等式约束的系统)。

答案 1 :(得分:5)


GHC.Prim> () :: ((Any :: * -> *) Any) ~ ((Any :: (* -> *) -> *) Any) => ()
    Couldn't match kind ‘*’ with ‘* -> *’
    Expected type: Any Any
      Actual type: Any Any
    In the expression:
        () :: ((Any :: * -> *) Any) ~ ((Any :: (* -> *) -> *) Any) => ()
    In an equation for ‘it’:
          = () :: ((Any :: * -> *) Any) ~ ((Any :: (* -> *) -> *) Any) => ()

    Couldn't match kind ‘*’ with ‘* -> *’
    Expected type: Any Any
      Actual type: Any Any
    In the ambiguity check for: Any Any ~ Any Any => ()
    To defer the ambiguity check to use sites, enable AllowAmbiguousTypes
    In an expression type signature:
      ((Any :: * -> *) Any) ~ ((Any :: (* -> *) -> *) Any) => ()
    In the expression:
        () :: ((Any :: * -> *) Any) ~ ((Any :: (* -> *) -> *) Any) => ()

(即使打开建议的AllowAmbiguousTypes扩展名也会出现相同的类型检查错误 - 只是没有建议。)


如果您希望提供证据而非证据,则需要写下关于Type Checking with Open Type Functions中描述的系统的仔细归纳证明。对图3的检查向我表明,不变的“所有类型的应用程序在〜的两侧都有相同的类型”被保留,虽然我和论文都没有仔细证明这一点,所以它有可能是不是这样。