An exception of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' occurred in
System.Data.dll but was not handled in user code
Additional information: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'title'.
public class Submission {
private string _title;
private byte[] _slides, _codes;
//Connection string
private string _connStr = Properties.Settings.Default.DBConnStr;
public Submission(string title, byte[] slides, byte[] codes) {
_title = title;
_slides = slides;
_codes = codes;
//UPLOAD files
public int SubmissionInsert()
string queryStr = "INSERT INTO Submission(title,slides,codes)" +
"VALUES('" +
_title + "', '" +
_slides + "', '" +
_codes + "')";
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(_connStr);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(queryStr, con);
int nofRow = 0;
nofRow = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
return nofRow;
public class SubmissionBLL
public string submissionUpload(string title, byte[] slides, byte[] codes)
string returnValue = "";
if (title.Length == 0)
returnValue+= "Title cannot be empty";
if (slides == null)
returnValue += "Slides cannot be empty";
if (codes == null)
returnValue += "Codes cannot be empty";
//if there are no errors
if (returnValue.Length == 0)
Submission sub = new Submission(title,slides,codes);
int nofRows = 0;
nofRows = sub.SubmissionInsert();
if (nofRows > 0)
returnValue = "Submission is successful!";
returnValue = "Submission failure. Please try again.";
return returnValue;
表示层 - 代码隐藏
protected void btn_submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string input = "";
byte[] slideArr = null, codeArr= null;
string strTestFilePath, strTestFileName, strContentType;
Int32 intFileSize, intFileLength;
Stream strmStream;
if (f_codes.HasFile)
strTestFilePath = f_codes.PostedFile.FileName;
strTestFileName = Path.GetFileName(strTestFilePath);
intFileSize = f_codes.PostedFile.ContentLength;
strContentType = f_codes.PostedFile.ContentType;
//Convert the source codes file to byte stream to save to database
strmStream = f_codes.PostedFile.InputStream;
intFileLength = (Int32)strmStream.Length;
codeArr = new byte[intFileLength + 1];
strmStream.Read(codeArr, 0, intFileLength);
if (f_slide.HasFile)
strTestFilePath = f_slide.PostedFile.FileName;
strTestFileName = Path.GetFileName(strTestFilePath);
intFileSize = f_slide.PostedFile.ContentLength;
strContentType = f_slide.PostedFile.ContentType;
strmStream = f_slide.PostedFile.InputStream;
intFileLength = (Int32)strmStream.Length;
slideArr = new byte[intFileLength + 1];
strmStream.Read(slideArr, 0, intFileLength);
//Pass to BLL
input = sub.submissionUpload(tb_title.Text,slideArr,codeArr);
//Display error messages
lbl_message.Text = input;
ADO.NET:Execute NonQuery" INSERT INTO提交(标题,幻灯片,代码)VALUES('我的节水项目',' System.Byte []' ' System.Byte []')"
我这样做是否正确?我试图运行,但异常错误仍然存在 本。
string queryStr = "INSERT INTO Submission(title,slides,codes)" + "VALUES('"+
_title + "', '" +
"0x" + BitConverter.ToString(_slides).Replace("-", "")+ "', '" +
"0x" + BitConverter.ToString(_codes).Replace("-", "") + "')";
答案 0 :(得分:1)
"0x" + BitConverter.ToString(_slides).Replace("-", "")+ "', '" +
您不应将字节转换为字符串。相反,您希望使用参数化查询 (以避免sql注入) 并将这些字节数组直接插入数据库。
public int SubmissionInsert(string title, byte[] slides, byte[] codes)
int nofRow;
string query = "INSERT INTO Submission ( title, slides, codes )" +
"VALUES ( @Title, @Slides, @Codes );";
using (var con = new SqlConnection(_connStr))
using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(query, con))
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Title", title);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Slides", slides);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Codes", codes);
nofRow = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
return nofRow;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
这可以帮到你: “0x”+ BitConverter.ToString(byteArray).Replace(“ - ”,“”)
答案 2 :(得分:0)
I also got the same error when I am uploading doc USING ADO.NET and Storedproc.
I am using stored proc to upload word file to the table's column type varbinary(max).
There are so many examples with insert query to insert document but my scenario was stored proc. I spent lot of time in figuring out the solution.
Stored Proc:`Alter PROC [dbo].[usp_GMS_SaveEngagementDocument](
@pDocumentID INT=0,
@pEngagementID INT,
@pDocumentName NVARCHAR(100),
@pContentType NVARCHAR(100),
@pDocumentType NVARCHAR(100),
@pDocumentContent VARBINARY(max)=null,
@pUserID INT)
param = new SqlParameter();
param.ParameterName = "@pDocumentContent";
param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
param.Value = document.DocumentContent;
param.DbType = DbType.Binary;
param.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Binary;
Setting SQLDBType as Binary and DbType as Binary solved my problem In calling stored proc.