
时间:2015-01-15 23:03:48

标签: php json api


只需两个字来解释我想要实现的目标:使用Google API我想验证第一个用户在我的某个字段中编写的城市,并且然后我想向他展示,使用其他API,当前的天气以及他所在城市的3天预测。

我写了一个完美的课程,因为它连接到Google API并且由于JSON文件,我得到了我需要的所有信息(这里是国家和城市),然后我写了一个类似于连接到Wunderground API(免费的优秀网络服务)和JSON文件,我可以得到我想要的所有天气数据。




class GeoLocalization
 public $host = 'http://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address={ADDRESS}&sensor=false';

public $street_number;
public $route;     
public $locality;
public $county;
public $state_long;
public $state_short; 
public $country_long; 
public $country_short;     
public $postal_code;
public $formatted_address;
public $latitude;
public $longitude;

public $status;

public function __construct($address)
        $host = str_replace('{ADDRESS}', $address, $this->host);

        $response = $this->fetch($host);

        // decode the JSON into an associative array, setting the option true
        $data = json_decode($response, true);

        # This will print out the contents of the array in a nice readable format. 
        # echo '<pre>' . print_r($data, true) . '</pre>';

        // set the properties
        $this->street_number = $data['results'][0]['address_components'][0]['long_name'];
        $this->route = $data['results'][0]['address_components'][1]['long_name'];
        $this->locality = $data['results'][0]['address_components'][2]['long_name'];
        $this->county = $data['results'][0]['address_components'][3]['long_name'];
        $this->state_long = $data['results'][0]['address_components'][4]['long_name'];
        $this->state_short = $data['results'][0]['address_components'][4]['short_name'];
        $this->country_long = $data['results'][0]['address_components'][5]['long_name'];
        $this->country_short = $data['results'][0]['address_components'][5]['short_name'];
        $this->postal_code = $data['results'][0]['address_components'][6]['long_name'];
        $this->formatted_address = $data['results'][0]['formatted_address'];
        $this->latitude = $data['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lat'];       
        $this->longitude = $data['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lng'];

        $this->status = $data['status'];

public function fetch($host) 

        if ( function_exists('curl_init') ) 
                // use cURL to fetch data
                $ch = curl_init();

                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $host);

                // return the transfer instead of outputting it out directly.
                // if deactivated (with 0 instead of 1) you see the json from the API
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

                // execute
                $response = curl_exec($ch);

                // close cURL resource, and free up system resources
                curl_close ($ch);
        else if ( ini_get('allow_url_fopen') ) 
                //fall back to fopen()
                $response = file_get_contents($host, 'r');

        return $response;



class GeoWeather extends GeoLocalization
public $api = 'http://api.wunderground.com/api/MY_API_KEY/geolookup/conditions/forecast/lang:IT/q/{COUNTRY}/{CITY}.json';

public $location;
public $current_weather_image;
public $current_weather_temperature;

public function __construct()
        $needle = array('{COUNTRY}', '{CITY}');

        $replace = array($this->state_long, $this->locality);       

        # replace the country and city
        $api = str_replace($needle, $replace, $this->api);

        $response = $this->get($api);

        // decode the JSON into an associative array, setting the option true
        $json = json_decode($response, true);

        // set the properties
        $this->location = $json['current_observation']['display_location']['full'];
        $this->current_weather_image = $json['current_observation']['icon_url'];
        $this->current_weather_temperature = $json['current_observation']['temp_c'] .  ' &deg;C' . ' (' . $json['current_observation']['temp_f'] . ' &deg;F' . ')';

        // access the parent constructor 

public function get($api) 

        // control if the API in the other class answered positive
        // if so, go on with this one.
        if (  $this->status  && function_exists('curl_init') ) 
                // use cURL to get data
                $ch = curl_init();

                // set the URL
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $api);

                // return the transfer instead of outputting it out directly. 
                // if deactivated (with 0 instead of 1) you see the json from the API
                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

                // execute
                $response = curl_exec($ch);

                // close cURL resource, and free up system resources
                curl_close ($ch);
        else if ( ini_get('allow_url_fopen') ) 
                //fall back to fopen()
                $response = file_get_contents($api, 'r');

        return $response;



require_once 'GeoLocalization.class.php';

$address = 'Roma';  
$address = urlencode($address);

$map = new GeoLocalization($address);

if ( $map->status == 'OK' )

    echo $map->locality . '<br />';

    echo $map->state_long . '<br />';

    echo 'address not found';

require_once 'GeoWeather.class.php';

$weather = new GeoWeather();

echo $weather->location . '<br />';
echo '<img src="' .  $weather->current_weather_image . '" alt="" />' . '<br />';
echo $weather->current_weather_temperature . '<br />';





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