然后迭代它。在循环中,我构建了一组200 F1.Value
的字符串,然后查询Active Directory中的某些数据。然后我获取返回的数据并更新表中的F2
Public Function DoIt()
Dim nRecordSet As DAO.Recordset
Dim nRecordSetClone As DAO.Recordset
Dim nFoundItem As Variant
Dim nBatchCounter As Integer
Dim nFilter As String
Dim nFoundInAD As Collection
' to batch AD queries
nBatchCounter = 0
nFilter = ""
' the data
Set nRecordSet = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT [F1], [F2] FROM [Table1] WHERE [F2] Is Null")
' i clone it so i can move the cursor independent of the previous one
Set nRecordSetClone = nRecordSet.Clone
Do Until nRecordSet.EOF
' build the query string
nFilter = nFilter + "(name=" & nRecordSet.Fields("F1").Value & ")"
' increment counter
nBatchCounter = nBatchCounter + 1
' move the cursor to the next record
' check if I have a full batch or I am at the end of my records
If nBatchCounter = 200 Or nRecordSet.EOF Then
' search AD
' nQueryAD.Query is a module.function I have to query AD using LDAP
' it returns a Collection of results
' this function can take time but it usually returns instantly
Set nFoundInAD = nQueryAD.Query("(&(ObjectCategory=computer)(|" & nFilter & "))", "distinguishedName,name")
' make sure we actually found something
If Not nFoundInAD Is Nothing Then
If nFoundInAD.Count Then
' iterate through each found
For Each nFoundItem In nFoundInAD
' find the matching record in the clone and update it
nRecordSetClone.FindFirst "[F1] = '" & nFoundItem.Item("name") & "'"
nRecordSetClone.Fields("F2").Value = nFoundItem.Item("distinguishedName")
Next nFoundItem
End If
End If
' reset batch stuff
nBatchCounter = 0
nFilter = ""
End If
Set nRecordSet = Nothing
Set nRecordSetClone = Nothing
Set nFoundInAD = Nothing
End Function