我是一名excel vba新手,无法解决我的问题,根据单元格的值(或数据)构建组合。我的问题的定义如下:
X Col-B Col-C Col-D
1 MinAdt MaxAdt Total
2 1 2 4
X Col-B&C Col-D&E Col-F&G Col-H&I Col-J&K Col-L&M Col-N&O
5 Infant(M) Child-1(M) Child-2(M) Child-3(M) Child-4(M) Child-5(M) Child-6(M)
6 From|To From|To From|To From|To From|To From|To From|To
7 0|02,99 03|06,99 07|12,99
B2,C2,D2的值可能相对于房间大小而变化,并且“Total Pax”可能基于房间的子容量(不是单元格B2和C2的总数)而增加5,6或更多
在细胞中,给予儿童7岁(在桌上不超过6 chd)。因此,所有可能的组合应如下所示:
X Col-B Col-C
10 1ADT+1CHD (0-02,99)
11 1ADT+1CHD (03-06,99)
12 1ADT+1CHD (07-12,99)
13 1ADT+2CHD (0-02,99)
14 1ADT+2CHD (0-02,99)(03-06,99)
15 1ADT+2CHD (0-02,99)(07-12,99)
16 1ADT+2CHD (03-06,99)
17 1ADT+2CHD (03-06,99)(07-12,99)
18 1ADT+2CHD (07-12,99)
19 1ADT+3CHD (0-02,99)
20 1ADT+3CHD (0-02,99)(0-02,99)(03-06,99)
21 1ADT+3CHD (0-02,99)(03-06,99)(03-06,99)
22 1ADT+3CHD (0-02,99)(0-02,99)(07-12,99)
23 1ADT+3CHD (0-02,99)(07-12,99)(07-12,99)
24 1ADT+3CHD (0-02,99)(03-06,99)(07-12,99)
25 1ADT+3CHD (03-06,99)
26 1ADT+3CHD (03-06,99)(03-06,99)(07-12,99)
27 1ADT+3CHD (03-06,99)(07-12,99)(07-12,99)
28 1ADT+3CHD (07-12,99)
29 2ADT+1CHD (0-02,99)
30 2ADT+1CHD (03-06,99)
31 2ADT+1CHD (07-12,99)
32 2ADT+2CHD (0-02,99)
33 2ADT+2CHD (0-02,99)(03-06,99)
34 2ADT+2CHD (0-02,99)(07-12,99)
35 2ADT+2CHD (03-06,99)
36 2ADT+2CHD (03-06,99)(07-12,99)
37 2ADT+2CHD (07-12,99)
38 3ADT+1CHD (0-02,99)
39 3ADT+1CHD (03-06,99)
40 3ADT+1CHD (07-12,99)
从组合表中可以理解,包括孩子在内的总数不能超过4。所以房间的最大容量计算为1 + 3或2 + 2或3 + 1。同样的组合的重复也被省略。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Sub Generate(ByVal MinAdultsPerRoom As Long, ByVal MaxAdultsPerRoom As Long, _
ByVal MinChildrenPerRoom As Long, ByVal MaxChildrenPerRoom As Long, _
ByVal MaxPersonsPerRoom As Long, ByRef ChildAgeRanges() As String, _
ByVal MaxChildrenPerRange As Long, ByRef Results() As String)
Call Generate(1, 3, 1, 3, 4, ChildAgeRanges, 3, Results)
Call Generate(0, 2, 0, 4, 5, ChildAgeRanges, 4, Results)
MinAdultsPerRoom Load from B2
MaxAdultsPerRoom Load from C2
MinChildrenPerRoom See below
MaxChildrenPerRoom See below
MaxPersonsPerRoom Load from D2
ChildAgeRanges() Load from row 7
MaxChildrenPerRange See below
Results() Write to columns B and C starting from row 10
Call OutParametersAndResults("Sheet2", ColOut, 1, 3, 1, 3, 4, ChildAgeRanges, 3, Results)
Call OutParametersAndResults("Sheet2", ColOut, 0, 2, 0, 4, 5, ChildAgeRanges, 4, Results)
Number Number of range Number of range ...
of adults 1 children 2 children ...
您的数据第20行:1ADT+3CHD (0-02,99)(0-02,99)(03-06,99)
1 2 1 0
即,1名成人+ 2名儿童+ 1名儿童+ 1名儿童+ 0名儿童+ 0名儿童。
Min adults Min children Min children
To to to
Max adults Max children Max children
之后 1 2 1 0
1 2 2 0
1 2 3 0
1 2 1 1
1 2 1 2
1 2 1 3
Option Explicit
Sub Test()
Dim ColOut As Long
Dim ChildAgeRanges() As String
Dim Results() As String
ColOut = 1
ReDim ChildAgeRanges(1 To 3)
ChildAgeRanges(1) = "(0-02,99)"
ChildAgeRanges(2) = "(03-06,99)"
ChildAgeRanges(3) = "(07-12,99)"
Call Generate(1, 3, 1, 3, 4, ChildAgeRanges, 3, Results)
Call OutParametersAndResults("Sheet2", ColOut, 1, 3, 1, 3, 4, ChildAgeRanges, 3, Results)
ReDim ChildAgeRanges(1 To 4)
ChildAgeRanges(1) = "(0-2)"
ChildAgeRanges(2) = "(3-6)"
ChildAgeRanges(3) = "(7-12)"
ChildAgeRanges(4) = "(13-15)"
Call Generate(0, 2, 0, 4, 5, ChildAgeRanges, 4, Results)
Call OutParametersAndResults("Sheet2", ColOut, 0, 2, 0, 4, 5, ChildAgeRanges, 4, Results)
End Sub
Sub Generate(ByVal MinAdultsPerRoom As Long, ByVal MaxAdultsPerRoom As Long, _
ByVal MinChildrenPerRoom As Long, ByVal MaxChildrenPerRoom As Long, _
ByVal MaxPersonsPerRoom As Long, ByRef ChildAgeRanges() As String, _
ByVal MaxChildrenPerRange As Long, ByRef Results() As String)
' On return Result contains one row per combination of people that
' can occupy a hotel room.
' MinAdultsPerRoom The minimum number of adults in a room
' MaxAdultsPerRoom The maximum number of adults in a room. If all
' occupants of a room can be adults, the calling
' routine should set this to MaxPersonsPerRoom.
' MinChildrenPerRoom The minimum number of children in a room
' MaxChildrenPerRoom The maximum number of children in a room. If all
' occupants of a room can be children, the calling
' routine should set this to MaxPersonsPerRoom.
' MaxPersonsPerRoom The maximum number of persons (adults or children)
' in a room.
' ChildAgeRanges A string array listing all the age ranges for
' children. These should be of the form "(n-m)" but the
' routine does not check this.
' MaxChildrenPerRange The maximum number of children that can be within the
' same age range. If there is no maximum, the calling
' routine should set this to MaxChildrenPerRoom.
' Result The string array in which the possible combinations
' are returned. On return, it will have two columns
' and one row per combination. The columns will
' contain:
' 1 A string of the form nADT+mCHD where n is the
' number of adults and m the number of children.
' 2 A string of the form "(n-m)" or "(n-m)(p-q)"
' or similar. The substrings "(n-m)", "(p-q)" and
' so on are taken unchecked from ChildAgeRanges.
' Check for parameter values that will break code
' Execution will stop with one of these statements highlighted if a
' parameter value or combination of parameter values is forbidden.
Debug.Assert MaxAdultsPerRoom + MaxChildrenPerRoom > 0
Debug.Assert MinAdultsPerRoom <= MaxAdultsPerRoom
Debug.Assert MinChildrenPerRoom <= MaxChildrenPerRoom
Debug.Assert MaxPersonsPerRoom >= MinAdultsPerRoom + MinChildrenPerRoom
Debug.Assert MaxAdultsPerRoom <= MaxPersonsPerRoom
Debug.Assert MaxChildrenPerRoom <= MaxPersonsPerRoom
Dim ColWorkCrnt As Long
Dim ColWorkMax As Long
Dim FirstCombinationForNewNumOfAdults As Boolean
Dim InvalidCombination As Boolean
Dim InxAdultCrnt As Long
Dim InxChildCrnt As Long
Dim InxRangeCrnt As Long
Dim NumChildrenInRange As Long
Dim NumChildrenInRoom As Long
Dim NumRanges As Long
Dim RowWorkCrnt As Long
Dim RowWorkMax As Long
Dim StepBack As Boolean
Dim Working() As Long
Dim WorkingSingle() As Long
NumRanges = UBound(ChildAgeRanges) - LBound(ChildAgeRanges) + 1
' Working is the array in which the details of possible combinations are
' accumulated in a format convenient for processing.
' The columns are:
' 1 Number of adults for this combination
' 2 Number of children within first age range
' 3 Number of children within second age range
' : : : : :
' It is theoretically possible to calculate the number of combinations for
' a given set of parameters. However, this would be a difficult calculation
' and the benefits are not obvious. With a maximum of 6 per room and 5
' different age ranges and no restriction of age mix, there are only 46,656
' combination for which the memory requirements are less than 750,000 bytes.
' So the array is dimensioned to hold the maximum number of combinations
ColWorkMax = 1 + NumRanges
ReDim Working(1 To ColWorkMax, 1 To MaxPersonsPerRoom ^ (1 + NumRanges))
RowWorkMax = 0 ' The last used row
ReDim WorkingSingle(1 To ColWorkMax) ' Used to build one row of Working
' Initialise WorkingSingle with:
' Element 1 = Minimum number of adults per room
' Element Max = 1
' Other elements = 0
WorkingSingle(1) = MinAdultsPerRoom
WorkingSingle(ColWorkMax) = MinChildrenPerRoom
If MinAdultsPerRoom + MinChildrenPerRoom = 0 Then
' Both adults and children are optional but must have
' at least one person in the initial combination.
If MaxChildrenPerRoom > 0 Then
' Can have a child in room
WorkingSingle(ColWorkMax) = 1
WorkingSingle(1) = 1
End If
End If
FirstCombinationForNewNumOfAdults = True
For ColWorkCrnt = 2 To ColWorkMax - 1
WorkingSingle(ColWorkCrnt) = 0
' Output headers for diagnostics
For InxRangeCrnt = LBound(ChildAgeRanges) To UBound(ChildAgeRanges)
Debug.Print " R" & InxRangeCrnt & " = " & ChildAgeRanges(InxRangeCrnt)
Debug.Print Space(9) & " A";
For InxRangeCrnt = LBound(ChildAgeRanges) To UBound(ChildAgeRanges)
Debug.Print " R" & InxRangeCrnt;
Do While True
' Is WorkingSingle a valid combination?
InvalidCombination = False
NumChildrenInRoom = 0
For ColWorkCrnt = 2 To ColWorkMax
NumChildrenInRoom = NumChildrenInRoom + WorkingSingle(ColWorkCrnt)
If NumChildrenInRoom > MaxChildrenPerRoom Then
InvalidCombination = True
ElseIf NumChildrenInRoom + WorkingSingle(1) > MaxPersonsPerRoom Then
InvalidCombination = True
End If
If Not InvalidCombination Then
' Save accepted combination
RowWorkMax = RowWorkMax + 1
For ColWorkCrnt = 1 To ColWorkMax
Working(ColWorkCrnt, RowWorkMax) = WorkingSingle(ColWorkCrnt)
' Output accepted combination
Debug.Print "Accepted ";
For ColWorkCrnt = 1 To ColWorkMax
Debug.Print Right(" " & WorkingSingle(ColWorkCrnt), 2) & " ";
' Output rejected combination
Debug.Print "Rejected ";
For ColWorkCrnt = 1 To ColWorkMax
Debug.Print Right(" " & WorkingSingle(ColWorkCrnt), 2) & " ";
End If
' Find last non-zero column in WorkingSingle
For ColWorkCrnt = ColWorkMax To 1 Step -1
If WorkingSingle(ColWorkCrnt) > 0 Then
Exit For
End If
If NumChildrenInRoom + WorkingSingle(1) >= MaxPersonsPerRoom Then
' Either this combination or the next would exceed the room limit
If ColWorkCrnt = 1 Then
' All combinations have been generated
Exit Do
' Can do nothing more with this column. Try previous
WorkingSingle(ColWorkCrnt) = 0
ColWorkCrnt = ColWorkCrnt - 1
StepBack = True
End If
' Continue with current and following columns
StepBack = False
End If
Do While True
' Loop until new combination generated or no new combination is possible
' FirstCombinationForNewNumOfAdults ensure that if zero children are
' permitted, so first non-zero column is 1, the number of adults is
' not immediately stepped.
If ColWorkCrnt = 1 And Not FirstCombinationForNewNumOfAdults Then
' Adult column
WorkingSingle(ColWorkCrnt) = WorkingSingle(ColWorkCrnt) + 1
WorkingSingle(ColWorkMax) = MinChildrenPerRoom
FirstCombinationForNewNumOfAdults = True
'Check for all combinations having been generated outside this loop
Exit Do
' Child column
FirstCombinationForNewNumOfAdults = False
If WorkingSingle(ColWorkCrnt) >= MaxChildrenPerRange Then
' This column cannot be increased
If StepBack Or ColWorkCrnt = ColWorkMax Then
' All combinations of following columns have been
' considered or there are no following columns.
' Can do nothing more with this column. Try previous
WorkingSingle(ColWorkCrnt) = 0
ColWorkCrnt = ColWorkCrnt - 1
StepBack = True
' Not all possible combinations of following columns
' have been considered. Start with last
WorkingSingle(ColWorkMax) = 1
Exit Do
End If
' This column can be increased
If StepBack Or ColWorkCrnt = ColWorkMax Then
' All possible values for following columns have been
' considered or there are no following columns
' Step this column which is not at maximum
WorkingSingle(ColWorkCrnt) = WorkingSingle(ColWorkCrnt) + 1
' Not all possible combinations of following columns
' have been considered
WorkingSingle(ColWorkMax) = 1
Exit Do
End If
Exit Do
End If
End If
Loop ' until next combination generated
If WorkingSingle(1) > MaxAdultsPerRoom Then
' All combinations have been generated
Exit Do
End If
Loop ' until all combinations generated
' Working contains all acceptable combination
' Generate Results from Working
' Note this is sized ready to be written to a worksheet
' with the rows as the first dimension.
ReDim Results(1 To RowWorkMax, 1 To 2)
For RowWorkCrnt = 1 To RowWorkMax
' Calculate number of children and number of different age ranges
NumChildrenInRoom = 0
For ColWorkCrnt = 2 To ColWorkMax
If Working(ColWorkCrnt, RowWorkCrnt) <> 0 Then
NumChildrenInRoom = NumChildrenInRoom + Working(ColWorkCrnt, RowWorkCrnt)
End If
' Note row number in Working and Results are the same
Results(RowWorkCrnt, 1) = Working(1, RowWorkCrnt) & "ADT"
Results(RowWorkCrnt, 2) = ""
If NumChildrenInRoom > 0 Then
Results(RowWorkCrnt, 1) = Results(RowWorkCrnt, 1) & "+" & NumChildrenInRoom & "CHD"
For ColWorkCrnt = 2 To ColWorkMax
NumChildrenInRange = Working(ColWorkCrnt, RowWorkCrnt)
If NumChildrenInRange > 0 Then
If NumChildrenInRange = NumChildrenInRoom Then
' All children in combination have same age range
Results(RowWorkCrnt, 2) = ChildAgeRanges(ColWorkCrnt - 2 + LBound(ChildAgeRanges))
' Children are of different age ranges
Do While NumChildrenInRange > 0
Results(RowWorkCrnt, 2) = Results(RowWorkCrnt, 2) & _
ChildAgeRanges(ColWorkCrnt - 2 + LBound(ChildAgeRanges))
NumChildrenInRange = NumChildrenInRange - 1
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub OutParametersAndResults(ByVal WshtName As String, ByRef ColOut As Long, _
ByVal MinAdultsPerRoom As Long, ByVal MaxAdultsPerRoom As Long, _
ByVal MinChildrenPerRoom As Long, ByVal MaxChildrenPerRoom As Long, _
ByVal MaxPersonsPerRoom As Long, ByRef ChildAgeRanges() As String, _
ByVal MaxChildrenPerRange As Long, ByRef Results() As String)
' Output the parameters and results for a call of Generate.
' WshtName The name of the worksheet to which the parameters and results
' are to be output.
' ColOut The rows used by the routine are fixed with output of
' parameters starting on row 3. The value of ColOut determines
' the first of the three columns used. At the end of routine
' ColOut is stepped by 4 so if the routine is called again,
' output will be further to the right.
' Other parameters Copies of the parameters for and results from macro Generate.
Dim InxRangeCrnt As Long
Dim Rng As Range
Dim RowCrnt As Long
With Worksheets(WshtName)
.Cells(3, ColOut + 1).Value = "Minimum"
.Cells(3, ColOut + 2).Value = "Maximum"
.Cells(4, ColOut).Value = "Adults per room"
.Cells(4, ColOut + 1).Value = MinAdultsPerRoom
.Cells(4, ColOut + 2).Value = MaxAdultsPerRoom
.Cells(5, ColOut).Value = "Children per room"
.Cells(5, ColOut + 1).Value = MinChildrenPerRoom
.Cells(5, ColOut + 2).Value = MaxChildrenPerRoom
.Cells(6, ColOut).Value = "Persons per room"
.Cells(6, ColOut + 2).Value = MaxPersonsPerRoom
.Cells(7, ColOut).Value = "Children per range"
.Cells(7, ColOut + 2).Value = MaxChildrenPerRange
.Cells(8, ColOut).Value = "Age ranges"
RowCrnt = 8
For InxRangeCrnt = LBound(ChildAgeRanges) To UBound(ChildAgeRanges)
.Cells(RowCrnt, ColOut + 1).Value = ChildAgeRanges(InxRangeCrnt)
RowCrnt = RowCrnt + 1
RowCrnt = RowCrnt + 1
Set Rng = Range(.Cells(RowCrnt, ColOut), .Cells(RowCrnt + UBound(Results) - 1, ColOut + 1))
Rng.Value = Results
Rng.Sort Key1:=.Cells(RowCrnt, ColOut), Order1:=xlAscending, _
Key2:=.Cells(RowCrnt, ColOut + 1), Order2:=xlAscending, _
End With
' Prepare for possible further output
ColOut = ColOut + 4
End Sub