
时间:2015-01-15 10:36:04

标签: angularjs node.js


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

可以将使用Node.js生成的动态文件下载到浏览器的默认下载位置。有许多帖子概述了如何使用Express helper res.download()从服务器检索静态文件。根据您的问题,有一种方法可以实现您的要求。


  1. 当用户点击导出时,用户生成的数据将发送到服务器进行处理。
  2. 节点处理数据并生成一个文件,无需第二次用户交互即可下载(用户单击“导出”并下载文件)。

    • 客户端

      //Export button
      $("#exportBtn").click(function () {
      //Code to generate data for the CSV and save it to the src variable
      var src = csvData;
          //Send the CSV data to Node for processing and file generation.
          $.post("http://localhost:3000/submitcsv", { csv: src }, function (data) {
              //Check the returned file name in data - this check depends on your needs; ie: regex
              if (data) {
                  //request the file that is to be downloaded to the client. Optionally use $window.open()
                  window.location.href = "http://localhost:3000/app/" + data;
    • 服务器

      //Post data from the client
      app.post('/submitcsv', function (req, res) {
          var async = require('async');
          var fs = require('fs');
          var path = require('path');
          var csvData = req.body.csv;
          function processCSV(callback) {
              //Code to create the csv file and a uniqueIdentifier
          function finalize() {
              //Save the CSV to the server. This is a specific location on the server in /app. 
              //You can use Express.static paths that suit your setup.
              fs.writeFile('./app/temp/csvFile' + uniqueIdentifier + '.csv', buf, function (err) {
                  if (err) {
                      res.send(500, "Something went wrong...");
                  else {
                      console.log("CSV file is saved");
                      //Send the file name and location back to the client
                      res.send('/temp/csvFile' + uniqueIdentifier + '.csv');
          // After the CSV data is processed, save the file and send it to the client.
          ], finalize);
      //Send the requested file back to the client
      app.get('./app/:csvFile', function (req, res){
          var c = req.params.csvFile;
          //Code to delete the file if it is temporary via fs.unlink
  3. 虽然上面的代码中没有显示简单,但建议以某种方式保护发送和接收此类数据的/ app路由。对受保护的路由使用Passport OIDCStrategy将类似于:

    app.all('/app/*', function(req, res, next) {
      //Check that the user has previously been authenticated
      if (req.user){
      } else {
        // require the user to log in

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我认为你不能...... Nodejs是服务器端...所以你放在Nodejs下的任何内容都会转到服务器...... 如果USER单击某个按钮或某个其他事件触发生成CSV文件的进程,则USER必须选择要保存的位置,否则文件将自动下载到USER&下指定的默认下载目录中。 #39;浏览器设置......