
时间:2015-01-14 23:24:31

标签: vb.net visual-studio-2012 drag-and-drop picturebox



Dim firstimage As Image
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    PictureBox2.AllowDrop = True
End Sub
Private Sub pictureBox1_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.MouseMove
    If e.Button = MouseButtons.Left Then
        PictureBox1.DoDragDrop(PictureBox1.Image, DragDropEffects.All)
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub pictureBox2_DragEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DragEventArgs) Handles PictureBox2.DragEnter
    firstimage = PictureBox2.Image
    If e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Bitmap) Then
        e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy
        e.Effect = DragDropEffects.None
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub pictureBox2_DragDrop(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DragEventArgs) Handles PictureBox2.DragDrop
    If (e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Bitmap)) Then
        PictureBox2.Image = CType((e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.Bitmap)), Bitmap)
        PictureBox1.Image = firstimage 'Set picturebox1 to the stored image
    End If
End Sub

我已经阅读并使用了idle_mind的答案和它的工作很棒,这就是我正在寻找的东西,但我还需要一个更新来为它工作。 我不仅需要更改图像而且还需要更改框的标签(将它们换成图像。) 我在这里做的是只有第一个获得标签,但第二个不能解释我需要添加代码更改的地方。

Private Sub PBs_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)
        Dim PB As PictureBox = DirectCast(sender, PictureBox)
        If Not IsNothing(PB.Image) AndAlso e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left Then
            Source = PB
            PB.DoDragDrop(PB.Image, DragDropEffects.Copy Or DragDropEffects.Move)
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub PBs_DragEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs)
        If e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Bitmap) Then
            If My.Computer.Keyboard.CtrlKeyDown Then
                e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy
                e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move
            End If
            e.Effect = DragDropEffects.None
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub PBs_DragOver(sender As Object, e As DragEventArgs)
        If e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Bitmap) Then
            If My.Computer.Keyboard.CtrlKeyDown Then
                e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy
                e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move
            End If
            e.Effect = DragDropEffects.None
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub PBs_DragDrop(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs)
        Dim PB As PictureBox = DirectCast(sender, PictureBox)
        Dim tmpImage As Image = PB.Image
        Dim tmptag As Integer = PB.Tag ` The Tag Temp
        PB.Image = e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.Bitmap)
        If e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move Then
            If Not (PB Is Source) Then
                Source.Image = tmpImage
                Source.Tag = tmptag ` the first picbox gets the new tag
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



Public Class Form1

    Dim firstimage As Image
    Dim pold As PictureBox
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        PictureBox1.AllowDrop = True
        PictureBox2.AllowDrop = True
        PictureBox3.AllowDrop = True
        PictureBox4.AllowDrop = True
        PictureBox5.AllowDrop = True
        AddHandler PictureBox1.MouseMove, AddressOf p_MouseMove
        AddHandler PictureBox1.DragEnter, AddressOf p_DragEnter
        AddHandler PictureBox1.DragDrop, AddressOf p_DragDrop
        AddHandler PictureBox1.MouseEnter, AddressOf P_MouseEnter

        AddHandler PictureBox2.MouseMove, AddressOf p_MouseMove
        AddHandler PictureBox2.DragEnter, AddressOf p_DragEnter
        AddHandler PictureBox2.DragDrop, AddressOf p_DragDrop
        AddHandler PictureBox2.MouseEnter, AddressOf P_MouseEnter

        AddHandler PictureBox3.MouseMove, AddressOf p_MouseMove
        AddHandler PictureBox3.DragEnter, AddressOf p_DragEnter
        AddHandler PictureBox3.DragDrop, AddressOf p_DragDrop
        AddHandler PictureBox3.MouseEnter, AddressOf P_MouseEnter

        AddHandler PictureBox4.MouseMove, AddressOf p_MouseMove
        AddHandler PictureBox4.DragEnter, AddressOf p_DragEnter
        AddHandler PictureBox4.DragDrop, AddressOf p_DragDrop
        AddHandler PictureBox4.MouseEnter, AddressOf P_MouseEnter

        AddHandler PictureBox5.MouseMove, AddressOf p_MouseMove
        AddHandler PictureBox5.DragEnter, AddressOf p_DragEnter
        AddHandler PictureBox5.DragDrop, AddressOf p_DragDrop
        AddHandler PictureBox5.MouseEnter, AddressOf P_MouseEnter
    End Sub

    Private Sub P_MouseEnter(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
        Dim p As PictureBox = sender
        pold = p
        Me.Text = pold.Name
    End Sub
    Private Sub p_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
        Dim p As PictureBox = sender
        If e.Button = MouseButtons.Left Then
            p.DoDragDrop(p.Image, DragDropEffects.All)

        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub p_DragEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DragEventArgs)
        Dim p As PictureBox = sender
        firstimage = p.Image
        If e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Bitmap) Then
            e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy
            e.Effect = DragDropEffects.None
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub p_DragDrop(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DragEventArgs)
        Dim p As PictureBox = sender
        If (e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Bitmap)) Then
            p.Image = CType((e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.Bitmap)), Bitmap)
            pold.Image = firstimage 'Set picturebox1 to the stored image
        End If
    End Sub
End Class


答案 1 :(得分:0)


所以你错过了PB.Tag = Source.Tag


Private Sub PBs_DragDrop(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs)
    Dim PB As PictureBox = DirectCast(sender, PictureBox)
    Dim tmpImage As Image = PB.Image
    Dim tmptag As Integer = PB.Tag ` The Tag Temp
    PB.Image = e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.Bitmap)
    PB.Tag = Source.Tag
    If e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move Then
        If Not (PB Is Source) Then
            Source.Image = tmpImage
            Source.Tag = tmptag ` the first picbox gets the new tag
        End If
    End If
End Sub