如果我使用'clear',屏幕会被清除,但当我在终端中向后滚动时,所有输出都可见。 'reset'删除整个回滚,这也不是我想要的。使用像“printf”\ 033 [2J“'这样的ANSI序列与'clear'具有相同的效果。
任何帮助表示赞赏! 欢呼声
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oldrows=$(tput lines) # get the number of rows
oldcolumns=$(tput cols) # get the number of columns
count=0 #set count to 0
control_c() # Function if CTRL-C is used to exit to set
{ # stty sane again and remove the screen.
tput rmcup # Removes screen
stty sane # Allows you to type
exit #Exits script
Draw() # Draw function, clears screen and echos
{ # whatever you want
tput clear
echo things to screen $x #x is there simply for this example to show screen changing
ChkSize() #Checks any changes to the size of screen
{ # so you can resize Screen
rows=$(tput lines)
columns=$(tput cols)
if [[ $oldcolumns != $columns || $oldrows != $rows ]];then
if [[ $count -eq 10 ]]; then # Counter 10 is 1 second as loop is every 0.1
Draw # seconds. Draw and sets count to 0
stty -icanon time 0 min 0 # Sets read time to nothing and prevents output on screen
tput smcup # Saves current position of of cursor, and opens new screen
Draw # Draw function
count=0 #Sets count to 0
keypress='' #Sets Keypress to nothing
while [ "$keypress" != "q" ]; do #Loop will end when q is pressed,can change to whatever condition you want
rows=$(tput lines) #Sets rows and cols
columns=$(tput cols)
sleep 0.1 #To prevent it from destroying cpu
read keypress #Reads one character
(( count = count + 1)) #Increment the counter
ChkSize #Runs the checksize function
trap control_c SIGINT #Traps CTRL-C for the function.
stty sane #Reverts stty
tput rmcup #Removes screen and sets cursor back"
exit 0 #Exits
main #Runs main