我有一个桌面应用程序,它有登录/注册/忘记密码..他在应用程序上注册的电子邮件是他的个人电子邮件..例如,他的个人电子邮件是abc@gmail.com,他也是在这个桌面应用程序上注册,现在忘记了应用程序的密码..我想发送一个链接到他的电子邮件,重置应用程序的密码.. 这是我的代码:
private void forgotPwdLabel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string email = txtLoginID.Text;//(1)I get emailId from textbox
var ac = new AccountController();
var user = ac.FetchUserbyEmail(email);//(2)based on email I retrieve his details
string UserName = user.UserName;
//(3)Check if there is password for that email,if yes,proceed..If no password, the emailid could be wrong
if (user.UserPassword != null)
using (MailMessage mm = new MailMessage("sender@gmail.com", txtLoginID.Text))
//sender@gmail.com here could me my desktop app
//txtLoginID.Text here is email for which link is to be sent
mm.Subject = "Resetting Password";
mm.Body += "Please click the following link to activate your account" + "<br />aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa";//sending some junk to see if I can actually send succesfully
mm.IsBodyHtml = true;
SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient();
smtp.Host = "smtp.gmail.com";
smtp.EnableSsl = true;
NetworkCredential NetworkCred = new NetworkCredential(UserName, "<password>");
smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
smtp.Credentials = NetworkCred;
smtp.Port = 587;