关于mysql的Perl问题:找不到对象方法" connect"并且不能使用字符串("")作为HASH

时间:2015-01-13 21:30:08

标签: mysql perl

我目前正在尝试运行NERVE疫苗开发程序,该程序由Perl脚本组成,并且无法使其正常运行。我已下载并安装了所有先决条件,但每次到达代码的mysql步骤时,它都会崩溃,并显示一条错误消息:无法通过软件包“Mysql”找到对象方法“connect”(也许您忘了加载“ Mysql“?”在./NERVE第340行,第5行。我看了一下代码,并将“使用mysql”更改为“使用DBI”和“使用DBD:mysql”,但后来我得到了错误:无法使用string(“”)作为HASH引用,而“strict refs”在/usr/local/lib/perl/5.14.2/DBI.pm第604行第5行使用。



    use mysql;
if(!$db || (!$host || !$database || !$user || !$password)){
    print "\nAttention: mysql connection parameters are missing or not correct!\n";
    print "I need you to specify: host, database, user, password;\n";
    print "You can do it now typing them right in that order and separeted only by comma;\n";
    print "For example:localhost,Pathogens,sandro,xvzhs\n";
    print "So, your Mysql connection settings are (type q to quit):";
    while (!($db && $mysql =~ /,/) & $mysql ne "q"){
        chomp($mysql = <STDIN>);
        die "Ok,let's quit this work! Call me when your mind is clearer about Mysql parameters! Bye :-)\n" if $mysql eq "q";
        ($host,$database,$user,$password) = split (',',$mysql);
        last if($db && $mysql =~ /,/);
        print "\nMysql connection settings still not correct!\n";
        print "Remember: host, database, user, password, separeted only by comma.\n";
        print "For example:localhost,Pathogens,sandro,xvzhs\n";
        print "Please, try again:";
    print "Ok, Mysql connection to \"$database\" database was successful!\n";

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


use mysql;

use Mysql;


Can't locate Mysql.pm in @INC 

除非您有理由相信该模块已安装,否则表明需要安装 [1]



cjm points


由于3.0008中的Mysql.pm只是一个使用DBI的兼容层,你应该可以安装Mysql.pm&amp;来自那个旧dist的Mysql / Statement.pm以及当前的DBD-mysql。

因此,如果您从我上面链接的发行版Mysql.pm/usr/lib/perl5/Mysql.pm Mysql/Statement.pm中提取/usr/lib/perl5/Mysql/Statement.pm,那么您应该有一个简单的无痛解决方案。

  1. 在较新版本的Perl中,错误消息已得到改进。现在的内容如下:

    Can't locate Mysql.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Mysql module)