我已经成功地在我正在使用的SPA上实现了crossroadsJS和hasherJS的路由和散列。我从REST API加载的数据完全基于事件。这适用于通过基于点击的事件在网站上导航。但是,我想实现键入URL(或刷新当前视图)并加载与该URL对应的数据的功能。我写了一个像这样的方法:
// app.js
app.helpers = {
routeMagic: function (prop, clicked, type, el) {
var parser = document.createElement('a'); // setup parsing
parser.href = hasher.getURL(); // use hasher's .getURL() to find current URL
var splitURL = parser.hash.split('/')[2]; // split at second / ... example: /conditions/annual-wellness-exam => annual-wellness-exam
propArr = []; // set up array to store name property
for (var i=0, len=prop.length; i<len; i++) {
propArr.push(prop[i].name.replace(/,/g, "").replace(/\//g, "").replace(/[()]/g, "").replace(/\s+/g, "-").toLowerCase());
$(el).each(function () { // target li ... example ‘.returned-list li’
var val = $(this);
val.id = propArr; // append name to li id
var id = $(this).attr('id');
// this is only executing on click event, need it to execute on refresh or typing in URL
if (splitURL === id) { // find a match
console.log('match found');
clicked = val.children().attr('data-id'); // determine where to route the page to based off data-id
return false;
type(clicked); // init crossroads routing
// routes.js
conResultsRoute = crossroads.addRoute('conditions/{name}', function () {
app.helpers.routeMagic(cache.lists.conditions, cache.justClickedCondition, api.endpoints.condition, '.returned-list li');
如果您正在访问该网站,请尝试以下流程: 条件(主导航) - &gt;年度健康检查 - &gt;刷新或点击在URL栏中输入