import sys
import json
import random
import time
from twisted.internet import threads, reactor
from twisted.python import log
from autobahn.twisted.websocket import WebSocketServerProtocol, WebSocketServerFactory
class DummyService():
username = ''
password = ''
def __init__(self, username=username, password=password):
print 'Connect to DummyService with user {} and password {}'.format(username, password)
def slow_api_power(self, x):
s = random.randint(1, 5)
print "I am {} and my power is {}".format(x, x**2)
def slow_go_to(self, x, lat, lng):
s = random.randint(1, 5)
print "I am {} and I am going to {} {}".format(x, lat, lng)
class DroneProtocol(WebSocketServerProtocol):
# Persistent protocol state is kept in the factory.
# Because a new instance of a protocol class is created for each connection,
# protocols can't contain persistent state, that information must instead be stored in a protocol factory.
def __init__(self, factory_protocol):
self.factory = factory_protocol
def onConnect(self, request):
print("Client connecting: {0}".format(request.peer))
def onOpen(self):
print("WebSocket connection open.")
def onMessage(self, payload, isBinary):
if isBinary:
print("Binary message received: {0} bytes".format(len(payload)))
print("Text message received: {0}".format(payload.decode('utf8')))
msg = json.loads(payload.decode('utf8'))
if 'start' in msg['command']:
for x in xrange(1, 4):
self.factory.drones[x] = {
'name': x,
'instance': DummyService(username='user_' + str(x), password='password')
d = threads.deferToThread(self.factory.drones[x]['instance'].slow_api_power, x)
d.addCallback(lambda ignore: self.factory.drones[x]['instance'].slow_go_to(x, lat=x+2, lng=x+4))
def onClose(self, wasClean, code, reason):
print("WebSocket connection closed: {0}".format(reason))
class DroneFactory(WebSocketServerFactory):
drones = {}
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
return DroneProtocol(self)
if __name__ == '__main__':
factory = DroneFactory()
factory.protocol = DroneProtocol
reactor.listenTCP(9999, DroneFactory())
2015-01-12 14:48:30-0300 [-] Log opened.
2015-01-12 14:48:30-0300 [-] DroneFactory starting on 9999
2015-01-12 14:48:30-0300 [-] Starting factory <__main__.DroneFactory instance at 0x102ed5dd0>
2015-01-12 14:48:35-0300 [DroneProtocol,0,] Client connecting:
2015-01-12 14:48:35-0300 [DroneProtocol,0,] WebSocket connection open.
2015-01-12 14:48:35-0300 [DroneProtocol,0,] Text message received: {"command": "start"}
2015-01-12 14:48:35-0300 [DroneProtocol,0,] Connect to DummyService with user user_1 and password password
2015-01-12 14:48:35-0300 [DroneProtocol,0,] Connect to DummyService with user user_2 and password password
2015-01-12 14:48:35-0300 [DroneProtocol,0,] Connect to DummyService with user user_3 and password password
2015-01-12 14:48:35-0300 [DroneProtocol,0,] WebSocket connection closed: connection was closed uncleanly (peer dropped the TCP connection without previous WebSocket closing handshake)
2015-01-12 14:48:38-0300 [DroneProtocol,0,] I am 3 and my power is 9
2015-01-12 14:48:38-0300 [DroneProtocol,0,] I am 2 and my power is 4
2015-01-12 14:48:39-0300 [-] I am 3 and I am going to 5 7
2015-01-12 14:48:40-0300 [DroneProtocol,0,] I am 1 and my power is 1
2015-01-12 14:48:42-0300 [-] I am 3 and I am going to 5 7
2015-01-12 14:48:44-0300 [-] I am 3 and I am going to 5 7
答案 0 :(得分:1)
>>> def foo(x):
... print x
>>> L = []
>>> for i in range(3):
... L.append(lambda: foo(i))
>>> L[0]()
>>> L[1]()
>>> L[2]()
答案 1 :(得分:0)
if 'start' in msg['command']:
for x in xrange(1, 4):
self.factory.drones[x] = {
'name': x,
'instance': DummyService(username='user_' + str(x), password='password')
d = threads.deferToThread(self.factory.drones[x]['instance'].slow_api_power, x)
d.addCallback(lambda ignore, p=x: self.factory.drones[p]['instance'].slow_go_to(p, lat=p+2, lng=p+4))
关键是要跟踪当前的x。 另请参阅http://docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/writing/gotchas/#late-binding-closures