Android Studio继续执行gradle构建

时间:2015-01-12 10:11:58

标签: android gradle android-studio android-gradle osx-yosemite

我现在正在使用android studio很长时间(从0.4开始)。最近我将我的Mac更新为Yosemite.我正在使用最新的android studio。

如果我打开我之前的项目,Android工作室将停留在Gradle执行任务,并且永远不会完成构建,但有一段时间它会构建但超过20分钟。但如果在我的工作室上创建一个新项目,它将正确构建。 我的旧项目在其他系统上正确构建。

从过去两天起,我一直在寻找解决方案,但找不到任何解决方案。 请帮忙!

从Android Studio登录。

------------------------------------------------------ IDE STARTED ------------------------------------------------------ 
2015-01-12 15:18:40,487 [     28]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - IDE: Android Studio (build #AI-135.1641136, 11 Dec 2014 00:00) 
2015-01-12 15:18:40,487 [     28]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - OS: Mac OS X (10.10.1, x86_64) 
2015-01-12 15:18:40,487 [     28]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - JRE: 1.6.0_65-b14-466.1-11M4716 (Apple Inc.) 
2015-01-12 15:18:40,487 [     28]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - JVM: 20.65-b04-466.1 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM) 
2015-01-12 15:18:40,509 [     50]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - JVM Args: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -ea -Djna.nosys=true -Djna.boot.library.path= -Djna.debug_load=true -Djna.debug_load.jna=true -Djsse.enableSNIExtension=false -XX:+UseCodeCacheFlushing -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=50 -Xverify:none -Xbootclasspath/a:../lib/boot.jar -Xms128m -Xmx750m -XX:MaxPermSize=350m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=96m -XX:+UseCompressedOops -Djb.vmOptionsFile=/Applications/Android -Didea.home.path=/Applications/Android -Didea.executable=studio -Didea.platform.prefix=AndroidStudio -Didea.paths.selector=AndroidStudio 
2015-01-12 15:18:40,553 [     94]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - JNA library loaded (64-bit) in 44 ms 
2015-01-12 15:18:40,596 [    137]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - Snappy library loaded (1.0.5) in 43 ms 
2015-01-12 15:18:40,596 [    137]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - 2015-01-12 15:18:39 [Patch] Original patch does not exist: /var/folders/13/44ynsdyx0jdgyz3ghh8z2y580000gn/T/jetbrains.patch.jar.androidstudio

2015-01-12 15:18:40,601 [    142]   INFO -        #com.intellij.idea.Main - initializing environment 
2015-01-12 15:18:40,602 [    143]   INFO - .intellij.util.EnvironmentUtil - loading shell env: /bin/bash -l -i -c '/Applications/Android' '/private/var/folders/13/44ynsdyx0jdgyz3ghh8z2y580000gn/T/intellij-shell-env8711749495723824362.tmp' 
2015-01-12 15:18:41,110 [    651]   INFO - .intellij.util.EnvironmentUtil - shell environment loaded (15 vars) 
2015-01-12 15:18:42,855 [   2396]   INFO - llij.ide.plugins.PluginManager - Cannot find optional descriptor intellilang-python-support.xml 
2015-01-12 15:18:43,920 [   3461]   INFO - llij.ide.plugins.PluginManager - 21 plugins initialized in 1610 ms 
2015-01-12 15:18:43,921 [   3462]   INFO - llij.ide.plugins.PluginManager - Loaded bundled plugins: Android Support (, CVS Integration (11), Commander (1.0.0), Copyright (8.1), Git Integration (8.1), GitHub, Google Cloud Tools For Android Studio (0.2.8), Google Login (1.0), Gradle, Groovy (9.0), I18n for Java, IDEA CORE, IntelliLang (8.0), JUnit (1.0), Maven Integration, Properties Support, Subversion Integration (1.1), Task Management (1.0), Terminal (0.1), TestNG-J (8.0), hg4idea (10.0) 
2015-01-12 15:18:44,477 [   4018]   INFO - - lower=100; upper=200; buffer=10; max=756744192 
2015-01-12 15:18:44,571 [   4112]   INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Starting file watcher: /Applications/Android 
2015-01-12 15:18:44,589 [   4130]   INFO - api.vfs.impl.local.FileWatcher - Native file watcher is operational. 
2015-01-12 15:18:45,219 [   4760]   INFO - lij.diagnostic.DebugLogManager - Set DEBUG for the following categories: [] 
2015-01-12 15:18:46,636 [   6177]   INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $APP_CONFIG$/macros.xml file is null 
2015-01-12 15:18:46,655 [   6196]   INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $APP_CONFIG$/quicklists.xml file is null 
2015-01-12 15:18:47,819 [   7360]   INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $APP_CONFIG$/terminal.xml file is null 
2015-01-12 15:18:47,821 [   7362]   INFO - pl.stores.ApplicationStoreImpl - 85 application components initialized in 3888 ms 
2015-01-12 15:18:47,861 [   7402]   INFO - .intellij.idea.IdeaApplication - App initialization took 7997 ms 
2015-01-12 15:19:19,896 [  39437]   INFO -                  TestNG Runner - Create TestNG Template Configuration 
2015-01-12 15:19:19,901 [  39442]   INFO -                  TestNG Runner - Create TestNG Template Configuration 
2015-01-12 15:19:20,055 [  39596]   INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/dynamic.xml file is null 
2015-01-12 15:19:20,199 [  39740]   INFO - ellij.project.impl.ProjectImpl - 139 project components initialized in 768 ms 
2015-01-12 15:19:20,560 [  40101]   INFO - le.impl.ModuleManagerComponent - 12 module(s) loaded in 361 ms 
2015-01-12 15:19:20,627 [  40168]   INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $APP_CONFIG$/customization.xml file is null 
2015-01-12 15:19:20,686 [  40227]   WARN - j.ui.mac.MacMainFrameDecorator - no url bundle present. 
To use platform protocol handler to open external links specify required protocols in the mac app layout section of the build file
Example: args.urlSchemes = ["your-protocol"] will handle following links: your-protocol://open?file=file&line=line 
2015-01-12 15:19:21,012 [  40553]   INFO -                  TestNG Runner - Create TestNG Template Configuration 
2015-01-12 15:19:21,012 [  40553]   INFO -                  TestNG Runner - Create TestNG Template Configuration 
2015-01-12 15:19:21,017 [  40558]   INFO - ellij.project.impl.ProjectImpl - 21 project components initialized in 24 ms 
2015-01-12 15:19:21,017 [  40558]   INFO - le.impl.ModuleManagerComponent - 0 module(s) loaded in 0 ms 
2015-01-12 15:19:21,313 [  40854]   INFO - CompilerWorkspaceConfiguration - Available processors: 4 
2015-01-12 15:19:21,713 [  41254]   INFO - ntellij.util.proxy.CommonProxy - You have JVM property "socksProxyHost" set to "".
This may lead to incorrect behaviour. Proxy should be set in Settings | HTTP Proxy
This JVM property is old and its usage is not recommended by Oracle.

(Note: It could have been assigned by some code dynamically.) 
2015-01-12 15:19:21,730 [  41271]   INFO - ntellij.util.proxy.CommonProxy - You have JVM property "socksProxyHost" set to "".
This may lead to incorrect behaviour. Proxy should be set in Settings | HTTP Proxy
This JVM property is old and its usage is not recommended by Oracle.

(Note: It could have been assigned by some code dynamically.) 
2015-01-12 15:19:21,812 [  41353]   INFO - .roots.impl.DirectoryIndexImpl - Directory index initialized in 0 ms, indexed 0 directories 
2015-01-12 15:19:21,980 [  41521]   INFO - pl.PushedFilePropertiesUpdater - File properties pushed in 164 ms 
2015-01-12 15:19:22,531 [  42072]   INFO - rains.ide.BuiltInServerManager - built-in server started, port 63342 
2015-01-12 15:19:22,930 [  42471]   INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/codeStyleSettings.xml file is null 
2015-01-12 15:19:22,932 [  42473]   INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/projectCodeStyle.xml file is null 
2015-01-12 15:19:22,972 [  42513]   INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/fileColors.xml file is null 
2015-01-12 15:19:23,223 [  42764]   INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $APP_CONFIG$/gradle.settings.xml file is null 
2015-01-12 15:19:24,991 [  44532]   WARN - openapi.wm.impl.ToolWindowImpl - ToolWindow icons should be 13x13. Please fix jar:file:/Applications/!/artwork/toolWindowProject_AS.png 
2015-01-12 15:19:26,053 [  45594]   INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/gant_config.xml file is null 
2015-01-12 15:19:26,164 [  45705]   INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Indexable files iterated in 3824 ms 
2015-01-12 15:19:26,164 [  45705]   INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Unindexed files update started: 0 files to update 
2015-01-12 15:19:26,165 [  45706]   INFO - indexing.UnindexedFilesUpdater - Unindexed files update done in 1 ms 
2015-01-12 15:19:28,693 [  48234]   INFO - nject.config.XPathSupportProxy - XPath Support is not available 
2015-01-12 15:19:28,748 [  48289]   INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/IntelliLang.xml file is null 
2015-01-12 15:19:29,654 [  49195]   INFO - attrs.AttributeDefinitionsImpl - Found tag with unknown parent: AndroidManifest.AndroidManifestCompatibleScreens 
2015-01-12 15:19:29,654 [  49195]   INFO - attrs.AttributeDefinitionsImpl - Found tag with unknown parent: AndroidManifest.AndroidManifestSupportsInput 
2015-01-12 15:19:33,805 [  53346]   INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $APP_CONFIG$/remote-servers.xml file is null 
2015-01-12 15:19:34,116 [  53657]   INFO - tor.impl.FileEditorManagerImpl - Project opening took 14717 ms 
2015-01-12 15:19:40,193 [  59734]   INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $APP_CONFIG$/intentionSettings.xml file is null 
2015-01-12 15:19:44,052 [  63593]   INFO - s.impl.stores.FileBasedStorage - Document was not loaded for $PROJECT_CONFIG_DIR$/checker.xml file is null 
2015-01-12 15:19:45,960 [  65501]   INFO - dea.ddms.adb.AdbService$Ddmlib - DDMLib initialized 
2015-01-12 15:19:49,548 [  69089]   INFO - a.gradle.invoker.GradleInvoker - About to execute Gradle tasks: [:app:assembleDebug] 
2015-01-12 15:19:49,575 [  69116]   INFO - s.plugins.gradle.GradleManager - Instructing gradle to use java from /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_60.jdk/Contents/Home 
2015-01-12 15:19:49,686 [  69227]   INFO - dle.util.AndroidGradleSettings - Found Android SDK home at '/Applications/sdk' (from file) 
2015-01-12 15:19:49,686 [  69227]   INFO - a.gradle.invoker.GradleInvoker - Build JVM args: [] 
2015-01-12 15:19:49,689 [  69230]   INFO - ls.idea.gradle.util.GradleUtil - Looking for embedded Maven repo at '/Applications/Android' 
2015-01-12 15:19:49,764 [  69305]   INFO - ls.idea.gradle.util.GradleUtil - Looking for embedded Gradle distribution at '/Applications/Android' 
2015-01-12 15:19:49,764 [  69305]   INFO - a.gradle.invoker.GradleInvoker - Build command line options: [--configure-on-demand, -Pandroid.injected.invoked.from.ide=true, --init-script, /private/var/folders/13/44ynsdyx0jdgyz3ghh8z2y580000gn/T/asLocalRepo6286008561669474057.gradle] 
2015-01-12 15:19:49,771 [  69312]   INFO - .project.GradleExecutionHelper - Passing command-line args to Gradle Tooling API: [--configure-on-demand, -Pandroid.injected.invoked.from.ide=true, --init-script, /private/var/folders/13/44ynsdyx0jdgyz3ghh8z2y580000gn/T/asLocalRepo6286008561669474057.gradle] 
2015-01-12 15:23:20,310 [ 279851]   INFO - ntellij.util.proxy.CommonProxy - You have JVM property "socksProxyHost" set to "".
This may lead to incorrect behaviour. Proxy should be set in Settings | HTTP Proxy
This JVM property is old and its usage is not recommended by Oracle.

(Note: It could have been assigned by some code dynamically.) 
2015-01-12 15:26:55,407 [ 494948]   INFO - ntellij.util.proxy.CommonProxy - You have JVM property "socksProxyHost" set to "".
This may lead to incorrect behaviour. Proxy should be set in Settings | HTTP Proxy
This JVM property is old and its usage is not recommended by Oracle.

(Note: It could have been assigned by some code dynamically.) 
2015-01-12 15:30:06,745 [ 686286]   INFO - ntellij.util.proxy.CommonProxy - You have JVM property "socksProxyHost" set to "".
This may lead to incorrect behaviour. Proxy should be set in Settings | HTTP Proxy
This JVM property is old and its usage is not recommended by Oracle.

(Note: It could have been assigned by some code dynamically.) 
2015-01-12 15:33:58,615 [ 918156]   INFO - ntellij.util.proxy.CommonProxy - You have JVM property "socksProxyHost" set to "".
This may lead to incorrect behaviour. Proxy should be set in Settings | HTTP Proxy
This JVM property is old and its usage is not recommended by Oracle.

(Note: It could have been assigned by some code dynamically.) 

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