用于Cisco / Juniper配置备份的EXPECT脚本

时间:2015-01-12 06:14:53

标签: configuration scripting expect cisco



      login / send credentials
      expect prompt
      send command "show version"
      if output contains "JUNOS" then
                send command 1
                send command 2
                send command 3
      otherwise if output contains "Cisco" then
                send command 1
                send command 2
                send command 3


set timeout 5
set hostname [lindex $argv 0]
set username "user"
set password "pass"

spawn ssh $username@$hostname

expect "Password:"
send "$password\n"
expect "#" {
send "terminal length 0\n"
send "show running-config\n"
expect "end\r"
send "\n"
send "exit\n"


感谢您输入Dinesh - 我已更新我的脚本以包含您提供的内容(如下所示)

set timeout 5
set hostname [lindex $argv 0]
set username "user"
set password "pass"
set prompt "(>|#|\\\$) $"

spawn ssh $username@$hostname

expect "*assword:"
send $password\r
send \r
expect -re $prompt {

    send "show version\r"
    expect -re $prompt
    expect *;

    set output $expect_out(buffer);

    #Basic string check logic with Tcl
    if { [string first "JUNOS" $output ]!=-1 } {
        send "show configuration | display set | no-more"
    expect -re $prompt
    send "exit\r"
    } else {
    send "terminal length 0\r"
    expect -re $prompt
    send "show run\r"
    expect "end"
    send \r
    expect -re $prompt
    send "exit\r"

然而,当我运行此脚本时,我遇到的问题是“show version”的输出似乎与我的“字符串检查”不匹配,因此脚本忽略“if”语句并继续执行“ “声明。

“show version”命令的输出如下 - 我需要修改什么才能使“JUNOS”字符串匹配?

user@host> show version
Hostname: host
Model: srx240h
JUNOS Software Release [11.4R7.5]


05c4rw@testpc:~/script$ ./ssh.sh
spawn ssh user@juniperhost
## LOGIN BANNER - Removed for brevity

user@juniperhost's password:
--- JUNOS 11.4R7.5 built 2013-03-01 11:40:03 UTC
user@juniperhost> show version
Hostname: juniperhost
Model: srx240h
JUNOS Software Release [11.4R7.5]

user@juniperhost> show configuration | display set | no-more
set version 11.4R7.5


## *** END OF OUTPUT from previous command

 user@juniper> spawn ssh user@ciscohost
 ## LOGIN BANNER - removed for brevitiy


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

set timeout 5
set hostname [lindex $argv 0]
set username "user"
set password "pass"

spawn ssh $username@$hostname

expect "Password:"
send "$password\r"
expect "#" {

    send "terminal length 0\r"
    expect "#"
    # This is to clean up the previous expect_out(buffer) content
    # So that, we can get the exact output what we need.
    expect *;         
    send "show running-config\r"
    expect "end"

    #Now, the content of 'expect_out(buffer)' has the whole 'show run' output
    set output $expect_out(buffer);

    #Basic string check logic with Tcl  
    if { [string first "JUNOS" $output ]!=-1 } {
           # Apply your logic here
           # send "command1"
           # expect "#"
    } else {
           # Same as above        

           # I assume, there are 2 possibilities. So, keeping 'else' part alone.
           # Have 'else if', if you have more than 2.



如果您有兴趣了解有关您需要expect *的原因的更多信息,可以查看here。 (这是一个单独的故事)

我可以看到,在您的示例中,有一些命令仅用于send。基本上,expect将使用两个可行的命令,例如sendexpect。在这种情况下,如果使用send,则必须在之后拥有expect(在大多数情况下)。 (反之亦然,不要求是强制性的)


答案 1 :(得分:0)


您可能希望查看类似Rancid的内容,而不是使用这些脚本。 Rancid不仅会备份您的设备配置,它还会在预定义的时间间隔内为您提供设备上的差异(例如,如果您将间隔设置为15分钟,则每隔15分钟就会登录到您的设备配置,备份它们并使用以前的版本进行差异并显示差异