
时间:2015-01-12 02:18:58

标签: c++ arrays function average function-prototypes


   #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    int getWeight();
    int findLowest(int arrayWeight);
    double calcAverage(int weight);
    bool askToContinue();

    int main(){

            int weights = getWeight();
            double lowest = findLowest(weights);
            double average = calcAverage(weights);

    int getWeight() {

        int weights[5]; //array
        double enterWeight = 0;
        bool validAmount = false;

        //For loop to gather info and place amounts in an array
        cout << "Please enter the weights of the Tulbuks: " << endl;
        cout << endl;
        for (int counter = 0; counter < 5; counter++)
            cin >> weights[counter];
            //validAmount = (weights[index] > 5) && (weights[index] <= 500);

        //Test to redisplay the entered information
        cout << "Entered information: " << endl;
        for(int index = 0; index < 5; index++)
            cout << "\nThe entered information for Tulbuk #" << (index+1) << " is: " << weights[index];
            cout << endl;

        return -1;



            //Gather user input of amount of discs
            cout << "How many discs do you wish to purchase?" << endl;
            cout << "Please enter a number between 1 and 1,000,000" << endl;
            cin >> weights;
            cout << endl;
            validAmount = (weights > 5) && (weights <= 500);                              // Tests if the amount entered is valid
            if (!validAmount)                                                             // Prompts user amount entered was invalid
                cout << "Invalid Amount. Please try again!" << endl;
        while(!validAmount);                                                              // Runs loop again if the amount entered was not valid

        return discs;



    int findLowest(int arrayWeight){

        int lowWeight = 999999;

        if(lowWeight > arrayWeight)
                lowWeight = arrayWeight;

        cout << arrayWeight;


        return arrayWeight;

    double calcAverage(int weight){

        float avgWeight = 0;
        int sumWeight = 0;

        //Calls findLowest function to find lowest value
        int lowestWeight = findLowest(weight);

        //Calculates the average score

        return weight;

    bool askToContinue()                                                                 // Asks the user if they want to continue. If yes, the loop restarts. If no, the program exits.

        char userResponse = ' ';
        bool validInput = false;

            cout << endl;
            cout << "Do you wish to continue?" << endl;
            cout << "Enter y for 'yes' or n for 'no'" << endl;
            cin >> userResponse;
            validInput = (userResponse == 'y') || (userResponse == 'n');
            if (!validInput)
                cout << "Invalid response. Please try again!" << endl;
        } while (!validInput);
        return(userResponse == 'y');

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

const int numWeights = 5;

void getWeights(int weights[]);
int findLowest(int weights[]);
double calcAverage(int weights[]);
bool askToContinue();

int main() {
    do {
        int weights[numWeights];
        double average = calcAverage(weights);
        cout << "Average: " << average << endl;
    while (askToContinue());


void getWeights(int weights[]) {

    double enterWeight = 0;
    bool validAmount = false;

        //For loop to gather info and place amounts in an array
        cout << "Please enter the weights of the Tulbuks: " << endl;
        cout << endl;
        for (int counter = 0; counter < 5; counter++)
            int weight;
            cin >> weight;
            while (weight < 5 || weight > 500) 
                cout << "Invalid weight, should be between 5 and 500" << endl;
                cin >> weight;
            weights[counter] = weight;
            //validAmount = (weights[index] > 5) && (weights[index] <= 500);

        //Test to redisplay the entered information
        cout << "Entered information: " << endl;
        for(int index = 0; index < 5; index++)
            cout << "\nThe entered information for Tulbuk #" << (index+1) << " is: " << weights[index];
            cout << endl;


int findLowest(int weights[]) {
    int lowestVal = weights[0];
    int lowestIndex = 0;

    for (int i=1; i<numWeights; i++) {
        if (weights[i] < lowestVal) {
            lowestVal = weights[i];
            lowestIndex = i;
    return lowestIndex;


double calcAverage(int weights[]) {
    int lowestIndex = findLowest(weights);
    int total = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<numWeights; i++) {
        if (i != lowestIndex) {
            total += weights[i];
    return (double)total/(double)(numWeights-1);